Chapter 186 Dazzling
Listening to the one-eyed old eunuch telling the secrets of the tiger and fox two monsters sentence by sentence, the two monsters were very surprised.

It was also because of a strange sense of depression that made them even more vigilant.

Suddenly, the tiger spirit didn't care about attracting others' attention, he let out a long growl, and many dark ghost figures emerged from his body.

Although they are demons and not ghosts, only tiger spirits can manipulate ghosts.

These ghosts had just been defeated by Jun Wu's subordinates, and they fled back thousands of miles in a hurry, and now they are warming the sun in the demon core of the tiger spirit.

But there is no other way now, and the two monsters obviously met a master.

If you don't give it a go, you won't be able to escape in time.

Now the tiger spirit can only release the ghost again, intending to draw the old eunuch's attention, while he takes the fox spirit and leaves immediately.

Seeing these ghosts roaring like tigers, they rushed towards the one-eyed old eunuch.

The tiger spirit immediately took the vixen's little hand, trying to escape from the one-eyed old eunuch immediately.

But as soon as the ghosts came to the side of the one-eyed old eunuch, the old eunuch just waved his hand lightly.

Those ghosts screamed and disappeared.

At the same time, the tiger spirit spat out another mouthful of blood.

These ghosts of his had already suffered extremely strong damage, but they were all destroyed in one move by the one-eyed old eunuch.

It is said that ghosts do not die, and no matter how seriously injured they are, they only need a long time of shade to recover.

But these ghosts were actually scattered by the one-eyed old eunuch.

Even more tired is the master of the ghost, the tiger spirit demon Dan, who was seriously injured.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he fell to the ground involuntarily.

The face that was originally full of beard and hair turned yellow like wax paper in an instant.

The vixen screamed, but it was brother Hu who couldn't help her up.

The vixen's eyes were red, but he rushed towards the one-eyed old eunuch instead.

Although this vixen does not have ghosts as weapons like the tiger spirit, it is extremely agile.

In an instant, there seemed to be four or five figures rushing towards the one-eyed old eunuch.

I really can't tell which one is the real vixen.

But the one-eyed old eunuch didn't hesitate at all, and slapped one of the figures.

The vixen immediately flew backwards like a rattan ball.

The rest of the figures disappeared immediately.

The poor fox Jing Yinxue, who had a charming appearance and a slender figure after taking shape, fell heavily on the ground.

Blood was pouring out of her forehead, and it was obvious that she was hurt more severely than Tiger Essence.

The one-eyed old eunuch snorted and said, "Why is it so useless? Even if it is suppressed by Tiangang, it shouldn't be like this."

Both the tiger spirit and the vixen spirit froze on the ground, unable to answer the one-eyed old eunuch's question.

At this time, the one-eyed old eunuch suddenly realized and said: "Yes. You are half human and half demon, that's why you are so weak.

Back then, when Xia Zi suppressed beasts and exorcised demons and ghosts, if all the monster races were as weak as you, they would not be able to escape into the sea of ​​[-] trees. "

The Xia Zi that the old eunuch was talking about was naturally not the acting school who was sitting in the Xia Palace now and worried about money.

It was Xia Yu who really deserved the word Xia Zi.

What the one-eyed old eunuch said made the tiger spirit and fox spirit feel ashamed.

As half human and half demon, they are also excluded among the demon clan.

If the old demon emperor hadn't realized that they were the only elves who could leave the sea of ​​trees among all the demon clan, they might have been strangled to death as soon as they were born.

It was the fox spirit Yinxue who suddenly begged: "Uncle, you said just now that you didn't take care of our brothers and sisters because you wanted us to attract Prince Yue Junwu.

It can be seen that Uncle, your real enemy is the Yue Prince Junwu.

The two of us, brother and sister, are just passers-by, and right now we just want to leave Qi Gong and never come back.From then on, I will live a happy life in the sea of ​​[-] trees forever.

I also beg Uncle, for the sake of our meritorious service in leading Junwu, please spare us two brothers and sisters! "

What she said was so sad and soft that people would feel pity when they heard it.

It's a pity that she couldn't impress the one-eyed old eunuch at all.

I saw him sneering at the fox spirit Yinxue with one eye, and said, "Aren't you coming back? Has the monster race's ambition to return to the human world ever stopped?"

After saying that, his face turned hard again and he said: "The goblin is dirty and dirty, I can ignore all the scandals that have happened in the Qi Palace.

But you all want to destroy the state of Qi, don't you know it when you are our family?

Our family once made two important oaths, one of which is to keep the whole country alive in this life.

Then it is even more impossible to allow you two demons to survive!
All monster races in the world are the same.Since I won't let Junwu live, how can I let you two monsters live! "

The tiger spirit said to the fox spirit: "Yinxue, don't talk nonsense with him. Let's go together!"

In fact, the tiger spirit was seriously injured at this time, but he still held his last breath and rushed towards the one-eyed old eunuch.

The vixen's eyes glowed red, and he barely stood up.

Since her brother Hu is going to go, she is willing to die with him!
The two trapped beasts are still fighting, but in the eyes of the one-eyed old eunuch, it is extremely ridiculous.

He suddenly took out a radiant white orb from his bosom.

The two brothers and sisters were taken aback when they saw this scene.

"Tiangang!" he both exclaimed loudly.

It turns out that the Tiangang Orb that the two are looking for is in the hands of this old eunuch?

Who would have thought that the most precious national treasure of Qi would be kept here by an old eunuch?
No wonder the two brothers and sisters felt uncomfortable when they met the old eunuch, as if they were under great pressure.

It turned out that it was suppressed by Tiangang Orb!
The one-eyed old eunuch shouted loudly: "Tiangang—Mie!"

Then there seemed to be two rays of light blooming from the bodies of the tiger spirit and the vixen spirit.

At the same time, their bodies were supported into two balls by the light.

In the end, their bodies could no longer withstand the extreme expansion, and finally broke open from the inside.

The white light dazzled the surroundings.

The one-eyed old eunuch turned his head to avoid looking at the light.

And the white light stayed on for a long time, and finally gradually dimmed.

The one-eyed old eunuch took a deep breath.

It was actually the second time he had seen such a white light.

When I saw him for the first time, he was still a little eunuch, and he only dared to follow behind his master.

At that time, he secretly turned his head to look at the light, but burned one eye blind.

Afterwards, the master scolded him while gouging out his bad eyes, so that he could no longer look directly at the light of Tiangang when he broke the demon.

The one-eyed eunuch has kept his master's words in his heart ever since.

Until the master left personnel affairs, he lived alone for another 200 years.

In the past 200 years, he kept the two vows he made to his master:

First, in this life, swear to the death to defend the state of Qi, and find an heir to pass on Tiangang.

Second, use the Tiangang Orb bestowed by Xia Zi to destroy all the demons and heretics who do not belong to this world!
(End of this chapter)

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