Chapter 7
In Junwu's palace, a man in black died in the middle of the night.

This matter seemed to be silent, and it was turned over like the night.

Early the next morning, Liu Jin and Ye Yan managed to dispose of the body of the man in black.

Naturally, there is no need for Jun Wu to worry about such a small matter.

From the clothing and weapons of the man in black, there is no distinctive feature.

Obviously his master had already used him as a pawn.

Two things really worried him:

First, although I have 100 years to complete my internal strength, my physical foundation is almost zero.

If he hadn't managed to make the man in black underestimate the enemy last night, it would not have been easy for Jun Wu to kill him.

Second, since he has obtained 100-year Xiaocheng inner strength, why is there no tendency to enter the middle god realm at all?

Jun Wu decided to solve the first thing first.

Goldfinger looks extremely passive today.

Only when others try to harm themselves, will they be given the corresponding ability to protect themselves.

If Jun Wu has been playing around with mediocre hands all his life, then he is no more than mediocre hands at best.

And where is it so easy to find a real master?

Jun Wu didn't want to wait passively.

At least he needs to improve his body skills immediately, and he can't just be a person with strong inner strength.

So after Jun Wu got up together, he walked out of his palace and kept patrolling the passers-by in the garden of the accompanying capital.

His own three subordinates naturally couldn't touch porcelain anymore.

Is it possible that Jun Wu will have to take care of daily life in the future?

What's more, their strength is not higher than the man in black.

If they are not a threat to themselves, then it becomes meaningless to train them.

Jun Wu was wearing a silver-white brocade robe.

He frowned as if he was troubled, and in the eyes of all the maids in the imperial garden, he looked like a painting and a fairy.

But if these women know what Jun Wu is thinking at the moment, they are looking for some unlucky ghost to provoke them.

They were afraid that it would be too late to hide.

Jun Wu saw that none of the court ladies and little Huangmen along the way looked like someone with martial arts skills.

And the masters who really belonged to the heirs of the emperor would naturally not make such a move so easily.

Is it so difficult to find a master?
Jun Wu was thinking all the way, while Ye Yan followed behind him.

At this moment, Ye Yan was still carrying a brocade bag on his back, which contained an inkstone, pen, ink and paper, and a brand new set of "University".

He thought he was going to the study with the fifth prince today, so he prepared all kinds of things early.

Who knew that Jun Wu was just going around in circles in the garden over and over again.

There was no intention of going to the study at all.

Ye Yan couldn't help being covered in cold sweat, but the scene of the fifth prince brutally killing the man in black last night was still vivid in his memory.

Even if Ye Yan had the courage, he didn't dare to speak out to remind the fifth prince at this moment.

After wandering aimlessly with Jun Wu again.

Suddenly there was a sound of running footsteps behind them, obviously someone was trying to catch up with them.

When Jun Wu and Ye Yan heard the footsteps, their eyes lit up and they turned their heads.

It turned out that the footsteps were light and powerful, and it seemed that he was a practitioner with strong martial arts.

Sure enough, it was a young man with a strong figure, wearing the clothes of a guard, who was rushing towards them.

Seeing the Fifth Prince from afar, he hurriedly bowed down and said:
"Fifth Prince, it's time for morning class. The other princes and princesses are already in their seats.

Master Fan asked his subordinates to hurry up and invite you to the study. "

The visitor kneeled down on one knee respectfully.

But he heard a playful voice from above his head asking, "What's your name?"

The guard was stunned for a moment, looked up at the fifth prince, and immediately lowered his head and replied, "I'm under Han Tielong."

Just after he finished speaking, Han Tielong suddenly felt a loud noise in his ear.

He looked at the Fifth Prince in disbelief,

It turned out that I was slapped by this 14-year-old boy just now.

Han Tielong took a deep breath, still knelt on the ground calmly.

As a royal guard, he was frequently bullied by the princes and daughters.

This is nothing new.

Han Tielong was thankful that his mission was to protect Master Fan, so he didn't suffer much.

Now he was slapped by the Fifth Prince inexplicably.

He also just endured secretly, and didn't hold any grudges.

Jun Wu deliberately didn't use any internal force in this palm.

Just like a vexatious teenager.

The purpose of doing this is to make Han Tielong underestimate the enemy, so that he can make up his mind to resist himself.

It's a pity that he slapped down, but the interface didn't emerge in front of his eyes.

Jun Wu spat in his heart: Are you so obedient?

Then he said coldly:

"The prince has something important to do at the moment, you go and report to Mr. Fan that I can't go."

Han Tielong lowered his head and said: "Master Fan ordered the villain to take the Fifth Prince to the study.

I don't know if the fifth prince has something important to do, so I can report to Master Fan. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped again on the other cheek.

Jun Wu said expressionlessly:
"How to report is your business. Do you want to inquire about the prince's whereabouts?"

Han Tielong said helplessly: "The villain dare not."

Seeing that Jun Wu no longer paid attention to him, Han Tielong had no choice but to resign.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yan couldn't bear it.

He finally sighed softly: "Master Fan is extremely skilled in martial arts and has a strong temper.

This time, Lao Han is afraid that he will suffer..."

"Wait!" Jun Wu said suddenly.Both Han Tielong and Ye Yan were taken aback.

At this time, Jun Wu looked calm and said: "Take me to the study, the prince!"

Han Tielong didn't know why this domineering prince was so temperamental.

But his mission was finally explained.

He immediately claimed yes and led the way.

Jun Wu followed Han Tielong all the way through the winding garden path.

After turning a corner, I finally saw a tall building.

The orchids planted outside the house are now emitting fragrance.

Entering the house, I saw the five brothers and sisters, who had already been sitting in front of the table.

The more the court rules, the princes and daughters have the opportunity to inherit the throne.

Naturally, both men and women must enter the study to study.

Among the six emperor's heirs, the oldest one has already started reading "Book of Rites".

The youngest sixth prince is still reading "Erya".

In any case, they are sitting or reading or writing upright at the moment.

And there is only one teacher, and that is Master Fan.

Master Fan is not young and has a serious face.

He didn't feel humble because the house was full of golden branches and jade leaves.

As soon as Jun Wu entered the study, he cupped his hands to Master Fan and said, "My prince is late."

Master Fan raised his head from the book and glanced at Jun Wu.

He just nodded, pointed to an empty seat with his book and said, "Go and sit."

At this time, Master Fan suddenly turned his head to see Han Tielong, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with your face?"

Han Tielong lowered his head and did not speak.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wu said loudly: "I did it!"

As soon as these words came out, the brothers and sisters in the study all looked up at Jun Wu in surprise.

Jun Wu, who is usually silent, suddenly started beating and scolding servants?
Master Fan looked at Junwu carefully.

Then he took a gold-inlaid sandalwood ruler from the desk beside him, and said:
"You were late for school and injured the guards I sent?"

Jun Wu's indifferent face showed arrogance, and said: "It's just a discipline on behalf of Master Fan."

(End of this chapter)

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