Martial arts giant

Chapter 61 Shocking Day

Chapter 61 Shocking Day

Gu Mochen only felt that dark clouds were covering the top.

The stronger Li Xin's alchemy talent is, the more it is conceivable that the Zhonglin Chen family will be more eager to get her.

Then, as his inexplicable boyfriend, the revenge from Zhonglin Chen's family will be more intense!
But the good thing is that the Chen family probably didn't know that Li Xin could refine the seventh-level elixir like the one in front of him. After all, Li Xin said that the elixir formula was obtained from the essay on the way of alchemy.

Seven Treasures Returning Panacea, this medicine is so powerful that it really lives up to the name of the seventh-level medicine!

When he was beating Zhao Zichao before, he relied on the fourth-grade tonic pill, although he accidentally used it on the steel storm bear.

The function of the Buling Pill is to replenish the internal energy consumed by oneself, but it has no effect on one's own injuries.

And this Seven Treasure Regenerating Elixir can actually replenish internal strength and heal injuries at the same time!
It's like having an extra life, and this alone is already precious.

But that's not enough. What's even more abnormal is that there is an extra 10 minutes of berserk time and seven times the strength bonus. This can no longer be described as horror, and a "very" suffix must be added in front of it. Just do it!

Just imagine that when you are fighting against someone, that person has the strength to crush Gu Mochen. He has already eaten Gu Mochen and beat him to the point of dying. Panacea.

The injuries and internal strength instantly regenerated, and the whole person seemed to have gained a new life, but it was of no use to the person who could beat him to the brink of death.

After all, in a very short period of time, if you can beat Gu Mochen once, there will naturally be a second and third time!
But he would never have imagined that Gu Mochen, who had recovered to a full state, would suddenly increase his strength by seven times!

Caught off guard, it is not impossible to be killed by Gu Mochen in a desperate situation. This is the most terrifying part of this Seven Treasures Returning Spirit Pill, it is tantamount to giving him another life!

A Seven Treasure Regenerating Pill can protect his two lives, compared to that, the next seven days of not being able to use his internal strength and falling into a period of weakness is insignificant.

Gu Mochen smiled bitterly, picked up the medicine bottle from the table, and hid it next to his body with great care.

Seven Treasures Regenerating Elixir, this is a pill that he cannot refuse, and there is no reason to refuse it.

Things have come to this point, Zhonglin Chen's strong enemy has been established ten days ago, what else can Gu Mochen do now?
Go to Chen Yan to clarify the truth, and beg the other party's forgiveness?
Not to mention that Chen Yixiang didn't believe his words, even Gu Mochen couldn't pass his own test.

The dignity of being a warrior made him unable to do such a thing at all!
That being the case, the only thing he can do is to increase his own strength to prevent possible retaliation in the future.

"That's good, let's settle it!"

Li Xin spread her hands, and just gave the precious seventh-level elixir to someone, but she didn't even look at the small medicine bottle, and instead talked about irrelevant topics:

"But I'm curious, what are you going to do with so many pills now?"

"Do you keep them all for yourself?"

She looked directly at Gu Mochen, with a serious expression on her face, and said: "As your partner, let me remind you that it is not good for you to take too much medicine, and you still have to take it step by step when it comes to cultivation. Come."

Gu Mochen glanced at her, nodded and said: "Of course I know this, you can rest assured about this."

"Then what are you going to do? Sell it?"

Li Xin seemed to be extremely curious about this question, but the next sentence revealed her original intention.

"You sell it back, don't expose me, I want to be quiet again."

Taking out so many pills in one breath will inevitably be seen by those who are interested. At that time, it is not impossible to find out Gu Mochen and even Li Xin behind him.

Gu Mochen was complaining silently, do you still want to be quiet?You still think you are not exposed?What happened to Zhonglin Chen's family?

However, he hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully: "I was going to sell it, but I won't sell it now. I have three friends. I plan to share some of these pills with them to help them break through to extreme warriors."

In addition to being an alchemist, Li Xin is also a school doctor. If something goes wrong with Zhang Anhai and the others when they break through, there is no guarantee that Li Xin will not be used again, so it is good to have a vaccination first.

"You are generous!"

Li Xin gave him a blank look, but didn't say anything. The pill was given to Gu Mochen. What he should do with it is his business. She has no right or interest to ask too much, as long as she doesn't refine the pill Things just get out of the way.

"By the way, when will you go hunting for the beast pill again?"

Skip this section, she asked again.

"This... I'm afraid I'll have to wait for a while."

Gu Mochen pondered for a while, but did not give an accurate answer.

"How long?"

Li Xin seemed a little urgent, and said: "You still have a lot of pills in your alchemy essay. If you have animal pills, I can try to refine some more high-level pills!"

This person is addicted to alchemy...

Gu Mochen was helpless for a while, thought for a while, and said, "I'm afraid it won't work during this time, I have to go to a martial arts tournament."

Now I will briefly talk about the fact that Duan Kant invited him to represent the mysterious forces behind him to participate in the martial arts competition for the hunter's stronghold.

There is nothing to hide about this matter. The martial arts competition held to compete for the hunter stronghold is probably a rare major event in Changtian City in recent years. There will definitely be a webcast at that time. From time to time, Li Xin can also know.

"A martial arts tournament?"

The light in Li Xin's wonderful eyes was flickering. He buried his head and didn't know what he was thinking. Four, the last spot...give it to me!"

"Give you?"

Gu Mochen opened his mouth wide again. Could it be that today is a day of shock? From the moment he stepped into the school infirmary, shocking things happened one by one, without giving him any chance to breathe.

" know martial arts?"

Gu Mochen looked Li Xin up and down, except for that iceberg-like temperament, he couldn't see that Li Xin had any cultivation.

"Can't you?"

Li Xin glanced at him, and said without doubt: "That's it, you go and call the person who invited you, and tell him not to look for someone else, the five places are already full!"

"No... are you really going?"

Gu Mochen still had a look of disbelief, this is a martial arts competition, and a life and death certificate must be signed. If someone is killed during the martial arts competition, he is not bound by the iron law of Changtian City that cannot kill people!
(End of this chapter)

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