Chapter 214 Taming
The edge of the Sea of ​​Hundred Thousand Trees was originally a place where the evil spirit was extremely weak.

Only some monster clans with weak strength will live together here to resist the engulfment of other villages.

But what they never expected was that the alien monster "Junwu" who was taken in this morning unexpectedly increased in strength overnight, and even killed the original village chief.

What was even more unexpected was that he also rescued more than a dozen monster clans imprisoned by the former village chief.

As a result, the apparent calm of the entire village was completely broken.

And Jun Wu also asked all the demons to swear to obey his orders from now on.

The Yaozu have never heard of any oath or allegiance in their life.

I have always lived by nature.

Fearing Yu Junwu's mighty power now, they finally knelt on the ground, imitating the words of others and swearing allegiance to Junwu.

Just do they know what it means for them to "swear allegiance"?But still unknown.

After one night, Jun Wu became the village head of more than 60 monster clans.

After becoming the village head, the first responsibility Jun Wu faced was to participate in the so-called "ten-village joint protection conference".

After Jun Wu learned about the meeting, he readily agreed to participate.

His purpose of coming to the Sea of ​​Thousand Trees is to go deeper into the monster clan and understand the scale of the entire monster clan.

If Guangguang led a monster village on the edge of the sea of ​​trees, it would be a waste of time.

All the monsters were very happy to see that the powerful Jun Wu agreed to replace the original village head at the "Ten Villages Joint Security Conference".

I only hope that this time I will not be bullied by other villages.

But there was a voice from the dark side and said: "I don't think this is possible."

All the monster races looked at the talking monster at the same time.

It turned out to be a monster with sharp eyes and sharp mouth.

Immediately, other monsters frowned and whispered to persuade this monster: "Uncle Ying, what time is it now. You were allowed to sing a different tune everywhere before. Can you still be allowed to be so nonsense today?"

It turned out that this sharp-eyed monster was named Yinghang.

He usually loves to sing a different tune in the village.Because Yinghang's monster power ranks first in the village, even the original village head always tolerates his contradictory.

But Yinghang looked around and said indignantly: "It's true that our monster race respects strength.

Mr. Jun is very capable, and I admire it too.

If it were in the past, it would be great if Mr. Jun held the "Ten Villages Joint Security Conference" instead of us.

But can the situation in the village be the same now as it used to be? "

He pointed to the strange monsters behind Jun Wu and said: "Look at these ghosts and monsters, none of them belong to our village.

Judging from the meaning of this gentleman, he wanted to keep them in the village.

Half a year ago, we only shared half of the monster power and asked the old village chief to bring it to the meeting.

Now that it is divided into half, who here is going to be weaker again?
But at this time, there are so many foreign monsters in the village.

Hmph, maybe before Mr. Jun comes back, we have already become someone else's demon pill. "

After all, Yinghang folded his arms and looked at Junwu coldly.

There is some truth to what he said.

The monsters in the village seemed to have been reminded, and looked at the strange monsters behind Jun Wu with vigilant eyes.

These monster races have both transformed and original forms. Although there are not many of them, they cannot be trusted.

If Jun Wu really took half of the monsters to leave, maybe they would have occupied the magpie's nest in an instant.

Jun Wu looked at Yinghang with a sneer, and asked, "Since that's the case, how do you plan to deal with it?"

For some reason, Garuda suddenly felt like a thorn in his back.

He punched Jun Wu and said: "Actually, Mr. Jun, you are very capable, our monster race has always obeyed the strong.

I have nothing against you as the village head.

It's just that the situation in the village is too special now.

Otherwise, in our 'Ten Villages Joint Security Conference', Mr. Jun would only take out all the demon pills of these strange demon clans.It's enough to make a difference.

As for our village, since there is no damage, everyone must be more convinced of you, Mr. Jun. "

Yinghang's words seemed to hit the minds of all the monsters in the village.

Everyone looked at Junwu with hope.

What a great idea!
If Jun Wu can agree, the monster clan in their village will not divide half of the monster yuan, and they can also wipe out all the monster clan from outside.

This is really a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Many Yaozu also looked at Yinghang with smiling eyes, admiring that he could immediately come up with such a method.

Yinghang still had his arms folded, but his head was upright, his face full of color.

And the monsters behind Jun Wu all showed despair on their faces.

They had just escaped from the basement, and they were about to become victims again.

These monster races are not very capable, and there is no way to resist.

The monster clan has always been the jungle of the weak, it seems that this time there is absolutely no way to escape.

The eyes of all the monsters turned to Junwu, just waiting for him to agree to Yinghang.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wu snorted coldly and said: "After all, they are all weak. They don't even understand what loyalty is."

All the monsters were taken aback, not knowing why Jun Wu would say such a sentence.

Then he suddenly raised his hand and waved at Yinghang.

The sound of thunder sounded for the third time.

The next moment, Yinghang also fell to the ground.

The guy who was rebellious just now was just a scorched corpse in an instant.

The hearts of all the Yaozu seemed to be tightly grasped, and their hands and feet felt cold.

Jun Wu looked around with icy eyes, and said: "Allegiance is to obey me completely, without any objection.

Is there anything you still don't understand? "

None of the Yaozu dared to make a sound.

Jun Wu asked sharply again: "Do you understand!"

These monsters knelt on the ground in a "plop", "puff" again.

Even the rebellious nature of the owner orcs will be tamed in the face of absolute power.

Facing Jun Wu, any kind of self-righteousness will become a charred corpse in the next moment.

There is no room for bargaining.

Obedience, only the word obedience is the only choice to save one's life.

Jun Wu looked at the demons kneeling on the ground, then nodded and said: "Very good. Remember your oath today."

Then he suddenly said, "I won't bring any of your monsters with you this time at the 'Ten Villages Joint Security Conference'."

All the Yaozu looked up at Junwu in surprise.

What is the difference between going to the "Ten Villages Joint Security Conference" and not bringing Yaoyuan with you?
It's like Jun Wu can't tolerate these monster races resisting him.

How could the patriarch of the Yaozu allow Junwu to resist him?

Unknowingly, all the monsters looked at Jun Wu with eyes that dared to be angry but dare not speak.

Seeing the appearance of all the monsters, Jun Wu smiled and said, "What is the ten-village alliance? What is the patriarch of the demon clan?"

Then he looked up at the black canopy of trees overhead.

These crowns are like an iron dome, suppressing the monster races for generations.

Then Jun Wu said: "Among the sea of ​​[-] trees, you just need to respect me."

(End of this chapter)

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