The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 187 The Strongest Dog Licking in History

Chapter 187 The Strongest Dog Licking in History

The tiger spirit and the vixen spirit fled overnight, but they didn't expect a one-eyed eunuch to appear suddenly.

The two monsters are also pitiful, they were blown into white light by the Tiangang Orb in the hands of the one-eyed eunuch.

From then on, the three souls and six souls no longer appear in the cycle of heaven.

It has truly ceased to exist.

Junwu's troops, attracted by the tiger spirit and the vixen spirit, are heading towards the capital of Qi State along the most secret path.

Because there were Qi people as guides, there was no obstacle in the march all the way.

Even when passing by a certain small village, the cautious village official asked a few more questions, but because most of Junwu's troops were once regular Qi soldiers, they covered it up.

As for the Emperor of Qi, he never expected that the danger was very close to him.

The obese and fatuous emperor lost his temper in his own palace at this time.

"Bang!" The obese emperor threw a thin-winged porcelain cup on the ground, causing the servant girl and Huang Men who were standing in the room to tremble with their shoulders sandwiched between them.

This Emperor Qi's temper is getting worse and worse, no one in the entire palace dares to come forward to persuade him.

In the past, there was also a Concubine Liu Gui who could charm the Emperor Qi.

Although Concubine Liu Gui attracted the Qi Emperor to ignore the government, and was impeached many times by the ministers.

But the maidservants Huangmen in Qi Palace are all sincerely grateful to Concubine Liu Gui.

It was because of Concubine Liu Gui that the moody Emperor Qi didn't have the time to torment them servants.

But early this morning, everyone discovered that Concubine Liu Gui had disappeared!
All clothing and jewels are not carried, just disappear out of thin air.

There used to be many people who criticized Concubine Liu Gui in private and secretly rumored that she was promiscuous in the palace.

But it really disappeared, and everyone recalled Liu Guifei's good fortune.

Just like now, because Concubine Liu Gui suddenly disappeared, Qi Huang began to lose his temper again.

All the maids, Huangmen, have been looking frantically since the morning.

But still got nothing, which touched Qi Huang's thunderous fury.

He smashed several houses in a row, and dragged the maidservants serving Concubine Liu to the court to be punished.

After losing his temper for a long time, Qi Huang suddenly roared and drove everyone away.

No one is allowed to stay in the palace.

Everyone hurriedly retreated as if they had saved their lives.

After waiting for a while, Qi Huang was sure that there was no one else in the hall.

Only then did a trace of clarity appear in his angry and bewildered eyes.

At this time, he suddenly said to the empty hall: "Where Concubine Liu Gui is located, show up quickly!"

Silence, no one, no voice answered him.

If someone was in the palace at this moment, they might suspect that Emperor Qi had really gone crazy.

But at the next moment, Qi Huang took a deep breath and said: "The location of the fox spirit Yinxue, quickly show up."

Still nothing happened in the hall.

But Qi Huang showed a painful look.

He's an Alien, and his ability is to see the location of anyone who wants to.

And he also knew that Concubine Liu Gui was actually a vixen.

Don't look at Qi Huang's fat head and big ears, he looks like a stupid pig in the eyes of many people.

In fact, the emperor was very clear about his situation.

Even he knew the secrets of Concubine Liu Gui's various promiscuous palaces.

Qi Huang never expected to become a wise king in his life—that would be too tiring.

As long as you can keep it alive for a lifetime, you can be worthy of your ancestors if you keep Qi from perishing.

But he met his doom - the fox spirit Yinxue.

Ever since he saw Yinxue, Qi Huang felt that all things conservative and destiny are nothing!
If this beauty doesn't belong to him, then what's the point of his life?
There are also master sorcerers in the Qihuang Palace, and they have reminded Qihuang that Concubine Liu Gui is probably a goblin.

But Emperor Qi suppressed the words of these people.

No matter how many things this vixen did to betray him, Qi Huang just pretended not to know.

If Yinxue is really a secular woman, he can use power and money to keep her by his side.

But Yinxue is not such a vulgar thing.Qi Huang was worried every day that this beautiful woman would suddenly disappear like today.

Therefore, if Yinxue could be kept, Emperor Qi was willing to endure all humiliation.

Endure her hooking up with An Fushan, a low-ranking officer, and endure her hiding a strong man in the secret room.

Endure her fornicating the palace from time to time, as long as this beauty doesn't leave her.

Qihuang is willing to be so humble, really because of his deep affection for Yinxue.

However, using Alien Star twice in a row could not find the location of the vixen Yinxue.

At this time, Qi Huang was so sad that he could hardly breathe.

If Yinxue just got tired of herself in the end and ran away secretly with the strong man she hid, Qi Huang would not have suffered so much.

Because at least knowing that she is still alive, it is still a thought.

But now she couldn't perceive Yinxue's position no matter what, there was only one possibility - Yinxue was dead.

Qi Huang really could not accept such a fact.

But he knows his alien planet best, and he hasn't made any mistakes in his life.

Qi Huang buried his head in his arms in pain, his body trembling uncontrollably.

In the end, he suddenly raised his head and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Call Eunuch Hai!"

This time, someone's voice finally responded to him, and someone from a very far place replied loudly: "Zunzhi!"

After a while, Qi Huang heard a cough.

From the other end of the long corridor, an old eunuch walked up.

He is thin and thin, with white skin and white hair, and he is already blind in one eye.

This so-called Eunuch Hai is clearly the old eunuch who killed the tiger spirit and vixen spirit last night.

Qi Huang was in great pain, but this Eunuch Hai walked slowly like an old man.

Qi Huang really couldn't bear it, he just said to Hai Gong with anger: "I ordered you to come, why are you so procrastinating!"

Hai Gonggong still had a calm look on his face, and did not show a trace of panic because of the emperor's reprimand.

While coughing, he still walked slowly in front of Emperor Qi, and slowly saluted him as a monarch and minister.

At this time, Qi Huang said impatiently: "Don't make any big gifts at this time!"

It's just that Eunuch Hai didn't listen to what he said, he still performed all the etiquette slowly, and then stood with a half-bow and said: "Slave Hai Dagui listens to the order."

Qi Huang had nothing to do with this Eunuch Hai, the old man was so slow, as if he was deliberately angry with himself.

Then Emperor Qi could only make a short story by himself: "A noble concubine in my palace, Concubine Liu Gui suddenly disappeared. Maybe she was murdered.

I have always known that Eunuch Hai has outstanding martial arts skills.Inviting Mr. Hai to come today is to ask you to punish the person who killed Concubine Liu Gui. "

Speaking of this, he showed a look of resentment on his face: "Once the murderer is found, you can directly smash his body into thousands of pieces and report back!"

Eunuch Hai suddenly raised his head, looked straight at Emperor Qi, and asked without a trace of expression on his face, "Does Your Highness really want to tear that man into pieces?"

(End of this chapter)

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