Chapter 51 The thoughtful fifth prince
Looking at a life that was still alive just now, two clusters of blood blossomed suddenly on his chest.

Another show girl screamed.

With a icy face, Jun Wu was about to attack another beautiful girl.

Suddenly, a man's voice was heard shouting: "The assistant of the benefactor!"

When Jun Wu turned his head, he saw carved wooden doors opening all around the house.

It turned out that the house was a gazebo surrounded by carved doors.

And from the door openings on all sides, a group of bald monks dressed in apricot monk robes rushed in.

These monks are extremely fast, and there are always more than 30 monks.

In an instant, Jun Wu and the beautiful girl group were surrounded.

These monks looked solemn and varied in age.

They didn't carry weapons on them, and they acted quickly, obviously their martial arts were not weak.

Jun Wu frowned tightly. Since waking up, the scenes he encountered have been strange for a while.

After all the monks surrounded Junwu and stood still, the first monk put his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, since the benefactor has already injured a human life, he must not do any more evil!"

Jun Wu snorted coldly.He didn't have to kill that beautiful girl.

But these monks who broke in suddenly were too lenient.

He flew forward, trying to cross the circle of monks directly.

Unexpectedly, these monks were not easy to deal with, and the three of them formed a formation.

Shi Zhan's strange steps kept swaying in front of Jun Wu.

After Jun Wu tried twice, he knew that the opponent was using a complex formation.

No matter who he attacks, it will definitely be cut apart like flowing water, and the two outsiders will use their strength to defuse Jun Wu's attack.

The internal strength of these monks is actually about 150 years old, but the way the two work together to remove Junwu's moves is difficult to resolve for a while.

This is the second time this has happened since Jun Wu woke up.

First, it was surrounded by the enemy, and it was difficult for him to dismantle it for a while, and second, the true dragon blood did not give any support.

Both of these incidents happened after leaving the accompanying capital and rushing to the palace.

If Junwu's internal strength really reached the level of Mozun's old man that day, and he swiped away more than a dozen people's internal organs and died, there is no need to be afraid.

It's just that we are fighting with these great monks like we are now, but we can't find a way to break through for a while.

After fighting for a while, Jun Wu also knew that this was not the solution.

He turned over and returned to the soft bed, and sat cross-legged to remain unchanged.

And there was a beautiful girl on the bed at this time, trembling.

In her big panicked eyes, there are now two tears.

And the monks who surrounded Junwu didn't do anything, they just sat cross-legged around the big bed.

More than 30 monks actually watched this with their eyes and their noses.

In an instant, the only sound left in the room was the uncontrollable sobbing of the beautiful girl.

Although Jun Wu sat cross-legged, he kept thinking in his heart.

What happened to these two unprecedented situations?

He glanced at the monks around again, and suddenly had a thought in his mind: "These monks have nothing to do except stop me from killing people.

Apparently their intention was to trap me, not kill me.

Perhaps this is the reason why the true dragonblood cannot be triggered.

If these monks were ordinary warriors, as long as Jun Wu broke through their encirclement, he would no longer be able to handle him.

It's just that they have a strange formation to defuse Junwu's attack by unloading their strength. "

At this time, his frown deepened.

It is not difficult to know the reason why these monks can trap themselves, but it is not easy to realize the crisis behind the scenes.

Is it really just a coincidence that these monks can surround him?

Jun Wu was faintly worried.Maybe the fact that he has true dragon blood has been noticed.

The most important thing is that the other party has a clear understanding of the reason why the true dragon blood works.

Only in this way can these monks target themselves.

He squinted his eyes and thought silently for a moment, then his heart suddenly brightened.

Don't these monks have no intention of killing themselves?

Then let them arouse their killing intent!

At this time, Jun Wu opened his eyes again, and said to the shivering girl:

"Go and serve some buddhas. Until they are all happy."

Xiu Nu opened her eyes in disbelief and looked at Jun Wu.

But a moment ago, she was lucky to be able to follow such a handsome prince.

Now I feel that he is more terrifying than the devil.

Jun Wu narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Go!"

Xiu Nu glanced at the corpse of her companion not far away, and finally nodded.

She was so trembling that she could hardly stand upright, but she followed Junwu's order and walked towards a monk.

All the monks were sitting silently reciting the Buddha's name, as if no one had noticed the beautiful girl.

Xiu Nu squatted next to a monk, forced a smile, but it was uglier than crying.

She put an arm on the monk's shoulder and said, "Master..."

The monk's face turned red slightly, but he still closed his eyes tightly and didn't make any reaction.

Xiu Nu looked back at Jun Wu.

But Junwu had no expression on his face, he just said: "Everyone must serve."

Xiu Nu nodded and walked to the next monk.

At this time, she calmed down a little bit, put her hand on the monk's shoulder, and said softly:
"Master, let me serve you."

Sure enough, the monk also closed his eyes and did not answer.Except for the redness of the ears, there is no other abnormality.

Xiu Nu looked back at Jun Wu again, then walked to the next monk.

At this time, her courage had grown, and she knew that these monks were very well-behaved, and no one would do anything to her.

Soon, she tried to strike up a conversation with every monk.

These monks also kept their eyes shut.

Jun Wu observed clearly from the sidelines that these monks were all pure and good-natured people.

A woman strikes up a conversation, and they don't have any evil intentions other than blushing.

What a group of pure monks!
After Xiu Nu turned around, she obediently stood beside Jun Wu again.

At this time, Jun Wu pointed at the body of another beautiful girl on the ground, and said: "Here is the lotus, serve the Buddhas to enjoy."

Xiu Nu was taken aback, but now she has become more courageous.

She bent down to pick up the hibiscus, carefully handed it to a monk, and said softly, "Please Buddha."

Not surprisingly, the monk showed an angry look on his face, and still ignored Xiu Nu and Jun Wu.

Under Jun Wu's gaze, Xiu Nu handed out cigarette sticks in front of every monk.

The monks didn't hate Xiunu, but most of them glared at Junwu.

But Jun Wu knew in his heart that things were moving in the direction he expected step by step.

Xiunu walked around again and came to Junwu again.

At this time, she thought that the fifth prince's "entertainment" would continue to increase as before, while the great monks still kept their eyes closed.

But Jun Wu got up suddenly and grabbed the beautiful girl by the neck.

Xiu Nu has no martial arts, how can she dodge?

With a cry of surprise, she immediately showed a painful expression.

And the panel in front of Jun Wu also popped up in time.

(End of this chapter)

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