The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 213 Kneel down!

Chapter 213 Kneel down!

When Jun Wu landed on the ground, all the monsters in front of him and behind him fell into a discussion.

Since the monster clan escaped from the insects and beasts, Hao did not trust other monsters in his nature.

Only when his strength convinces him and the monster clan, will there be all the monsters attached to his feet.

The so-called fear of power but not virtue refers to them.

This Jun Wu just arrived, although he claimed to have killed the village chief's mother-in-law, but no one saw it with his own eyes.

And as a strange "monster clan", he was about to become their village head when he opened his mouth, which really didn't convince him and the monster clan.

The village head of the demon tribe needs to protect the demons from being invaded by foreign tribes, and at the same time is worshiped by the demons.

If the mother-in-law of the village head is really dead, then there are many monster clans who covet the position of village head.

It's just that no one has the ability to convince others.

But how can you easily hand over something that you can't get by yourself?

So when Jun Wu said this, all the monsters were just discussing.He looked at him more contemptuously.

Unexpectedly, there was no news from the monsters in front of Jun Wu, but there was a sound of "dong dong" behind Jun Wu.

It turned out that the monster clan rescued by Jun Wu from the tree hole knelt down one after another.

Many monster clans even said intermittently: "We...we swear allegiance to the village head. Please let the village head lead us to live."

These kneeling monsters were originally caught by the former village chief because they were alone outside the village.

They may not be tolerated in the original village.Or they have been away for too long, and there is no place for them in the original village.

Even if they come out of the basement, they are free from the pain of being kept in captivity.

But didn't the unprotected Yaozu fall into another pit of fire in a blink of an eye?
When they were worrying about the future, someone suddenly asked them to be loyal.

This is simply sleepy and send pillows!

The demons had seen Jun Wu's ability before, but now they knelt down hurriedly.

There is also a saying of loyalty among the monster clan, but that is only in the big clan.

These little demons in remote places live a rough and careless life.

So the vows made are also weird and nondescript.

One monster said it, and the other monsters followed suit.

Jun Wu knew that the monsters behind him had no other way to survive except to attach themselves.

He cast his eyes on the monster clan in front of him, and asked, "Have you not figured it out yet?"

It's just that these demon clans stared at Junwu, but no one was really loyal.

Jun Wu looked up at the sky and said: "Okay. Since you don't believe me, I will show you."

He suddenly raised his hand and waved it at a demon clan.

The Yaozu still had to say something.

At the next moment, all the Yaozu felt a loud noise in their ears.

The village shrouded in darkness all year round was instantly covered with white light.

When the flash disappeared and everyone could see again, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because the monster clan who still showed a mocking look just now has become a scorched corpse on the ground.

"What kind of sorcery is this!" Everyone's heart jumped, and none of the demons could utter a single word.

"Could it be a blindfold?" Although he saw the monster clan killed by lightning, this scene was really unimaginable.

The Yaozu has never seen such a sorcery.

Only by blindfolding can it be possible to pass.

But soon, a purple light ball floated from the scorched corpse.


Jun Wu waved his hand again, and the ball of Yao Yuan quickly flew towards Jun Wu.

Yao Yuan disappeared in Jun Wu's body in an instant.

At this time, he looked at the demons with a sneer and said, "This is the first one."

Before waiting for the middle demon to have any reaction.

He swung at the Yaozu next to the charred corpse.

The same is the thrilling thunder.

Another charred corpse appeared in front of the demons.

Obviously, if the demons don't make an attitude, maybe Junwu will slaughter the village!

The Yaozu is not like the human world, there are no morals and no rules.

Only the words of the strong are commands.

The weak have only one way to go.

In an instant, the rest of the Yaozu knelt on the ground one after another.

They have never made any oath of allegiance, so the scholar repeated the words of those monster races just now: "We swear allegiance to the village chief. Please let the village chief lead us to live!"

The demons kowtowed to Jun Wu, for fear that if they moved too slowly, they would become the next scorched corpse.

These monster races were already living a precarious life.

But the scene where two monster races in a row said they were scorched corpses turned into scorched corpses was still too shocking.

This village originally gathered more than 40 monster races, plus those rescued from the basement.

A total of more than 60 monster clans have pledged their allegiance to Junwu.

But this is only the result of Junwu's first day in the sea of ​​[-] trees.

How big is the Sea of ​​Thousands of Trees, and how many monster races live in the Sea of ​​Books?

How strong is the strongest demon clan?

All this is now unknown.

But Jun Wu has the power of heaven's punishment that can turn all of them into scorched corpses without fear of the opponent's strength.

I want to step on the whole sea of ​​trees under my feet.

It is not difficult for all the monster races to worship in front of him, just like the more than 60 little monsters in this village.

After Jun Wu was bowed down by all the monsters, he let them stand up.

All the monsters stood tremblingly supporting Chalai, their eyes were still full of fear.

I'm afraid that the village chief will be dissatisfied and turn someone into a scorched corpse at will.

In the face of too powerful a force, both humans and demons can only live in fear.

On the contrary, there is a clever and winking Yaozu who flattered and said to Jun Wu: "Since there is such a powerful Yaozu as the village chief to support us, we are all the best.

Ten days later is the ten-village union protection meeting.Our village has always been bullied by other ethnic groups at UNPROFOR conferences.

This time the village head came forward, it was our turn to feel proud. "

These words seemed to remind the demons.

The eyes of all the monsters who were still trembling suddenly lit up.

The so-called ten-village joint protection conference was supposed to be held only once a year.

The chiefs of the ten nearby villages presented their village offerings to the patriarchs at the joint protection meeting.

But for some reason, this year's joint protection conference has only passed half a year, and the patriarch urgently asked Ten Village to go to the place where the clans gather to hold another joint protection conference.

You must know that every time the joint protection meeting is held, the village chief needs to ask each monster tribe in the village to spit out half of the demon pills they have gained from one year's cultivation, and put them in special containers and send them to the leader.

The monster clans in the village have to lose half of the monster power gained in a year every year, so naturally they will never become stronger.

But this is also something that can't be done.

If you don't hand over half of the demon power you get in a year, you may be wiped out by the patriarch.

Comparing this way, leaving the other half of the Yaoyuan at least still has a life, which is considered good after all.

It's just that if there are two joint insurance conferences a year, it will make all the monsters miserable.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that in the last four weeks, the monsters have quietly slaughtered the monsters that were alone, so as to deal with the UNPROFOR conference.

Jun Wu has already known the truth of the so-called ten-village joint protection meeting from the consciousness of everyone.

He nodded and said, "That's fine. I'll go to the ten-village joint protection meeting." Taking this as an opportunity, he collected more demon dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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