The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 326 The world of the strong

Chapter 326 The world of the strong
When Lu Pei received Jun Wu's two palms on his temples, his meninges ruptured on the spot and he bled to death from seven holes.

Seeing Lu Pei's corpse slowly toppled in front of him, Chong Shijiang's eyes were blood red, almost tearing apart.

The brothers who came from Nether with him have returned to Nether one by one.

Chong Shoujiang, who values ​​love and righteousness, feels grief and indignation every time he hears bad news.

At the same time, the hatred for Jun Wu deepened.

Seeing Lu Pei die in front of his own eyes until now, Chong Shijiang felt as if a huge wave was surging in his heart.

Although he knew that he was not the enemy of the prince of Yue, but he seemed to be dazzled by hatred.

He roared angrily, "Why! Why!"

What Chong Shijiang hates in his heart is not only the prince of Yue, but also himself.

If it weren't for Lu Pei's total trust in him and only controlling all his internal energy in his own dantian, he wouldn't have been bombarded by Prince Yue at the temple and died.

But Chongshoujiang has always been extremely confident in his own judgment.

As a natural warrior, even a master like Prince Yue or Xia Ziyu could still judge the direction of their attacks.

Why did such a crucial battle go wrong?
Chong Shijiang couldn't believe that due to his own mistakes, his good brother died tragically due to exhaustion, and the grief and indignation in his heart almost gushed out of his body.

But Jun Wu's face was full of contempt: "Because you are weak."

This sentence aroused the fury in Chong Shijiang's heart.

In fact, Jun Wu knew in his heart that Chongshoujiang's prediction of the enemy was extremely accurate, and even he could hardly be fooled.

But Jun Wu has the ability to pause time.

Although facing two thousand-year-old internal force masters at the same time, the time he can pause is extremely limited, only a moment.

It may be difficult to kill the enemy at this moment, but changing the direction of the attack is completely enough.

So when Junwu attacked Lu Pei's dantian, Chongshoujiang immediately reminded him.

And Lu Pei also immediately controlled the internal energy of his whole body at the dantian, so that the internal energy of the two masters could be combined to withstand the attack of Jun Wu alone.

However, Jun Wu stopped time at this moment, and then changed the direction of his attack, and slapped Lu Pei's temples with both palms instead.

This change was huge, and Jun Wu came very fast again.

Lu Pei, who had already transferred his internal energy to the vicinity of his dantian, had no chance to defend himself.

When Jun Wu hit Lu Pei's temples with both palms, he took the blow firmly.

Since then, the power of the two to jointly control Junwu has been completely broken.

The spiritual power to contend with Jun Wu has also been weakened by half.

The deep consciousness belonging to Chongshoujiang finally entered Junwu's mind.

All the news about Xia Zi's tragic situation of being bled every day, and Xia Yu's synthesis of the Tianen Orb was known.

The most important thing is that Xia Yu has almost discovered Xia Yun's existence.

And after persecuting the servant, he learned that Xia Yun was Jun Wu's fiancée.

Calculated now, this Xia Yu should have gone to find Xia Yun!

After reading all the information in Chongshoujiang's brain, it is useless.

And Jun Wu knew that time was urgent, so he had to check Xia Yun's safety immediately.

Jun Wu's eyes widened, as if venting his anger, he suddenly slapped Chong Shijiang.

The internal force of this palm is extremely strong.

How can Chongshoujiang, which has lost Lu Pei's protection, stand it?
His body was sent flying into the sky by a powerful internal force.

It's just that Chongshoujiang didn't fall back to the ground again.

His body directly turned into blood froth in mid-air, and sprinkled little by little on the ground.

From a distance, it looks like wild flowers are dotted on the ground, which is really beautiful.

But whoever gets close will be intimidated by this bloody scene.

Who knew that such a hero would end in such a sloppy ending.

After Jun Wu killed Chong Shijiang, he knew that there were no more Xia Yu in the Xia Palace.

Although Xia Zi is weak, he may still have a life to live.

But Xia Yun was in danger.

If it is true as in Chong Shijiang's consciousness, Xia Yun is the only one who has inherited Xia Yu's blood.

Then in order to get Xia Yun's blood, Xia Yu would most likely kill this weak woman with no martial arts.

Although Jun Wu has arranged for the three demons to protect Xia Yun.

But if they were to face Xia Yu, the Three Demons might still be vulnerable.

Even Sha Xing, who was ordered to guard the imperial capital, was no match for Xia Yu.

If Jun Wu slowed down for a while, he was afraid that the situation would be difficult to turn around.

He didn't stop at all, turned around and ran back from the same road.

This time Jun Wu ran faster than when he came.

Xingye ran non-stop for a day and a night, and finally returned to the imperial capital of Yue Kingdom.

The capital of the Yue Kingdom was still bustling with people as usual, and the people were still busy with their own business, as if nothing had happened.

It's just that Jun Wu couldn't detect a powerful internal force that often patrolled the walls of the imperial capital.

This is the millennium internal force that belongs to Killing Star.

Since he was ordered by the prince to guard the defense of Kyoto, Killing Star has been patrolling around the city wall from time to time.

At this moment, when Jun Wufu returned to the city, he failed to meet Sha Xing, but he didn't know if it was a coincidence.

He even accelerated and rushed towards the East Palace.

The East Palace belonging to Junwu was built in the Shangsanfang of the capital.

The area is quite satisfactory, but the advantage is that it is extremely quiet.

But now this East Palace is too quiet.

Even the laughter of ordinary maidservants has never been heard.

Jun Wu slowed down instead.

His face was as cold as an iceberg.

Jun Wu knew that Xia Yuding had already arrived, but he didn't know how many people were still alive in the East Palace.

He didn't go through the main entrance either, and jumped straight into the walls with light work.

But he found that the entire East Palace was completely deserted.

In the early summer, the inside and outside of the palace walls are dotted with greenery, but they look full of vitality.

But the quiet corridors and alleys make people feel chills down the spine.

In the huge East Palace, only Jun Wu's footsteps were heard.

Not even one of his three not weak apprentices came out to greet him.

Jun Wu no longer detoured, and ran straight to the side hall where Xia Yun lived.

But as soon as he stepped into the courtyard wall of the side hall, he suddenly found his frail fiancée Xia Yun lying on a beauty couch in the courtyard.

At this moment, Xia Yun's hair was loose and she was wearing a white skirt, her eyes were closed tightly on her pale face, and her soft lips were bloodless.

Her thin, plain hands were covering her stomach, as if she had fallen asleep.

But Jun Wu had already seen a deep red scar on Xia Yun's neck.

With such a deep scar, even the most severe person could not survive.

And Jun Wu has also noticed that Xia Yun is not breathing.

She—should be dead.

Suddenly, Jun Wu's heart shook.

He originally thought that he didn't have any feelings for this Xia Guo princess, it was just a responsibility.

Until now, when he suddenly saw her as if she was deeply asleep, she could no longer wake up.

Even Jun Wu himself didn't notice it. At this moment, his eyes became blood red and his fists were tightly clenched.

The anger in his chest was hard to calm down, gnawing at Jun Wu's calmness.

Since coming to this world, he has never been so concerned about someone's life and death.

It turned out that it wasn't that he was ruthless, but that the people who cared about him were always under his protection.

Just when Jun Wu's heart was burning with anger, a rough man walked out from the side hall.

This man is extremely tall, with muscles on his body, and he has an imperial air all over his body.

Jun Wu turned his head, this was the first time he met Xia Yu face to face.

But Xia Yu's 5000-year-old internal power cannot be concealed.

Xia Yu also looked at Junwu with a smile.

Similarly, Xia Yu couldn't ignore Jun Wu's aura.

Although the two are meeting for the first time, there is no need for hypocritical self-introduction.

In fact, both of them already know each other deeply.

At this time, Xia Yu suddenly smiled at Jun Wu and said, "You like me very much? It's a pity that I need her blood, otherwise I can allow you to say a few more sympathetic words before you die."

And Jun Wu looked at Xia Yu with a pair of sinister eyes and said, "Go to the underworld and apologize to her!"

(End of this chapter)

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