Martial arts giant

Chapter 145 Victory Criteria

Chapter 145 Victory Criteria
Duan Kangde frowned.

Anything else to say?

He couldn't help a ball of anger rising in his chest.

The entire martial arts competition has become more cruel and uncertain because of Chen Yu's reasons. Duan Kangde felt that he had compromised enough, and this person didn't know what to do!

"Young Master Chen, please speak."

The smile could no longer be maintained, and Duan Kangde's complexion sank. He looked at Chen Yan, and almost squeezed words out of his teeth.

Chen Yan was laughing.

He admired Duan Kangde's expression very much, and what he hoped to see more was that Gu Mochen had the same expression.

So he turns back.

However, what he saw was a calm face.

Gu Mochen didn't express anything because of Chen Yiyi's repeated interference. The situation is already like this, so how bad can it be?

Chen Yan snorted coldly, and sneered endlessly in his heart. After taking a last glance at Li Xin who was sitting next to Gu Mochen, who also didn't look at him directly, his jealousy was also burning.

"I want to add something."

After stabilizing his emotions, Chen Yan didn't go on stage, but stood under the stage, forcing his voice out with internal force. Even without the help of a microphone, his words were still clearly heard by everyone present.

"If the seven teams are in a melee, this arena is unnecessary, right?"

He raised his hand, just patted the floor of the arena in a very relaxed posture, and asked Duan Kande in a deep voice.

"That's natural."

Duan Kande glanced left and right, and said: "Although this arena is very big, it's not big enough for 35 people to fight on the same stage."

"If it's about the arena, don't worry, Brother Chen. If you stay for a while, you can ask someone to dismantle it. Not only the one under my feet, but all the arenas in the entire Golden Dragon Martial Arts Gym will be dismantled, so as to ensure that the contestants will have a broad environment." Build space."

Hearing this, Chen Wei twitched his lips, shook his head again and again and said, "No, no, you may not understand what I mean."

He stretched out his hand to gesture again, and said with a smile: "Of course the ring is unnecessary, so don't you think that one of the rules should also be changed?"

"What rules?"

Duan Kangde asked in his mouth, but his heart was open.

He is also a person with an exquisite mind. When Chen Yan said this, how could he not understand what the other party was thinking, and he couldn't help but sneered from the bottom of his heart. This Chen Yan has such a vicious mind!
"It's the rule that defeating the ring counts as a loss!"

Chen Yan said with a smile: "Even the arena is gone, so how can we talk about taking down the arena?"

"Yes, this rule is void."

Duan Kangde replied in a deep voice.

"So, so I think, why not change the rules for judging the outcome?"

The corners of Chen's mouth were sinister, and he continued: "Since there is no more arena, there is no such thing as surrender, so I think it's better to change the condition for determining which team wins to..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, showing a cruel smile, and said word by word: "Who can live to the end!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Who will survive till the end?
Doesn't that mean that the loser will... die?

"The place we're standing on is a dangerous zone."

Chen Yan waited for the uproar around him to calm down a bit before continuing: "What is the danger zone? I think everyone here is very clear. Surrender? Admit defeat? There is no such word in the danger zone. Yes, it's just life and death! "

"Since the purpose of our martial arts competition is to determine the ownership of the hunter's stronghold, and the hunter's stronghold belongs to the danger zone, then, do we have to follow the rules of the danger zone?"

After he finished speaking, the lingering sound was still echoing over the martial arts hall.

According to the rules of the danger zone, everyone knows that the rules of the danger zone are no rules!
In order to break through, in order to survive, in the danger zone, no matter whether it is a human fighter or a terrifying beast, they are all doing everything they can, all they do is to let themselves survive!

Two extremely simple words, placed in the danger zone, are full of murderous intent, blood and cruelty!

The melee was cruel enough, but when Chen Yan's voice fell, what appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a cruel and bloody purgatory-like scene!
Without the arena, one cannot give up and admit defeat. When the standard of victory and defeat can only be verified by life or death, one can imagine how difficult the environment will be for all the players participating in this big melee tomorrow!
"That's right, Mr. Chen is right."

Duan Kangde said with a gloomy face: "The danger zone looks like a danger zone, but..."

He changed the subject and said again: "The Zhonglin team has already proposed a request to modify the rules of the game. According to the agreement before the game, you are no longer able to propose amendments, Mr. Chen, so this one..."

The corners of his mouth also curled up slightly. In fact, speaking of it, whether the players of the seven teams present, including Gu Mochen and the others, is dead or alive has nothing to do with Duan Kant. The relationship between him and Gu Mochen is actually just a matter of It can be regarded as a transaction, Gu Mochen is not Duan Kangde's person fundamentally, he has no need to save the other party's life.

However, he is also extremely bored with this Chen Yu. Duan Kangde's ultimate goal is to seize the hunter's stronghold, but at this time Chen Yu is jumping up and down, but he has been hindering his plan, so as long as he can see Chen Yu If he is not happy, he is very happy.

Therefore, he was willing to reject this proposal with reasonable grounds.

"The Zhonglin team is not eligible to modify the rules of the game, but my Fenglei team still has it!"

However, to Duan Kangde's surprise, before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by a thunderous voice, and the person who spoke was actually Team Fenglei!
Everyone looked in surprise, only to see that the leader of the Fenglei team had stood up from the players' rest area, and a voice full of anger came from his mouth:
"Our Fenglei team proposes to change the criteria for determining the outcome of this melee to only life and death!"

"Okay, everyone can vote."

After Fenglei finished his sentence, he sat back in a muffled voice, leaving only the words life and death lingering in everyone's ears.


Chen Yan grinned and smiled at the Fenglei team, then turned his head and raised an eyebrow at Duan Kangde, full of provocation.

Duan Kangde sighed secretly, and he could only smile wryly.

He would be surprised but not too surprised that the Fenglei team would show up.

The Chen family of Zhonglin has reached out to Changtian City, and under the nose of Fengleizong, the number one sect in Changtian City, they have almost won over most of the martial arts sects in Changtian City, as the leader, how is this tone? Can you swallow it?
Therefore, Chen Yu's proposal can be said to be in the hands of the Fenglei team. What a good opportunity to kill the Zhonglin team in the game.
After all, the competition is a competition, whether it is life or death, the contestants have prepared in advance, so even if the Fenglei team killed all five members of the Zhonglin team, the Zhonglin Chen family would not be able to say a word.

Furthermore, this proposal was originally said by Chen Yu, and he wanted to die, so who is to blame?
How could the Fenglei team not want such an opportunity?

(End of this chapter)

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