The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 325 Start Your Bomb Show

Chapter 325 Start Your Bomb Show
When Lu Pei and Yu Junwufu fought with Chong Shijiang, both sides were covered in white sweat.

The prince of the Yue Kingdom is too powerful. The two of them have their own unique skills, and they work together seamlessly.

But it was just luck that he didn't die under Jun Wu's hands.

And Jun Wu is also vigilant.

He found that his old strength was suddenly removed by Lu Pei, and before his new strength was born, he turned over and retreated a distance.

When he stood still, he realized that neither Pei nor Chongshoujiang took advantage of the victory to pursue.

Martial arts practitioners know from the first day of their learning that in a life-and-death struggle, it depends on who can take the upper hand.

Only by grasping the enemy's flaws and taking action immediately can we remain invincible.

But why didn't these two pursue them?

Jun Wu squinted his eyes for a moment, and he already wanted to understand the reason.

He suddenly rushed towards Chongshoujiang again.

And Chong Shijiang's eyes were full of tension as if he was facing an enemy, and he shouted loudly: "Me! Waist eyes!"

This time, what Jun Wu attacked was not Lu Pei but Chong Shi Jiang, which was still predicted by them.

But how can Chong Shijiang, who does not have the ability of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", protect himself from Jun Wu's powerful internal force?

It's also because Lu Pei's ability is not weak, and he rushed to Chongshoujiang in a nick of time.

This time they have seen Jun Wu's internal strength is strong, and they dare not be careless.

Chong Shijiang put his palms on Lu Pei's vest, pouring all his internal energy into Lu Pei's meridians without reservation.

This move is actually extremely dangerous.

Don't say that Chongshoujiang, who has exported all his internal power, can't stand a little blow.

Even Lu Pei, who absorbed all the internal energy of Chongshoujiang, is very likely to die due to the sudden burst of internal energy because his meridians are not strong enough.

Not to mention that if one of Chong Shijiang and Lu Pei reacted a little slower, they would end up dying together.

These two soldiers are so dangerous, it's like dancing on the sword.

When Jun Wu's powerful internal force attacked, Lu Pei forcibly brought the two's internal forces together, and was able to barely remove Jun Wu's internal force.

Even so, both Lu Pei and Chong Shijiang seemed to have almost drowned, their blood was cold and they couldn't breathe.

The clothes on his body were soaked in an instant, sticking to his body coldly.

In the end, they fight against the strong with the weak, and the combined internal strength of the two can only last 2000 years.

Forcibly removing 5000 years of internal strength, he himself is also suffering a strong virtual loss.

Seeing the performance of Chong Shijiang and Lu Pei, Jun Wu said with a sneer: "That's all."

These four words hit Lu Pei and Chong Shijiang's hearts like a heavy hammer.

They used to be masters who were hard to beat by tens of thousands of people, and the world only obeyed Xia Ziyu.

Now being ridiculed by the prince of Yue, even though he is angry, he has to obey.

At this moment, they are all uncomfortable and anxious, just waiting for their internal strength to recover quickly.

In fact, Jun Wu thought that in the previous confrontation, because the old strength was shed and the new strength was not born, a momentary flaw was exposed.

But in the eyes of Lu Pei and Chong Shijiang, the prince's attack was impeccable, and he was powerless to fight back.

Even they have tried their best to maintain the current situation.

It's like an adult who thinks he hasn't done his best when he teaches a young child, but in the eyes of the young child, he has no power to fight back.

After finding out the strength of Lu Pei and Chong Shijiang, Jun Wu had another question in his mind.

Ordinarily, with Lu Pei and Chong Shijiang's abilities, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Jun Wu, but they still came to die on their own initiative, and their purpose is very interesting.

Obviously, they just wanted to hold Jun Wu back, even if they sacrificed two lives.

But I don't know what happened in the summer palace to make them desperate like this?
Although Junwu has the ability to read people's hearts, it is more suitable for people whose mental strength is weaker than his own.

Now there are two people with internal strength of a thousand years appearing in front of him at the same time, such a situation has never been encountered before.

For the first time, Jun Wu noticed that although they could still read their consciousness, they could only stay at the superficial level of thinking.

However, Jun Wu could no longer read the deep purpose of instructing them to come.

To understand their true intentions, one must be killed first.

If it was in the past, it would be easy for Jun Wu to kill a person with internal strength of a thousand years.

He only needs to use the power of the Heaven's Punishment Orb to attract thunder and split them into coke.

But at this moment, Lu Pei and Chong Shijiang are closely attached to each other.

If it attracts thunder, it must be the end of the two turning into coke together.

Facing the two corpses, Jun Wu was even more unable to read their consciousness.

And Jun Wu also tried to stop the time so that he could kill one of the two first.

But it is also because the spiritual power of the two is more than a thousand years old, even if Jun Wu wants to suspend time, he can only maintain it for a very short moment.

It's not easy to use tricks to kill one of them in just such a moment.

If Jun Wu waited patiently, no matter how tenacious these two were, they would not be able to last for an hour.

But Jun Wu knew that by doing so, he fell into Xia Ziyu's trap.

He sent two of his men to die, just to delay Jun Wu's time.

Perhaps an hour later, Xia Ziyu had a plan to turn the tide of the battle.

At this moment, it would be good to know Xia Ziyu's purpose sooner rather than later!

Jun Wu frowned and thought for a moment, then he had an idea in his mind.

He suddenly rushed towards Lu Pei and Chong Shijiang who were sticking together again.

At this time, Chongshoujiang shouted anxiously: "Zhongdantian!"

Lu Pei had great trust in Chongshoujiang.

Knowing that he is a natural born warrior, he can judge the direction of attack as soon as he sees the opponent move slightly.

Then feel the internal force of Chongshoujiang continuously coming from the vest.

Lu Pei quickly used most of his internal energy to protect his dantian, leaving a small part to protect the rest of his body.

But the next moment Lu Pei's face was pale, full of panic.

Because the Yue Crown Prince Jun Wu had come to the front without knowing when, but his palm was divided into two sides, attacking towards his two temples.

This is a move that Jun Wu learned when he first came to this world, "The Sound of Bells and Drums".

Slapping someone on the temple can make a person's brain roar instantly, and in severe cases, they will lose consciousness on the spot.

If Chong Shijiang hadn't reminded himself to protect his dantian, Lu Pei could barely remove this internal force by using the small perfect kung fu in "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

But now it has been caught off guard.

Sure enough, Lu Pei's eyes suddenly turned white when Jun Wu slapped both palms together.

Then blood flowed from his seven orifices.

Lu Pei's meninges ruptured and his blood flow perforated to death under Jun Wu's move!

Lu Pei was not born tall, but he forcibly stood in front of Chongshoujiang.

Now he died on the spot, his body slowly limp on the ground.

And behind him, Chong Shoujiang's furious face was revealed.

At this moment, Chongshoujiang's eyes were blood red, and he couldn't help shaking despite his originally burly figure.

This is because anger is burning all over him.

Chong Shijiang's most trusted friend died in front of him again!
He shot out resentment in his eyes and looked at Junwu.

However, the prince of the Yue Kingdom said to him with a relaxed face: "If you are not willing, go to the underworld to accompany him."

(End of this chapter)

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