Chapter 50
In the palace of the emperor of Dayue Kingdom, Jun Wu was fighting with more than 20 men in black in the most silent way.

But suddenly broke into a frantic bald old man.

He didn't know why he was angry, and when he came up, he just hit him with a palm.

It actually caused more than ten men in black to vomit blood and die immediately.

Jun Wu was surprised when he saw this, these men in black were not considered weak in martial arts.

I'm afraid they also have more than 100 years of internal strength, not to mention they are well-trained and forbearing.

More than 20 people joined forces and even Jun Wu found it difficult.

Although Jun Wu wanted to stop with static in order not to scare the snake before.

But killing more than a dozen masters in the middle god realm with a single palm like this old man is also unimaginable.

Not only because of the bald old man's strong martial arts, Jun Wu has never seen him before.

It is also because the old man regards human life as worthless, and his subordinates will kill them as soon as they say so.

Jun Wu fixed his eyes on the bald old man, thinking that this was probably the Demon Lord Yun Xiazi was talking about.

Then the bald old man swung his palm out of thin air again, and the remaining men in black also fell to the ground in an instant.

When I looked again, they all died of bleeding from the mouth and nose.

It wasn't until this time that the bald old man looked at Jun Wu and asked, "Your Highness is His Highness Jun Wu, the Fifth Prince of Dayue Kingdom."

Jun Wu squinted his eyes at the bald old man and said, "Exactly."

The old man sighed and said, "Please forgive me, Your Highness.

I have already told them thousands and thousands of times that they must never fight His Highness.

But they still ignored my words.

Hey, it's really not easy to train some useful minions these days. "

Jun Wu didn't answer, but looked at the bald old man coldly and said, "Who is your Excellency?"

He would never easily believe that this bald old man would have good intentions for him.

The bald old man slapped his thigh and said: "It's a crime for not reporting yourself for a long time.

The little old man has a nickname in Jianghu called Mozun.

As for my real name, I forgot it 120 years ago.Forgive me. "

Jun Wu frowned and listened to Mozun's words, not knowing whether what he said was true or not.

At this time, the old Mozun said to Jun Wu with a smile:

"Your Highness Fifth Prince, the Dayue Kingdom is currently experiencing troubled times.

You were in the accompanying capital a few days ago, and you don't know what's right and wrong here, let the little old man explain it to you first. "

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Junwu.

At this time, Jun Wu instinctively felt the extreme danger, his hair spread all over his body, and he was ready to attack the old Mozun.

Unexpectedly, the old man stretched out his right hand with a smile and flicked in the air.

Jun Wu only felt a gust of wind hit his face.

Then he lost his mind and fell to the ground.

It wasn't until he was convinced that Jun Wu had really fallen that a middle-aged man walked out of the bedroom.

The man's face was stern, and he was wearing courtier's clothes.

He carefully looked at the fainted Junwu on the ground, and asked tentatively: "Mozun, since you have captured this Junwu.

We should cut the weeds and root them out immediately! "

After all, he made a chopping gesture.

The Demon Lord cast a relentless glance at the middle-aged man and said, "Tugou. Do you really think that the Demon Lord was invited by you?"

The middle-aged man known as "Slaughter Dog" was taken aback for a moment, and he stammered, "This... this..."

But he murmured in his heart, isn't your demon king invited by me, Tu Jieyuan, for 1000 million taels of silver?
And those white girls, don't they turn their faces away after using it?

But he absolutely dare not say these words.

At this time, Mozun looked at Tu Jieyuan coldly and said:

"Although you are the prime minister of Yue, you are not even as good as a dog in my eyes.

The dog knows how to obey, but you are full of ghost ideas.Ignorant and conceited.

Let me put my words here today, if you dare to move the fifth prince's finger, I will kill all the men and women of the butcher family.

I have to leave for a day now, the fifth prince is only consciously sealed by my inner strength.

Will wake up in less than twelve hours.

When the time comes, you must follow my instructions and entertain in the most extravagant way.

Don't even think about killing him!do you know! "

Tu Jieyuan was stunned for a long time before reluctantly nodding his head.

Mozun sighed and said angrily: "Too stupid! It's a pity that all the people I brought are dead. Otherwise, why would I use you!"

When he said this, he seemed completely unaware that his men were killed by him.

Tu Jieyuan asked cautiously again:
"Then why don't the Demon Venerable point him a few more fingers, and let him faint until the Demon Venerable comes back."

Hearing this, the Mozun said angrily:

"Listen to what kind of stupid talk this is! Give me a few more fingers! In order not to touch his truth..."

Halfway through his speech, he suddenly looked at Tu Jieyuan with disdain.

Then he swung his palm and slashed at Tu Jieyuan's face.

Poor Prime Minister Tu Jieyuan rolled several times before stopping his momentum.

He touched his cheek and didn't dare to say a word.

But he didn't know how lucky it was for an ordinary person who hadn't practiced martial arts to get rolled out several times by the demon king's palm.

If it weren't for the fact that the Demon Lord still needed him, he had used a very small amount of strength.

Otherwise, the dozen or so men in black would have been killed by his palm.

Then Mozun's voice sounded coldly: "Less thinking and doing more! Bad luck!"

After that, he strode out with his hands behind his back.

Tu Jieyuan rushed out in a hurry, but Mo Zun could no longer be seen.

When Jun Wu woke up, he found himself in an extremely gorgeous palace.

He was lying on a big soft bed, and there were actually two beautiful women lying on the bed.

Jun Wu immediately recalled that last night he was hit by a bald old man who called himself Mozun.

Now it's lying here.

His body jumped up quickly like a leopard, awakening the two beautiful women beside him.

The two women smiled shyly when they saw Jun Wu.

It is said that when the two of them were called to serve people, they had made a lot of preparations in their hearts.

But seeing Jun Wu's sleeping face, 1 people are willing.

It wasn't until Jun Wu woke up that the two shyly said: "Your Highness Fifth Prince, you are awake.

Let the slaves serve you to change your clothes. "

Jun Wu looked at the two vigilantly and asked, "Who are you from?"

The women were surprised, and one of them said: "We are all newly selected girls from the Great Viet Kingdom."

Another girl hurriedly added after hearing this: "We are all still beautiful girls, we haven't decided on our names.

Not yet... not His Majesty's people. "

The implication is that although both of them are drafted into the palace, they are still only show girls.Not a woman of Emperor Dai Viet.

If he followed the fifth prince Junwu now, it would not be considered a breach of etiquette.

The show girl from earlier seemed to have thought of something, got up and took out a black cigarette rod from the cage.

She softly leaned over and said to Jun Wu: "Here is a lotus from southern Xinjiang. Your Highness wants to try it."

Before she finished speaking, her pupils were suddenly filled with fear.

The next moment, she only felt a chill in her heart, and she fell limply on the soft bed.

And on her heart, there were two bloodstains, which were injured by Jun Wu's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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