The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 159 A traitor appeared among them

Chapter 159 A traitor appeared among them

The elimination of the "Old Nine Venerables" may expose Junwu's weakness.

So he acted alone this trip, and he didn't even bring the killing star with him.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a palace in Zhao Guozhong, so he can only live in an inn.

At this time, the door of the guest room was knocked cautiously, and someone outside asked respectfully: "Guest officer, Lord Wei sent a carriage to fetch you.

I wonder if the guest officer is leaving now? "

Jun Wu frowned slightly.

Although he didn't deliberately hide his identity, he didn't expect someone to find him so soon.

Jun Wu didn't know Lord Wei, but obviously this person should be a nobleman of Zhao State.

Now he is not afraid of anyone or traps, but he is worried that the enemy will not take the initiative to come out and be killed.

Jun Wu stood up quickly and said, "Let's go."

When Jun Wu came to the inn, he saw a tall carriage.

Four healthy horses were driving a spacious thick cloth carriage, and the driver was a middle-aged man with a tough face.

It's just that his face was solemn and introverted, and when he saw Jun Wu, he bowed his head first and saluted.

Jun Wu got into the carriage, and saw that all the furnishings in the carriage were extremely elegant.

The carriage was as spacious as a small house.There is a dark stove embedded in the middle, and the teapot on it is rolling, exuding a faint fragrance of tea.

Just because the dark stove and the teapot were firmly fixed, no matter how fast the carriage ran, it would not fall over.

Next to it is a low table with a tea set as thin as a cicada's wing embedded in it.

There is a four-color brocade box next to the tea set, which contains dried fruits, candied fruit, pine nuts, and mint leaves.There was also a small set of gambling equipment, which turned out to be Pai Gow, dice, and gambling cups.

The owner of the carriage wants to enjoy life very well.

The carriage drove Jun Wu all the way, and gradually entered the 24 squares in Zhao Guo's capital, Haiyou Square, where only the wealthy can afford to live.

The carriage did not stop, and drove directly from the main entrance into a mansion.

It seems that the so-called Lord Wei respected Jun Wu so much that he treated a prince from another country with such high courtesy.

When the carriage finally stopped, Jun Wu got down from the carriage and saw that the place where he was located was an exquisite and atmospheric courtyard.

At a certain distance in the courtyard, there is a stone pillar dragging a huge night pearl, which not only illuminates the courtyard, but also shows the luxury of the owner of the courtyard.

Anyone who sees such a courtyard will be dumbfounded and amazed at the wealth of the owner.

But Jun Wu himself is a prince, and he has the vision of another life.

Even if the courtyard was entirely built by Ye Mingzhu, it might not surprise Jun Wu.

When he got off the carriage, someone laughed loudly and said: "Prince Yue arrives, I'm sorry to welcome you!"

The speaking voice was very old, and the person who walked out of the house was also a thin old man.

But the old man had a cheerful smile on his face. Although he was thin, he looked energetic.

What's even more strange is that he walked steadily, but he walked out with the support of two beautiful maids.

These two maids are beautiful and have their own characteristics.

She has a slender figure, but leans gently on the skinny old man as if she is weak and helpless.

In this way, instead, it was Lord Wei who walked out with the support of the two young ladies.

Seeing the indifferent expression on Jun Wu's face, Lord Wei immediately said angrily to the groom who drove over: "Why did you offend Prince Yue? Go down and receive the punishment!"

The coachman bowed his head and said yes, then drove the carriage and left the courtyard.

Lord Wei said to the two beauties beside him again: "Good boy, all go down. Come back when I call you."

The two beauties refused immediately, coquettishly unwilling to leave.

At this moment, Lord Wei's smiling face suddenly changed.

Although he didn't say another word, the two beauties immediately fell silent.

As if terrified of Lord Wei, both of them left the courtyard in a hurry without saying a word.

In an instant, only Lord Wei and Junwu were left in this huge courtyard.

The thin old man bowed lightly to Jun Wu and said, "Please also invite His Royal Highness Prince Yue and the old man to enter."

After saying that, he walked inward first.

Jun Wu also followed into the house generously.

I saw that the room was extremely spacious, and all the furnishings in it were glittering with gold, and even a few calligraphy and paintings were written with gold powder.

It shows the owner's good financial resources.

Then Lord Wei asked Jun Wu to take a seat, but he himself only sat down.

Jun Wu was not as polite as Sir Wei, so he just sat down with peace of mind.

Lord Wei continued with a smile and said: "The old man suddenly invited His Highness the Crown Prince Yue to come over, and the competition will definitely make His Highness suspicious.

Even if the old man offered tea, His Royal Highness would not drink it, so this step was omitted. "

Jun Wu was noncommittal, even if Lord Wei offered arsenic water to himself, Jun Wu could still drink it expressionlessly.

And Lord Wei continued: "As soon as I saw the fireworks set off by His Highness, I knew that His Highness must be nearby at this moment.

The old man sent people out to look for it immediately, but fortunately, His Highness is like a pearl, which cannot be hidden by the world even in the crowd. "

After hearing his exaggerated flattery, Jun Wu didn't show any joy or anger on his face.

Lord Wei found that his housekeeping skills to make a fortune didn't work for Junwu, so he continued to speak vigorously: "In fact, His Royal Highness, Prince Yue's reputation and martial arts are all at the top of the realm.

The old man has admired him for a long time, but today he was lucky enough to meet him, and only then did he realize that His Highness is like a god descending from the mortal world! "

"Say something quickly." Jun Wu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and interrupted Lord Wei's words.

Although Lord Wei is not weak in martial arts, he was able to earn such a large family fortune and obtain the title of the opposite sex all because of his own flattering skills.

The so-called flattery does not wear through thousands of clothes, Lord Wei's flattering has always been unfavorable.

It was the first time he had seen a straightforward master like Jun Wu.

Lord Wei rubbed his chin, stretched out his thumb and praised: "Okay, you're really good!"

Then his words suddenly became concise, and he said: "The reason why the old man invited His Highness here is because of His Highness's fireworks."

Seeing Lord Wei's playful and smiling face, Jun Wu seemed to be quite able to play around with the wind.

He asked indifferently: "Speak."

Lord Nawei said: "After seeing the fireworks, the old man knew that His Royal Highness the Prince Yue must have had a deep misunderstanding with the abbot of the Bodhidharma Temple.

The old man made unnecessary efforts and wanted to be a peacemaker.Can you ask your highness to sell this old man a thin noodle, and turn the fight with the host of the Bodhidharma Temple into friendship? "

"No." Jun Wu answered bluntly.

Lord Wei did not show any anger because of this.

Then he stood up suddenly, and made a big salute to Jun Wu.

Jun Wu squinted at Lord Wei coldly, and wanted to see what kind of mystery he was playing.

Then Lord Wei straightened his clothes again and said, "Since we can't ask His Highness to let the Bodhidharma Temple take charge.

Then the old man will surrender to His Highness.I am willing to be a tainted witness, and from then on I will join His Highness's door. "

(End of this chapter)

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