Chivalry is full of rivers and lakes

Chapter 162, Husband and wife meet again

Chapter 162, Husband and wife meet again

It is said that after listening to Wang Jin's story, Fengli knew the general situation of the main rudder of the Jiangnan waterway and the address where they were going to put him to death.

He was thinking quickly in his mind, he wanted to return to Yueyang City in the south of the Yangtze River as soon as possible, then get rid of his opponents, regain control of the main rudder of the Jiangnan waterway, and never let the power in the rudder be left behind.

Silent night!
The next day, Fengli and his entourage got up at Maoshi, and it was too early, Fengli ordered: Hurry up, and must arrive at Yueyang in the south of the Yangtze River before February [-]th. Today is the sixth day of February, and there is still half a month left.

Let's talk about hundreds of iron cavalry flying like arrows on the official road. The pedestrians on both sides dodged quickly, thinking that there was a commotion there, they dispatched hundreds of iron cavalry to suppress it.

Under Fengli's urgent urging, he arrived at Yueyang City on the [-]th day of the second lunar month, two days earlier than expected.

Five hundred soldiers were still stationed outside Yueyang City, and the rest entered the city with Fengli.Now the main rudder no longer exists, and it has been burned to waste.

Standing in the ruins, Fengli saw ruins and desolation everywhere. Fengli stayed here for 14 years, and this situation only added to the sadness.

He came back today in such a high-profile manner, showing off his might, in fact announcing to his martial arts colleagues: He Fengli is an official of the imperial court and guards with a sword in front of the fourth-rank hall. Now he is dressed in an official uniform and is a senior official of the fourth rank.If you want to touch me, you have to think about it clearly.

At this time, a trusted aide came to Fengli's side and whispered something in his ear. Fengli frowned after hearing this, and then said: "According to the original plan."

The confidant responded with a "yes", then turned and left.

Fengli walked around the ruins of the main rudder, and stood in a daze at the entrance of the secret passage.I thought: If it wasn't for this hole, I'm afraid that my wife and children would have been controlled by the rudder master of the eight major sub-rudders. If this is the case, then I am really completely passive.

He stayed on the ruins of the main rudder for a while, and the ten big insiders and more than ten cronies stood there motionless.

Finally Fengli said, "Let's go and live in the Dongting Inn." After speaking, one person walked forward, and all the cronies hurriedly followed, followed closely by ten masters.

After staying in the inn, Fengli issued an order that within three days, no one was allowed to go out, and they were on standby to deal with emergencies at any time.

At the second watch of the night, a black-shirted masked guest jumped out of a room in the Dongting Inn. After leaving the inn, the black-shirted masked guest hurried eastwards, left the east gate of the city, and came to a blacksmith's shop outside Xiaowai. , and three owl hoots came out of his mouth.

Not long after, there was a light in the shop, obviously the people in the house knew that there was someone outside.

The door opened a crack, and the masked man in black came in. He came to the shop, sat in a small living room, and said, "Thank you, Uncle Feng, for saving my wife and children. Fengli is being polite here." The facial person clasped his fists.

This man is the old blacksmith Fengshou. He was originally from Jianghu.Because of the strong wind and rough waves in the lake, Feng harvest was exhausted, it happened that Fengli's lake patrol boat passed by this lake area and was rescued by Fengli.

At that time, Fengshou was nearly 60 years old. This fright, coupled with the fact that it was the middle of winter and the water in the lake was freezing cold, Fengshou couldn't afford to get sick.

Fengli invited a doctor to treat Fengshou's disease. It took more than two months to cure Fengshou's disease.Fengshou volunteered to stay in order to repay his life-saving grace.

Later, Fengli learned that Fengshou had blacksmithing skills, so he bought a piece of land in the eastern suburbs and built several houses, and asked Fengshou to pretend to be blacksmiths in case of emergency.

Sure enough, there was internal strife at this time, and the harvest came in handy here.

At this moment, Fengshou clasped his fists at Fengli: "The rudder master is polite, this is what I should do."

Fengli didn't beat around the bush, and asked bluntly, "Where's their mother and son? Are you okay?"

"It's in the underground chamber, that's fine. The helm chief won't go and see."

"Well, lead the way, thanks for your hard work."

"You don't have to be polite, the helmsman, you should, you should."

The two asked and answered, with Fengli behind and Fengshou leading the way, all the way to the backyard.Go through the three-entry house and come to a room full of sundries.

Fengli is actually very familiar with this place. This house was designed by him and built by the supervisor. He knows every brick, tile and wood here like the back of his hand.It's just that he hasn't been here for several years since he became the chief rudder.

Fengshou pressed the mechanism on the wall, and the door of the secret room opened slowly. Fengshou made a gesture of invitation, and then said: "Please come in, Master Rudder. It would be great for the family to reunite here, if it can be like this forever gone."

Fengli didn't care to listen to the words of harvest, and had already stepped into the secret room, only to hear the door of the secret room shut heavily with a bang.Fengli inside was surprised when he heard the sound: How could this happen?
He saw his wife and children eagerly at this time, so he didn't have time to think about it.Go all the way inside.The darkroom is not big, only two feet square.After walking for more than ten feet, he saw two familiar figures under a yellow pine oil lamp. They were his wife Cailian and his son Fengzhong.

Cailian was awakened by the sound of the door closing, she took out a dagger from under the pillow with her right hand, and stared closely at the masked man who was getting closer and closer to him, feeling terrified in her heart.

Feng Li didn't realize that he was still covering his face, and as he approached step by step, Cailian suddenly shouted angrily: "Stop, if you move forward, I will kill myself."

Feng Li was startled, thinking that Cai Lian had mutinied at the helm on New Year's Eve. She was frightened and lost her mind, and now she has sequelae.

So he opened his mouth and said to his wife Cailian: "What are you talking about? I am Fengli?"

"Are you Fengli?"

"Can't you hear the sound?"

"You... why are you covering your face?"

"Oh, hahaha! I forgot." Fengli pulled off the mask and laughed.

Under the dim light, Cailian could clearly see the face of the person who came, it was her husband Fengli.

Cailian came from a humble background, she was sold to Sushuihu's house as a maidservant since she was a child, and she was bullied a lot since she was a child, but since she married Fengli, the couple have been loving each other.Because of Fengli's constant enterprising spirit, the bigger and bigger the ambition, it has reached the point of madness.

For this reason, Cailian often persuaded her, and at first Fengli explained to her, but later Cailian explained it many times, and Fengli was upset when she heard it.

The two are in the same room, and because they pursue different goals, they have no common words for a long time.What Cailian thinks is that she can live a life full of three meals.But what Fengli thought about was great wealth and great honor, the glory and wealth of the superior person.

Therefore, Fengli went further and further on the road of pursuing power and wealth, so that he changed from a righteous knight to a martial arts scum. During the mutiny in the Jiangnan waterway, Cailian and her beloved son Fengzhong almost became victims.Fortunately, he had prepared many years ago, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Now, the family met secretly in the secret room. Although they were happy, there was inevitably a sense of irony.The majestic Jiangnan water and land chief rudder has fallen to such an extent.

Fengli had mixed feelings: "My wife, I'm sorry for scaring both of you mother and son."

Cailian heard that Fengli spoke with sincerity, her eyes were already filled with tears, and she was still trembling with fear for the rest of her life: "Stop it, for the sake of the child." It was exactly:
A trapped old man is also a kindness repayment,
Out of the dark room but for fame.

(End of this chapter)

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