The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 182 Encounter

Chapter 182 Encounter

In the Qi Palace, in the bedroom where Concubine Liu Gui lives alone, there is a small dark room that even maidservants are not allowed to enter.

Now there is a muscular man sitting cross-legged in the room.

He had a thick beard on his face, and there was a beast-like fierce light in his eyes.

And beside him there was a charming woman sitting lazily.

This woman's skin is fair, and her eyes are as seductive as they are.

The two were in the dark room together but they were silent for a long time.

Suddenly the cross-legged muscular man opened his eyes and said happily: "The group of ghosts have found Prince Yue."

He said with some hesitation: "It's just that the location is not in the country of Xia, but in the territory of the country of Qi."

The woman named Yinxue stepped on the soft animal skin with bare white feet and smiled, "It seems that our work was in vain. After all, this Prince Yue is not a coward, he has come to Qi Kingdom."

The muscular man took a look at Yinxue and said, "What do you know? According to the information I got, Prince Yue came to Xia Kingdom with only 1000 people with him.

If he doesn't return to Yue to dispatch troops, even if he brings 1000 people to the imperial capital of Qi, what's the use?

Who would have thought that the legendary prince would be so stupid!I still want my ghosts to frighten him, so that he will really bring an army to call. "

Yinxue nodded, and said again: "Could there be too many eight thousand ghosts, don't beat Prince Yue to death directly, then everything will be over later."

The muscular man sighed and said: "I'm also afraid of this. Although these 8000 people are just possessed by my ghosts, they are already weak. But Prince Yue is just a mortal after all. If we kill him directly It’s all for naught.”

Yinxue kicked her feet disdainfully, and said: "Human beings are so weak. You can only see them in groups.

To put it bluntly, it is not easy to become a monster. Our monster clan was driven into the sea of ​​​​hundred thousand trees by Xia Yu back then, not because there were too few monsters. "

The muscular man also showed disdain and said: "Humans, they are all dirty and brutal and only care about reproduction."

Suddenly he said again: "The ghost has already met Prince Yue." After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and remained silent, as if he was concentrating on something.

Yinxue also sat obediently aside, not to disturb the muscular man.

Just after a distance, in a deserted mountain in Qi State, the [-] troops led by Jun Wu also encountered a group of strange people.

Judging by their attire, this group of people may be bandits nearby.

But these people looked very strange.

Their walking and standing postures are extremely distorted, as if they can't control their hands and feet.

And the expressions on these people's faces are even more weird.

The leader of them shouted to Junwu's team: "We... are ordered by the emperor... to come... to catch the dog thief from Yue!"

These words caused a commotion in Junwu's team.Unexpectedly, the emperor of Qi got the news so soon.

Jun Wu was originally at the end of the team, but when he saw the strange bandit suddenly appearing in front of the team, he couldn't help frowning and asked Sha Xing, "What kind of monsters are these people in front?"

As for saying that they were sent by Emperor Qi, Jun Wu didn't believe it at all.

Sha Xing has lived for hundreds of years, so he should be well-informed.

But he had never seen such a strange person.

Seeing that Sha Xing couldn't answer, Jun Wu just said: "No matter who they are, since they see us, they will all be killed."

As soon as his words fell, the leader of the Vietnamese army immediately called for the battle: "Please His Royal Highness, please send our brothers to go out."

Although the enemy seemed to have thousands of people, the Vietnamese army only had 1000 people this time.

However, the generals of the Vietnamese army believed that they were sure that they could defeat the opponent.

Before Jun Wu nodded, Yan Mingxiu rushed to say: "The opponent has too many people, let me lead the brothers to fight!"

He and these former Qi Bing brothers have just joined Junwu's command and are about to make a big difference.

Jun Wu didn't object, he just said, "Go."

Yan Mingxiu was overjoyed, and immediately shouted loudly: "Brothers, follow me. Be good in front of the prince!"

When the 5 people who belonged to the Qi army heard Yan Mingxiu's call, they all shouted together: "Go! Go! Go!"

The echo reverberated for a long time in the supposedly empty valley, and the momentum was astonishing.

5 people marched at the newly learned assault pace, raised their weapons and rushed forward.

Attacking forward in this way, the bandits in the front will surely rush out of a bloody hole.

But the situation is not the same as they imagined.

Before the [-] Qi soldiers had rushed over, that group of weird bandits also rushed towards the Qi soldiers.

It's just that Ben Su wasn't very fast because their limbs were writhing strangely.

The two armies joined forces in an instant, and the group of weird bandits didn't even use weapons, they swung their arms and smashed at Qi Bing's spears.

The way of attacking the enemy with a spear by hand is unimaginable.

No matter how strong the physical training is, it is unreasonable to smash the spear hard.

However, the spears in the hands of the soldiers at the top of the queue were snapped off by the weird bandits.

These Qi soldiers were taken aback, only then they thought about showing off in front of Prince Yue.

To meet such a powerful opponent.

But the next moment, those weird bandits turned their arms and smashed the heads of those Qi soldiers again.

In an instant, the skulls of these Qi soldiers were all cracked, and their brains were scattered everywhere.

Seeing this scene, even Jun Wu's expression changed.

He has seen many martial arts masters in the past few years, but he has never seen such a strange and powerful team of thousands of people.

Seeing that the Qi soldiers were frightened by the scene where their brains were scattered.

Jun Wu said loudly: "Don't panic."

In an instant, the Qi soldiers seemed to feel a lot more stable, as if there was a force supporting them.

And those weird bandits raised their arms and threw at Qi soldiers.

The same weird and huge force descended from the sky, and the same painful feeling exploded on the top of the head.

But miraculously, no one was killed this time, and no one was even injured.

This is very strange, because a living person should never survive after such a blow.

These Qi soldiers immediately understood that they were protected by Prince Yue.

Just like in the summer palace that day, Jun Wu protected Yue soldiers and Yan Mingxiu's immortal power.

After being sure that they would not die, the soldiers of Qi State regained some courage.

They raised their spears and stabbed at the strange bandits again.

It's just that the spikes of the spears couldn't get close to the bandit's body, and were smashed off by these strange people with their arms.

The movements of these bandits were not fast. After several rounds of attacks by the Qi soldiers, most of their weapons were directly smashed by the bandits.

There were also some people who succeeded in the strong attack, but the bandits seemed to ignore it.

Even if they were pierced by sharp spears and blood flowed all over their bodies, it did not affect their twisted movements.

This scene was seen in the eyes of Jun Wu and Sha Xing, and finally Sha Xing said: "These bandits are probably not human."

Jun Wu also nodded, which he had already noticed.

Because he couldn't perceive their thoughts from these bandits.

But these people will obviously bleed after being pierced, it seems that at least they are still flesh and blood.

Obviously these bandits are just puppets controlled by others.

(End of this chapter)

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