Martial arts giant

Chapter 36 The Corpse of Lei Yan's Spirit Python

Chapter 36 The Corpse of Lei Yan's Spirit Python

Standing in front of the half body of the steel storm bear, Gu Mochen couldn't help thinking about the process of being chased by Zhao Zichao all the way to this point.

If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the steel storm bear, his final plan would be to swallow the fourth-grade nourishing spirit pill, and then have a life-and-death showdown with Zhao Zichao, who was seriously depleted of internal energy.

If the ending develops in this way, he is actually not sure that he will win against Zhao Zichao.

After all, the opponent is also a super martial artist whose strength is a head above his own, and it is hard for anyone to say if there are any trump cards that have not been revealed in the dark.

After all, even he, a rookie who has only broken through to become an extreme warrior for a few days, has a fourth-grade elixir as a backing. As a super warrior who has been in the danger zone all year round, does Zhao Zichao have any trump cards to save his life?

Gu Mochen didn't believe it.

But the good news is that before Zhao Zichao had time to show his hole cards, he was killed by the intrusion of the steel storm.

From this point of view, Steel Storm Bear actually helped him once.


His eyes flickered slightly, and a thought suddenly popped up.

Steel Storm Bear was undoubtedly injured before it appeared.

But how did this injury come about?

Especially when the beast tide was raging and there were almost no strange beasts within a few kilometers, how did it get injured?
Was it the hunters?
No, not like that.

Soon, Gu Mochen deduced his guess.

Reminiscent of the steel storm's later actions, it really didn't want to kill Gu Mochen, but just drove him away. This, coupled with the abnormality from the wild dragon pendant before he entered the dense forest, he was almost certain...

The Iron Bear is guarding something!
The wild dragon pendant has always only responded to the aura of heaven and earth, could it there any strange treasure with strong aura here?

Thinking of this, Gu Mochen couldn't help but feel refreshed.

A treasure that can be carefully guarded by level five beasts is of course an extremely precious thing.

So what is it?

Looking around, most of the dense forest has been destroyed, while the other half is still intact, covered by dense vegetation.

And happened to be the direction where the Iron Bear had quietly appeared before.

Gu Mochen glanced at the half body of the steel storm bear. Judging from the trajectory of his fist power when he blasted the thunder tiger before, the intact side should have been affected.

Could it be that the steel storm is still instinctively protecting the "thing" in that direction when it is in danger?
Thinking of this, he flickered and walked in the direction of suspicion.

At the same time, the internal force runs through the whole body, guarding against possible abnormalities.


Galloping in the dense forest, everything is quiet. The dense forest is in sharp contrast to the devastation after the battle there, and the tranquility is like a paradise.

Suddenly, the wild dragon pendant on his chest reacted again.

The battle suit had already become shattered when the body swelled into a beast, and the flickering white light on the dragon pendant was caught in Gu Mochen's eyes.

The white light flashed eagerly, and Gu Mochen's mind suddenly surged with complex emotions.

It was anxiety and excitement, and even anticipation and desire for the unknown things ahead.

This is the first time that the wild dragon pendant is so humane!

Gu Mochen couldn't help speeding up his pace, shuttled through the dense forest, and after walking around a towering giant tree, he suddenly saw a huge black shadow in front of him.

When his face changed, he suddenly stopped, and at the same time, his body took a defensive position.

That huge black shadow turned out to be...a giant python?
The black scales shone with a dark red flame, and the body of the giant python was straight, lying on the ground without moving, as if it was dead.

Lei Yan Spirit Python?

Level five beast!

Gu Mochen was shocked, and couldn't help but take two steps back.

He knew this giant python, but it turned out to be another fifth-level beast, a giant python that used lightning-breathing flames as its main attack method!
There are actually two fifth-level beasts in a dense forest, which is almost impossible for fifth-level beasts that already have the concept of territory!

Could it be that……

Gu Mochen's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of the horrific wound on the back of the Iron Bear. Could it be that the Lei Yanling Python was the one who fought with it before?

While thinking about it, he looked at the motionless Lei Yan Spirit Python from a long distance, but he couldn't feel even a trace of life in it.

If you look carefully, you can see that the thick black scales are broken at seven inches from Lei Yan's spirit python. When you look again, there is a deep hole.

The bloodstains left traces along with the hole, on the black scales, the blood looked so inconspicuous and had dried up.

Seven inches is the vital point of snakes, and now Lei Yan's spirit python has such a big hole in its seven inches, and it seems that even the blood of the python has almost drained, it looks like it is really dead.

This wound... Presumably it was caused by the Iron Bear!
Pop, pop!
Out of caution, Gu Mochen threw two stones straight at the python's head with his eyes closed. This test also made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Lei Yanling python died.

It seems that the Iron Bear ran over to kill Zhao Zichao after hearing the movement after killing Lei Yan Lingpyg here.

Gu Mochen rejoiced for a while. When the beasts of the same level competed, the Iron Bear was very exhausted to win, and suffered serious injuries. Is expectations the reason why it seemed a little vulnerable?

and many more!

Gu Mochen was sighing to himself, his face froze suddenly, and his heart was agitated.

Lei Yanling Python is also a level five alien beast, so its beast pill...

That's a level five beast pill!
Gu Mochen had already swallowed the steel bear's pill, and he wouldn't think too much about it at a critical moment, but thinking about it now, it was full of pain.

However, there was still a level five beast here, and it was still dead.

What are you waiting for?
Gu Mochen looked ecstatic, and rushed forward in a flash.

On the way forward, he flicked his fingers repeatedly, one after another with howling vigor, the small stones hit Lei Yan's whole body, but there was still no response, it seemed that he was already dead.

Standing at the seven-inch vital point of Lei Yan's spirit python, Gu Mochen needed to raise his head to see the big hole opened by the seven-inch of Lei Yan's spirit python.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Gu Mochen once saw in a post on the Internet that most of the beast pills of strange beasts like pythons are stored in the Qicun's vital point.

Because it is a vital point, it is deliberately protected in normal times and in battle. Compared with other parts, it is much safer in terms of safety.

Getting closer, Gu Mochen finally found a faintly flickering dark green light in the hole.

The animal pill is still there!
Gu Mochen's eyes straightened immediately, is this a reward for him risking his life to swallow the beast pill of the steel storm bear?
Level [-] beast pill!
This is the biggest gain of this trip. Compared with the fifth-level beast, he is willing to exchange the more than 40 low-level beast pills he just collected for this fifth-level beast pill!
(End of this chapter)

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