Martial arts giant

Chapter 35 Make a fortune!

Chapter 35 Make a fortune!
When I opened my eyes again, it was almost evening.

Gu Mochen stood up from the ground, exhausted, full of vigor.

"It's so amazing, I can't even feel a bit of beastly breath!"

After the madness before, he was wrapped in the white light of the wild dragon pendant, and when he woke up, his internal energy was exhausted.

So he didn't dare to be negligent, even if there were all kinds of doubts in his heart, he had to temporarily suppress them.

In this dangerous zone where there are many crises, keeping the inner strength full at all times is the most important thing.

While recovering his internal strength with the wild formula, he also sank his mind into his body, carefully observing the changes in his body.

However, he couldn't even find a trace of the cold and bloodthirsty feeling he had felt before.

His body is no different from before he swallowed the beast pill!
What happened before seemed like a dream, if it wasn't for the strong smell of blood that kept drilling into his nostrils.

"By the way, the corpse!"

The smell of blood reminded Gu Mochen. Since he couldn't get the answer for the time being, he simply suppressed his doubts and remembered the corpse that died in the dense forest.

He didn't forget that Zhao Zichao still had more than a dozen animal pills that he had hunted in the five-person team before!

Find Zhao Zichao's body in the doomsday dense forest.

Until now, Zhao Zichao's pale face is still frozen with fear and unwillingness to be attacked suddenly, his eyes are open angrily, obviously he will not rest in peace.

Perhaps, when he died, he still thought that without the sudden appearance of the steel storm bear, he would be the one who had the last laugh, right?

Closing Zhao Zichao's eyes was the last thing Gu Mochen did for Zhao Zichao because they were in the same team.

Then, he took off the bulging combat pocket on Zhao Zichao's waist.

There are seven third-level beast pills and twelve second-level beast pills, all of which are in the pocket.


After counting the beast pills, Gu Mochen's eyes lit up. At the bottom of the pocket, he also saw a yellowed booklet.

My heart skipped a beat, after the previous experience, this booklet is most likely also a book of martial arts and martial arts!

Thinking of Zhao Zichao's mysterious high-grade martial arts Dragon Demon Flash, and Long Lianshan who was able to dispel his Thunder Tiger Thunderbolt later, he couldn't help feeling hot.

Lian took out the booklet and took a closer look, and couldn't help being ecstatic.

Sure enough, it was a martial skill, it was that mysterious high-grade martial skill——Dragon Demon Flash!

Thinking about it, Zhao Zichao had not acquired this martial skill for a long time, so it would be cheaper for Gu Mochen to keep this skill on his body for enlightenment.

Now is not the time to practice martial arts, he stuffed the booklet into his arms, picked up the eighteen-section whip that Zhao Zichao had left behind, and ran to the next place without stopping.

There might be unexpected surprises on the four killers whose names he didn't even know!

These four people had evil intentions, wanted to harm him, and took away their things, Gu Mochen had no burden at all.

In the past few days, he has experienced life and death several times in the danger zone, and his heart has gradually become as hard as iron, and the guilt he felt for the first murder like last time will no longer appear.

If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I will pay back ten times!
This is where his bottom line is now.

He will not be like some bad hunters who see the treasure and secretly do some murders to seize the treasure.

But he won't be ignorant, anyone who dares to attack him will definitely fight back fiercely!

The killer group of four died in four different places. Gu Mochen walked all the way, looking at the dilapidated scene in front of him, he still had lingering fears, and couldn't believe it was caused by himself.

The first thing to come was the body of the thin-faced young man.

Of course, now his thin face can no longer be seen, what lies quietly at Gu Mochen's feet is just a headless corpse.

After scratching it, there is nothing but some military coins.

It doesn't matter, and I went to the next person, and there was no gain.

When he found nothing on the body of the third person, he came to the headless body of the bearded man.

I wonder if the four of them like to put everything in the captain's hands like Zhao Zichao?
Kneeling down, he took off the big man's combat pocket, and the weight of the bag made him happy.

Different from the other three withered pockets, this bearded man's pocket is extremely heavy, obviously there is something inside.

When he opened it and poured it out, Gu Mochen was stunned.

A lot of beast pills rolled out of the pocket, counting them roughly, there were more than 20 pieces!

There are more beast pills than Zhao Zichao's pocket!
Get rich!
At this moment, only this thought jumped out of his heart!
Although these animal pills are almost all second-level animal pills in terms of fineness, there are only three third-level animal pills mixed in, which are far inferior to the ones obtained by Zhao Zichao in terms of quality.

But Gu Mochen didn't care.

In his eyes, the grades of all beast pills have to be +1!

That is... more than 20 third-level beast pills and three fourth-level beast pills!

What a terrifying fortune this is!
After being stunned for a long time, he quickly cleaned up the beast pills scattered on the ground in shock.

Until he picked up the last one carefully, he still couldn't calm down for a long time.

What he didn't know was that this group of killers headed by a bearded man was very good at concealing assassination techniques. The four of them entered and exited together. experience of.

On the way to follow Gu Mochen, the four of them didn't pay much attention to him at first, so in order to earn some extra money, while monitoring, they also devoted their energy to hunting some strange beasts, which was right as this time's errands fee.

They are not like Gu Mochen who is a complete rookie and has his own way of searching for some extremely hidden beasts.

So they killed all the way, especially after Gu Mochen entered the hunter's stronghold, the four of them had nothing to do. Except for one person who was assigned to wait outside the stronghold, the other three were sent off by hunting low-level beasts time.

Unknowingly, so many beast pills have been saved.

Put away the animal pills. This time, I didn't find any secrets of exercises or other valuable items from the pocket of the bearded man.

Gu Mochen got up now, calmed down his emotions, and his eyes fell on the huge body of the steel storm bear that was broken in two.

Strictly speaking, this Iron Bear did him a favor.

If it weren't for it, Gu Mochen would have to swallow the fourth-grade tonic pill one step ahead. With Zhao Zichao's strength as a super warrior, who knows if he has a back hand, even if Gu Mochen has already made a full calculation, You can't really guarantee that you are [-]% sure of winning.

The appearance of the steel storm bear is very miserable, not to mention the body is broken in two, the internal organs are scattered all over the place, and there is almost no intact place on the whole body, especially the bear paw on one side, which was smashed by the thunder tiger break.

There is no need to collect materials for such a tragedy.

(End of this chapter)

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