Martial arts giant

Chapter 146 The Real Purpose

Chapter 146 The Real Purpose

What are you drawing?
This is Wu Jie's question, and it is also the common question of Gu Mochen and others.

What does Luo Bufan want to get?
Almost at the same time, the four of them thought of something at the same time, and their eyes became vigilant.

What they thought of was the barbaric formula!

It can be said that the Wilderness Jue is the foundation of everyone, it is true for Zhang Anhai and the others, and it is also true for Gu Mochen. Their current cultivation is inseparable from the Wilderness Jue.

Even though Gu Mochen knew that the wild formula is actually just a foundation, and that it needs to cooperate with the wild dragon pendant to exert the strongest effect, but he can't deny that it is because of the help of the wild formula that he has everything he is today!
The wild art is very important. The last time it was exposed, it directly led to the destruction of the Golden Dragon Gang, and a large number of extreme warriors were buried under the impact of the beast tide.

If Luo Bufan had plans for them, it could only be in this barbaric formula!
So the question is, how did he know his secret?How much does he know?Does he still know the existence of the Wild Dragon Pendant?

For a moment, Gu Mochen thought a little too much, because the wild art was too important to him, if someone found out the biggest secret in it, then he would have to prepare to die.

However, it turned out that he really thought too much.

Luo Bufan looked back at Duan Kangde, and said with a smile, "The things I pictured belong to Brother Duan, not to you."

Duan Kangde sighed helplessly, he had already guessed what Luo Bufan was up to, but now without Luo Bufan, he might not be able to achieve his goal, so in desperation, he had to let Luo Bufan take a share.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Gu Mochen's mind flashed, and he suddenly said: "Do you want to enter the ruins?"

Since Duan Kant took him to the ground last time, Gu Mochen has understood that Duan Kant wants to get a hunter stronghold, but he doesn't value the benefits of a hunter stronghold at all. What Duan Kande cares about is this The ancient ruins hidden under the hunter stronghold!
So, Luo Bufan's goal is also the ancient ruins?

So, Chen Yu's target is also the ancient ruins?
After blurting out the word "relic", seeing the calm faces of Duan Kant and Luo Bufan, he knew he had guessed right.

"What's in the ruins?"

Gu Mochen was silent for a moment before continuing to ask.

"I can't tell you this yet, but Brother Gu, brother, I can assure you that if you can successfully win the championship in this competition, I will give you a place to enter the ruins."

Duan Kangde seemed to have made a lot of determination, so he said to Gu Mochen in a very solemn tone.


Gu Mochen categorically quadrupled the quota.

At the end, he suddenly remembered something, turned to Li Xin and asked, "Are you going?"

where to goGoing to the supermarket?

Duan Kant burst into tears when he heard that, it is an ancient relic, full of dangers, although he has not really gone down, but Duan Kant believes that the level of that ancient relic is definitely above the prefecture level!
The ancient relics at the prefecture level are not easy to go, you know, if there is no special method, they may not even be able to complete the stairs leading to the relics, even if Duan Kant has the strength of a shadow warrior!
Duan Kande would have to grit his teeth if he added one more Gu Mochen, let alone three or four more, which would kill Duan Kande!
In particular, Li Xin had to be brought along. Li Xin was a first-class martial artist. She might not even be able to go down ten stairs. How could she bring her with her?
For a while, Duan Kangde also wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only look at Li Xin with pitiful eyes.

"With my strength, I won't cause trouble. If you get something good, just bring it to me."

Fortunately, although Li Xin's personality is very cold, he is still a sensible person, which made Duan Kangde breathe a sigh of relief.

No, it's not time to relax, there are three more...

If Li Xin is not going, what about Zhang Anhai and the others?
Bringing three more people is also a huge burden!

"Go, why don't you go?"

However, to Duan Kant's disappointment and even despair, what he saw were three eyes that were also shining with excitement.

Ancient traces, when Gu Mochen talked about the training process in the danger zone to the three people, he mentioned it in passing, so based on the experience of the three people, they already knew the existence of ancient ruins.

Although the ruins are very dangerous, there are also great opportunities. The last time Gu Mochen brought back a book of alchemy essays from the ruins, which directly led to Li Xin's great progress on the road of practicing alchemy. What can I get this time?
Of course you have to go!

Duan Kangde looked helplessly at the excited expressions of the three people, and knew that there was no need to persuade them anymore. The good thing is that these three people are two peak extreme warriors and elementary super warriors, and they still have some strength, so I want to take them down But it's not as troublesome as taking Li Xin.


Luo Bufan weakly raised his hand at this time, and said with a dry smile: "The issue of the ownership of the hunter's stronghold has not yet been settled, so we don't seem to be in a hurry to divide the dirty parts, right?"

Gu Mochen glanced at him, thinking that there are great benefits in the ruins, so that Chen Yan didn't want to share it with Luo Bufan at all. To put it bluntly, not letting Luo Bufan participate in it would indirectly weaken the strength of Zhonglin Luo's family. strength.

That's why Luo Bufan approached Duan Kant. Just in time, when Chen Yan proposed a big fight, Luo Bufan felt that his chance had come, so he contacted Duan Kant, and then appeared here with Gu Mochen.

"Are you confident?"

Gu Mochen also returned to the topic. Since Luo Bufan chose to participate in the battle by himself, and he also knew that there were five super warriors in the Zhonglin team, he was still willing to play, so it shows that at least he has a strong sense of his own strength. of confidence.

"I still have a little confidence. I am an authentic super warrior anyway, and I am better than those bastards who forcibly promoted to the realm of super warriors."

Luo Bufan was still smiling, but this smile was full of strong confidence and contempt for the Zhonglin team.

"Forcibly promoted?"

These four words made Gu Mochen and others look at each other in blank dismay. They had never heard that the realm of cultivation could be forcibly raised. After all, if you want to raise the realm, you have to break through the limit of the human body.

Even the Yue Zhong that Gu Mochen was fighting against today, because of the existence of his alien beast talent, he was promoted from an extreme warrior to a super warrior, but that was only temporary and could not exist forever.

"This... the amount of information is a bit large, let's take down the hunter's stronghold first, and you will naturally understand what I'm talking about after tomorrow's battle."

Luo Bufan obviously didn't want to talk more about this issue, he spread his hands and said in a relaxed tone:

"Anyway, if I join the battle, it will be much better than Miss Xin playing, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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