The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 158 Murder Announcement

Chapter 158 Murder Announcement

The imperial capital of Zhao Kingdom, Qixi night.

Four fireworks exploded in succession in the sky.

In previous years, all the sons and daughters of the Zhao Kingdom looked forward to the Qixi Festival, looking forward to exchanging heartfelt love with their lovers when the fireworks exploded.

Tonight, the people of Zhao State also waited for the fireworks with the same mood.

But they absolutely did not expect that the four fireworks made the people of Zhao Guo more frightened than the other.

The first three fireworks, together with the crown prince of Yue Kingdom, vowed to take the head of the host of the Bodhidharma Temple.

It is already inconceivable that the prince of Yue's murder declaration appeared on the territory of Zhao State.

And the person he openly threatened to kill turned out to be a world-renowned eminent monk.

This is even more surprising.

But these are not as good as the fourth firework.

Because when it exploded, the Zhao people were all covered in blood and bones.

Many women screamed and passed out after realizing that what fell on their hair turned out to be human flesh and blood.

Even a grown man would turn pale when he saw flesh and blood falling from the sky.

No matter how surprised these people were, they couldn't compare to the real abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple.

He is now dressing up as an ordinary monk on foot and placing orders at Cixin Temple in the suburbs of Beijing.

Although he looks only about 40 years old, the director of Bodhidharma Temple has always had a domineering arrogance.

It's just that this domineering arrogance seems to have been completely wiped out by the flesh and blood that fell from the sky.

No need to guess, the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple knew that these flesh and blood must belong to Yue Buhe and You Wenchan.

He just left a letter to the two of them.

Only one night passed, and they reappeared in front of the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple in this way.

Obviously, this is Jun Wu's merciless mockery of himself.

Laughing at him for playing tricks, but he is still the mouse that Jun Wu can't escape.

This is not right!
He is the old nine!It's the one who can make the sleeper bugs in Junwu's brain go into convulsions!
Why is the situation completely reversed now!
Instead, he became a person who was controlled to the point where he couldn't get rid of it.

The abbot of Bodhidharma Temple couldn't help shaking, and he didn't know whether it was out of fear or anger.

Suddenly, he looked at the abbot of Cixin Temple who couldn't help but sneered at him.

There was nowhere to vent the anger in his heart, and the abbot of Dharma Temple kept on doing one thing, and suddenly trampled on him.

The abbot of Cixin Temple was taken aback. The monk who placed the order had such a fierce expression on his face that he even made himself forget for a moment that the other person was an ordinary person with no internal strength.

The abbot of Cixin Temple shrank instinctively, and then immediately recovered his anger, wanting to teach this ignorant monk a lesson.

Who knew that the walking monk's movements were smooth and quick, even though he had no inner strength, he couldn't catch him so fast.

After blinking his eyes, the abbot of Cixin Temple realized that a dagger had pierced his heart.

The abbot of Cixin Temple said "ho ho" and finally curled up like a shrimp in pain and fell straight to the ground.

The walking monk sighed, he couldn't even kill people so easily after losing his internal strength.

He took another step forward and straddled the abbot of Cixin Temple.

He picked up the dagger and stabbed him several times in the heart, and the blood splashed everywhere finally aroused the vigilance of several young monks in the hall.

Two young monks poked their heads out, but what they saw was the scene of Fang Chang being stabbed to death by a wandering monk.

These little novice monks uttered a cry and wanted to run away in all directions.

The traveling monk couldn't control the abbot of Cixin Temple, so he drew out his dagger and chased after several young monks.

Those little novice monks were even weaker, they were caught in a few strokes, and they cut their throats with a dagger.

Not long after, Cixin Temple completely fell silent.

Only the soaring bloody breath remained, and the blood splattered on the Buddha statue.

The traveling monk came out of the hall panting heavily.

The fireworks outside have stopped, the whole city has been hit by fine flesh, and the shouting outside has not stopped.

This little commotion in Cixin Temple did not attract the attention of outsiders.

And the traveling monk, or the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple, couldn't help panting heavily.

He has extremely high internal strength and rarely meets opponents.

But the physical body finally couldn't hold on and was about to decline.

The presiding officer of the Dharma Temple has an important task that he cannot shirk.

But relying on his decayed body, he couldn't even come to Junwu's side.

In desperation, he could only make the final decision—to take Wucaishi Powder.

This drug can concentrate the last kidney in the body, open up the meridian in an instant and restore the body to the youthful physique.

But this drug also has side effects that are unacceptable to the world - it will use up all the internal energy of the whole body, but cannot change the remaining lifespan of a person.

Except for some concubines in the palace who are resentful and favored, very few people will take this rare medicine.

Only the host of the Bodhidharma Temple knows that compared to the powerful contacts of a prince of a country, no matter how high his martial arts is, it may not help him.

Coupled with the fact that he was already in his dying years, it was difficult to use his internal strength empty-handed.

He simply severed his wrists, gave up all his internal strength, and exchanged for a young and healthy body.

The abbot of Dharma Temple is confident that as long as his sleeping insects are still there, Jun Wu will not be able to escape his control.

When the body of Zhuzi was in pain due to convulsions, the martial arts practitioners he summoned would surely wipe him out!
Good idea.

It's just that he never expected Jun Wu to grow into a monster.

Not only did he gain insight into the plan hosted by Dharma Temple, but he also provoked himself with fireworks.

The abbot of the Dharma Temple just killed a few people, and now he can't help panting.

He didn't know whether it was because of excitement or fear, his body trembled involuntarily.

Looking at the dark night sky in the distance, his heart surged: "Junwu. You are born in my palm. You can't change this!"

The one who also looked at the night sky was Jun Wu who lived in the inn.

He was leaning against the window at this moment, looking at the outside world with a cold face.

The noise from the people of Zhao State downstairs has not stopped.

It seems that the scattered flesh and blood in the sky really stimulated them a lot.

The reason why Jun Wu made such a big move was actually to stimulate the abbot of Nadama Temple.

Now Jun Wu knows nothing about the details except that he knows that the Bodhidharma Temple presiding over the alliance with the warriors from all over the world will be detrimental to him.

The head of the Bodhidharma Temple was very cautious, and he didn't show up when contacting Yue Buhe and You Wenchan.

The next step is not written on the letterhead to them.

Jun Wu couldn't even be sure whether the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple was still near Zhao's imperial city.

This time the fireworks are just a trial.

Jun Wu's purpose is to mess up the position of the presiding officer of the Bodhidharma Temple.

As long as his position is messed up, he will naturally make more mistakes.

Junwu is not afraid of any enemies, he just hates them burrowing into the ground like mice.

Only by drawing them out can Jun Wu catch them all.

Jun Wu was planning the next step in his mind, when suddenly someone knocked lightly on the door of the guest room.

Jun Wu frowned, it was indeed inconvenient to stay in a hotel.

At this time, Xiaoer's voice came from the door and said respectfully: "Guest officer, Lord Wei sent a carriage to pick him up.

I wonder if the guest officer is leaving now? "

(End of this chapter)

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