Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 161, Internal changes in the rudder

Chapter 161, Internal changes in the rudder

It is said that Fengli released these two pieces of news, which spread in the martial arts, and some people who competed for fame and fortune had already geared up their fists and eagerly rushed to Yueyang.Most of the heroes just come to Yueyang to watch the excitement.And some of the heroes wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Feng Li, a martial arts scum.

Of course, Shangguan Jing knew the inside story best, and had already sent a signal to the family in a special way. Each line sent thirty masters to come to Yueyang under the leadership of the left and right guardians.

After Fengli sent these two messages, he was not in a hurry to rush on the road. Instead, he was much slower than the previous few days. He only traveled fifty miles a day. When it was dark, he stopped in a town called Siguo Town.

Fengli sent an order, five hundred soldiers camped outside the town, camped anywhere, buried pots to make food, and all the soldiers followed the order, no problem.

Fengli lives in a restaurant named Piaoxiang. The restaurant sees that Fengli is wearing an official robe and the clothes of a big internal guard, and the restaurant has long been frightened.

All this satisfied Fengli's vanity. Being an official is really different. Although the chief rudder of the Jiangnan waterway is the second largest gang in the world, no matter how majestic the rudder is, not many ordinary people are afraid of it. .

Therefore, Feng Li said to the shop owner: "Boss, don't be afraid. I am a kind person and love the people like a son. Just do your job well. Just make some delicious specialties in your shop."

The shopkeeper nodded again and again, he was well-informed, and after listening to Fengli's words, he knew that this official had only been in office for a short time, and he didn't even know how to speak in an official style, so his courage grew a little, and he was not as scared as before, so he ordered the waiter to hurry up up.

Feng Li and the other twenty or so people finished their dinner, washed off their exhaustion, went to bed and rested, and had nothing to say all night.

At dawn the next day, before it was too early, the brigade set off to continue on their way.

Along the way, I traveled at a leisurely pace. I traveled more than a hundred miles in one day. It was still early in the day when I applied for the license plate. There was a small county town in front of me.

Fengli and his twenty people found a larger inn to live in. After dinner, he asked the rest of the people to rest, except for the person who came from the south of the Yangtze River to report the news.

His surname is Wang Mingjin, he is not weak in martial arts, he is the same age as Feng Li, 29 years old this year.When Fengli first joined the rudder of the Jiangnan Waterway, he became close friends with Fengli. It can be said that Fengli and Wang Jin had the best relationship in the rudder.

After everyone had left, Fengli smiled and said, "Old Geng, how do we two brothers feel?"

Wang Jin's back was chilled, and his reply was no longer fluent: "Chief rudder, rudder master, we have a very good relationship."

"Really? It's been more than ten years, not a day or two. Before I, Feng, became the helmsman, I dared to do things that I was sorry to anyone, but I didn't dare to do things that I was sorry to you, because in the main rudder of the Jiangnan Waterway, I regard you as my own brother."

Wang Jin heard the words with tears in his eyes, knelt down in front of Fengli and said, "Please forgive me, Master Rudder. I, Wang Jin, have no choice but to take away my wife, children and my old and frail old mother. If I If I didn't deceive you to save your wife and children this time, then my whole family will be killed by them..."

"Okay, brother, get up, you are right, people do not do what they want, and heaven and earth destroy it. If it were me, I would do the same for my own family, because people are not grass and trees, so who can be ruthless?" Fengli laughed.

Wang Jin stood up slowly, and then explained the mutiny of the main rudder of the Jiangnan Waterway in detail.

It turned out that at the Huashan Youth League meeting, Fengli made an appearance in the arena, openly betrayed, and caused a sensation in the entire martial arts world.The rudder masters of the eight sub-divisions of the Jiangnan Waterway couldn't help being furious, and they met to discuss urgently, trying to nominate a new rudder master to get rid of the control of Feng Li, a scum.

However, the eight people all wanted to be the chief helmsman, and refused to give in to each other, so they broke up unhappy, and then became kings independently, and no one obeyed the other.But their decision to attack the main rudder was unanimous.

On the eve of the New Year's Eve, the eight rudder masters personally led dozens of masters to the main rudder, and the master rudder only had dozens of guards, and the masters were all brought to Mount Hua by Fengli.

Therefore, with only a cup of tea, the main rudder was occupied, but they searched every corner of the main rudder, and they didn't even have a single coin or anything of value.

This is not surprising, but even Fengli's wife Cailian and son Fengzhong are also missing, which is strange.

The eight chief rudder masters found nothing, so they couldn't help being furious and tortured the servants of the chief rudder. These servants said that Cailian's mother and son were sleeping in the bedroom, but it was strange that they were nowhere to be seen.

The eight people had no choice but to set fire to the main rudder in a fit of anger. The fire burned for two days and two nights, and after it was extinguished, they found a tunnel entrance.

Only then did everyone understand that Fengli's wife and children had escaped from here.

In desperation, the master of the second rudder gave an order: "Take Wang Jin down."

When Wang Jin heard the shout, he was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, he was pushed to the ground by the guards of Rudder Master Yi and tied up by them.

After waiting for a while, Wang Jin saw that four people had been kidnapped and brought to him. Wang Jin was shocked, knowing that his identity as an undercover agent had been exposed.

Needless to say about the following things, Wang Jin agreed to their request, and only then did the above mentioned.

As everyone knows, Fengli already knew that there was a secret room in the house, and Fengli was afraid that something would happen in the rudder. When he came to Huashan, he told his wife Cailian that if something happened, he would take the suitcase by the bed and quickly go to the tunnel. Run away, go to a blacksmith shop in the eastern suburbs of Yueyang City, find a blacksmith named Fengshou, he will arrange for the mother and son.

After Wang Jin finished speaking, his face was full of shame, waiting for Fengli to pay off.

Feng Li smiled after hearing this: "Such idiots, don't give them any color. They think the tiger doesn't show its power and thinks it's a sick cat. Don't worry, since you are so honest, the friendship between our two brothers will not change, I will rescue you Family members, seek justice."

Wang Jin bowed to Fengli again and again, and was very grateful to Fengli.

Fengli still smiled slightly: "Where do they want me to meet them?"

"The helmsman is really going, so what's wrong with this trip?" Wang Jin said awkwardly.

"You don't want to save your family?" Fengli laughed.

"But going to the rudder is in danger of life!" Wang Jin couldn't bear it.

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't get a tiger's cub. Well, it's decided like this. You tell me the address." Fengli asked again.

"Northern Dementor Pass of Yueyang City." Wang Jin said this place, his heart pounding.

Fengli frowned after hearing this, and then said to Wang Jin: "Okay, I understand. Wash up and go to bed early, and leave tomorrow at Mao. Try to reach Yueyang before February [-]th. There are still many things to do when we go back."

Wang Jin hurriedly agreed, turned around and left, Fengli also stood up slowly, and said to himself: "If you want to play big, I, Feng, will accompany you to the end, and whoever plays will die, ride a donkey to read the songbook, We'll see." It is:
Prepare for a rainy day and build a darkroom,
After the catastrophe, I will persuade my husband for the rest of my life.

(End of this chapter)

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