The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 6 Biss is undoubtedly

Chapter 6 Biss is undoubtedly
After subduing two guards in a row on the official road.

The carriage carrying Jun Wu continued to move forward with a slight shake.

Only this time, the mentality of the two guards on the carriage shaft was completely different.

But one or two hours ago, they thought it would be a hard job to accompany the fifth prince this time.

But now Liu Jin and Ye Yan are full of excitement.

Not only for the unfathomable strength of the fifth prince, but also for the hope of his own future.

Needless to say, Ye Yan, who is determined to make contributions.

Even Liu Jin, who only hoped to retire safely, couldn't restrain the smile on the corner of his mouth at this moment.

He waved his horsewhip, and the sound of the whip was crisp, as if Liu Jin was expressing the joy in his heart.

The carriage carried the three active-minded people and finally entered the companion capital.

Liu Jin and Ye Yan stood in front, and after completing all the verifications, they drove the carriage in.

But Jun Wu continued to pretend to be lethargic, and before finding out the strength of the others, Jun Wu still chose to keep a low profile.

On the contrary, his brothers and sisters must also want to hide their true strength at this moment.

After entering the palace where he lived alone, Jun Wu properly "woke up".

In the palace garden, people have already sent all kinds of four treasures of study, clothes and bedding.

There are several hard bows hanging on the wall, and a sword stuck in a vase.

There was even a soft whip coiled on the cabinet.

In addition, tea leaves and various snacks are also ready.

It seems that Jun Wu's cheap father didn't intend to wrong his children.

At the gate of the palace, a maid named Rui Xin was half-kneeling, saluting Jun Wu and his party.

Jun Wu glanced at Rui Xin casually, she was a girl with a sweet round face.

If it was placed in the previous life, it could be called a beauty.

When Rui Xin looked up and saw the Fifth Prince Jun Wu, she blushed to the base of her ears.

She secretly said in her heart: "The fifth prince is so good-looking, it seems that I am really lucky!"

Jun Wu nodded to Rui Xin, then went straight to his bedroom.

Seeing that although the palace is not big, it is very unique, and it is also spotlessly cleaned by Rui Xin.

Jun Wu and the other three had been on the road all day.

After everyone ate and washed, Jun Wu stopped embarrassing the others and sent them to rest.

Only Ye Yan and Liu Jin made an appointment to be on duty at midnight.

Jun Wu only felt that he was really tired, and soon fell asleep in the soft brocade quilt.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but he suddenly heard a voice in his mind saying:

"It's about to be attacked.

Enemy Information: Name unknown. 50 years of internal strength.

Good at martial arts unknown.

It is recommended to activate the 100-year Xiaocheng internal force and activate the "Turtle's Breathing Technique" to the second floor. "

Jun Wu suddenly opened his eyes, in front of him was the carved wooden roof of the bed.

The voice in my mind just now gave Jun Wu two messages:

First, someone is going to kill him immediately, and his martial arts are not weak.

At least a lot stronger than his two guards.

Second, "Turtle's Breathing Technique" sounds like a breath-holding technique.

Activating the visible enemy at this time is trying to attack yourself secretly.

Jun Wu immediately said silently: "Activate."

The next moment, Jun Wu could see a line of text on the panel.

""Turtle's Breathing Technique", the Taoist Baimaya Xiaosan Qingguan's unique breathing technique, has been lost now.

After activating to the second floor, you can hold your breath for an hour. "

Jun Wu just wanted to understand the meaning of this line of words.

Then I heard a "cough", like the sound of wood hitting the table.

It's just that the sound is very soft, if Jun Wu is sleeping soundly at the moment, he will definitely not notice it.

Then there was the sound of the window being pushed open quietly.

Jun Wu continued to lie motionless on the bed.

He could hear footsteps softly approaching him.

Suddenly he felt a gust of wind pass by.

A soft pillow was immediately pressed against his face.

A man dressed in black sneaked into Jun Wu's room and tried to suffocate him secretly.

What he didn't expect was that the Fifth Prince was so weak.

Not even a trace of resistance.

He pressed the pillow firmly and counted a quarter of an hour in his mind.

This would suffocate even a buffalo.

He smiled and let go of the pillow in his hand, wanting to see the face of the fifth prince before he died.

According to the master's order, he must kill the fifth prince in this way.

Otherwise, as long as the wound is left, it will be easy to be noticed by whoever did it.

But after the pillow was removed, the man in black was shocked.

Because what he saw was the vivid face of the Fifth Prince.

A pair of cold eyes were staring at him unblinkingly.

The man in black's legs seemed to lose strength, and he took a step backwards.

His eyes were bulging, and he watched the Fifth Prince sit up from the bed.

His handsome appearance appeared cold and calm in the night.

The man in black suppressed the fear in his heart.

Since the fifth prince was not smothered to death by himself, he had no choice but to kill him with heavy tactics.

Sure enough, the fifth prince sat motionless on the bed like a piece of wood.

He did not take the initiative to attack the man in black.

Until then, the man in black took the courage.

He flashed a gleaming dagger from his sleeve, and charged straight at Junwu.

At the same time, a smile appeared on the corner of Jun Wu's mouth.

For Jun Wu, the biggest weakness at the moment is that he has no body skills.

If he were to go after the man in black, there was only one possibility for him to escape.

And Jun Wu deliberately sat still, and sure enough, the man in black was so bold that he rushed towards Jun Wu.

Then Jun Wu twisted his finger and grabbed the man in black's elbow like lightning.

He flipped his hands in an instant, followed by a scream from the man in black.

Both of his arms hang down at weird angles.

Jun Wu took a step forward, flicking his fingers towards the man in black.

On the black clothes, many dark red blood flowers bloomed.

The man in black's eyes protruded and he fell to the ground.

The stench of blood spread in the room.

The window frame kept knocking on the window lattice, and the night wind blew in, bringing fresh air.

At this moment, Jun Wu's heart is full of remorse.

He wasn't used to his soaring strength yet, so he killed the man in black in one move.

"Should leave a note for interrogation!" He was annoyed inwardly.

Ye Yan and Liu Jin who heard the screams rushed to the door at the same time.

But Rui Xin arrived slowly, seeing the man in black who was dying horribly on the ground, screamed and sat down on the ground.

Jun Wu raised his head to look at Liu Jin and Ye Yan, his face was flat and not happy or angry.

Both of them were sweating profusely at the moment, and Ye Yan didn't even wear shoes on his feet.

Jun Wu sighed and said, "If it's not enough to kill someone, why not bury him in the head office?"

Liu Jin and Ye Yan swallowed their saliva and couldn't speak, so they could only nod desperately.

Jun Wu stood up and said to the three of them at the door: "What happened tonight..."

Liu Jin immediately knelt on the ground, recovered his voice and said, "This subordinate doesn't know anything."

Ye Yan and Rui Xin hurriedly knelt on the ground, repeating Liu Jin's words tremblingly.

Jun Wu then nodded, walked past them and said, "Clean it up."

(End of this chapter)

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