The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 183 Undead Legion

Chapter 183 Undead Legion
Jun Wu and Sha Xing carefully looked at the eight thousand bandits that suddenly appeared.

Judging from their distorted shapes and their fearless behavior, perhaps these people are just puppets.

Jun Wu remembered that when he was still in the capital, there was an emperor's brother who was good at the art of soul indulgence.

Although there is a huge difference between the two, the method of cracking may be universal.

Seeing that the battle situation ahead is even more stalemate, although under his protection, the soldiers of Qi State cannot die.

But the enemy is too strong, and the pain every time they are swung by their arms is real.

Perhaps after a few confrontations, these Qi soldiers will no longer have the will to fight, let alone rely on them to enter the Qi palace.

Jun Wu made a decisive decision, and suddenly began to make a long howling sound.

Strange to say, Jun Wu's internal energy is abundant, and his whistling sound is long and powerful.

But this whistling sound is a continuous and refreshing ancient song.

Whether it is the soldiers of Qi who are taking the battle or the elite soldiers of Yue, this is the first time they have heard such an ancient song.

All of a sudden, everyone looked up and listened, as if they could feel the endless charm of the ancient music.

The already tormented spirits of these Qi soldiers were slowly calmed down as if they were calmed down.

And something even more strange happened, because those seemingly weird and powerful bandits also stopped moving.

These thieves used to have twisted and weird movements, but now they all looked like they were standing still.

Even if the eyes turned from blank to blank, they were more humane.

Jun Wu knew that his whistling sound really worked.

In fact, his whistling sound coincided with the "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra", which was an ancient song given to her by the system back then.

Although there is no ability to attack the enemy and win, it can make people sober.

If you are bewitched and manipulated, listening to this song can help you recover from the predicament.

Now these bandits look like they have been cleansed by the "Pure Heart and Universal Goodness Mantra" and woke up from the manipulation.

The whistling sound from Jun Wu's mouth suddenly became sharp and forceful, and went straight to the sky.

At this moment, even the most stupid person can understand the will of Prince Yue.

All Qi soldiers suddenly cheered up again.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" shouts filled the valley again.

These Qi soldiers picked up their spears again and rushed towards the group of dazed bandits.

And these bandits seemed to have changed their cores, they all showed fear but were powerless to fight back.

Even if some people tried to resist reluctantly, they were defeated by Qi soldiers.

It's ridiculous to say that Qi is located in the north, and the people are tough.

There are countless cottages and bandits in the Qilian Mountains.

It's just that the army, which is a heavy weapon of a country, is not as good as it.

Because Qi Huang was old and dull, he indulged in pleasure and seldom asked about state affairs.

Therefore, Qi's army is the weakest among the five countries.

Apart from looting the people, you can't win any battles.

On weekdays, when Qi soldiers encountered bandits, most of them fled in anticipation.

If they accidentally engage in hand-to-hand combat, they will all surrender immediately and become bandits.

The Qi soldiers in the past didn't take it seriously to turn against each other, they just changed their families to eat food and pay.

But today's situation is different. Under the training of Sha Xing, these Qi soldiers have a very different temperament.

And just now these bandits bullied the Qi soldiers ruthlessly, now seeing that they are much weaker than before, they suddenly became ruthless.

After all, there are only about 8000 bandits, how can they withstand the impact of [-] soldiers?
Immediately, they were killed and routed.

Never before have the soldiers of Qi State felt as proud as they do today.

In the past, when encountering bandits, he would run away at the wind, but now he actually killed these bandits one by one.

The moves used by these Qi soldiers were all taught by Sha Xing. They are simple and neat, but they are extremely effective when they are in battle.

The Qi soldiers who were forced to practice the same movement hard by the killing star, who were full of slander, finally knew that this simple movement turned out to be a strange move to kill the enemy and save their lives on the battlefield.

All of a sudden, these Qi soldiers became enthusiastic.

Originally, they were not born cowards, they were born with the toughness of boys from the Northland.

If it weren't for the bandits being too ruthless, how would they want to be scolded as cowards?

Even Sha Xing smiled secretly when he saw the actions of these soldiers.

He couldn't help but said to Jun Wu: "His Royal Highness is really discerning.

If these Qi soldiers were trained more, they might be able to make greater progress. "

In a short time, the eight thousand bandits were killed by Qi soldiers and fell to the ground.

The elite soldiers of the Yue Kingdom stepped forward to clean up the battlefield.

These elite soldiers from the Yue Kingdom were even more well-trained, and they made up for each of the bandits who fell on the ground.

Every sword is accurately pierced in the heart of the bandits, and they will never be left alive.

This short combat is about to end like this.

Sha Xing also smiled and said to Jun Wu: "Although I don't know where these bandits come from.

But fortunately, His Royal Highness is very powerful, these demons and heretics are really vulnerable in front of His Royal Highness. "

Whether it is Qi Bing or Yue Bing, they all have cheerful smiles on their faces.

But Crown Prince Jun Wu still frowned and said: "The matter is not over yet."

Everyone was very surprised when they heard this.

These bandits are already dead. If the matter is not over yet, could it be that reinforcements will come?

Everyone listened attentively, there was no other sound in the valley except for the whistling wind.

Under such silence, even if there are other bandits coming, they must be in a distant place.

By the time they arrived, all the soldiers under Jun Wu's command had already left.

Only one corpse will be left for them.

Jun Wu still had a serious face and said: "Don't be careless."

Prince Yue is really like a god in the eyes of these soldiers.

Since His Royal Highness said not to be careless, everyone immediately became cautious and observed what changes would happen around them.

But soon, a terrifying scene happened.

No reinforcements came, but the corpses lying on the ground suddenly started moving again.

While still alive, these corpses behaved in twisted and erratic ways.

Now it's like a puppet hanging by a string.

Every move is not like a movement that a living person can make.

And their expressions are not as blank or empty as in the past, all of them have their eyes closed, no different from dead bodies.

Not to mention that most of them have wounds on their bodies, and there are big holes left by the knife in their hearts.

The donated blood had already started to coagulate, and the body exuded a bloody smell.

This is like a group of corpses suddenly moving.

Even if the soldiers of Qi had become a lot more courageous, they were terrified out of their wits when they saw such a strange scene.

Seeing this, Sha Xing hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness, hurry up and make another howl!"

Jun Wu shook his head and said, "They are already dead now. If they can't hear howling, they won't regain consciousness from manipulation."

Sha Xing said again: "It seems that soldiers can't defeat this group of weirdos, let the subordinates go up and kill them to their heart's content!"

Jun Wu shook his head again, and said, "You can't, let me do it."

(End of this chapter)

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