Martial arts giant

Chapter 62 2 Results

Two results
"Brother, are you kidding me?"

On the other end of the communicator, Duan Kande's voice was full of surprise and dissatisfaction.

But Gu Mochen could only rub his nose helplessly, with a look of regret on his face.

I'm doing my best, why did you ask Li Xin about the martial arts tournament?
It's good now, I thought she was just mentioning it on a whim, but I never thought that the other party's attitude was extremely firm, and even proposed that if Gu Mochen did not agree to her participation, the cooperation between the two would be terminated immediately!
This is already a threat.

But an alchemist, or a super top alchemist, of course has the qualifications to issue such a threat.

It would be fine if he was a more ordinary alchemist. Gu Mochen's biggest problem would be not to cooperate with him. With the help of the wild dragon pendant, as long as he is careful, his cultivation will improve just around the corner.

But Li Xin has the ability to refine a seventh-level elixir. How could Gu Mochen be willing to give up just by looking at the powerful efficacy of the seven-treasure elixir.

In his heart, strengthening his strength and going deep into the danger zone to find clues about his parents is the top priority.

God knows what life and death crisis will be encountered in the danger zone, one more pill may make Gu Mochen go further and live longer.

So after some struggle, he still agreed to Li Xin's request.

Of course, this is also based on his current strong confidence in his own strength, so he dared to agree to this matter.

Although this seems to be very unkind to Duan Kangde, after all, the importance of the hunter's stronghold is extraordinary, and Gu Mochen can feel that when Duan Kangde came to him, he was already prepared to bleed and was beaten by himself. Prepare for a slash.

However, he first wanted Zhang Anhai and the others to have more actual combat experience, so he wanted three spots. He originally thought that even if the three of them were defeated in every game, with him and Duan Kangde, another player who was armed to the teeth, it would be almost impossible. Can seal the victory.

Under the extreme warrior, Gu Mochen thought that with his current cultivation, he should have no opponent.

However, this last spot was forcibly taken by Li Xin, which was a shock to Duan Kangde.

The hunter stronghold that the organization intends to seize, and none of the contestants sent by him are under his control. Gu Mochen is fine, but for Duan Kangde, how can he rest assured about the other four?

" tell me first, what is the cultivation level of your other friend?"

Without Gu Mochen's response, Duan Kangde continued to yell, and Gu Mochen could feel his distraught appearance through the communicator.

"I do not know about this."

Gu Mochen told the truth, he really didn't know Li Xin's cultivation level, when he asked just now, Li Xin didn't give him an answer, he just said to reassure him.

"do not know……"

Duan Kande was completely defeated by these three words, and after a rare silence for a while, he suddenly roared: "No, I don't agree, this is too childish!"

Actually I don't agree either...

Gu Mochen rolled his eyes, complained in his heart, and then straightened his face, saying: "Brother Duan, how about it, I begged you for the last spot, and in return, I promise you that this martial arts contest You will definitely win the first place in the conference!"

"You promise, what guarantee do you use?"

Duan Kande was still roaring. It is conceivable that he must also be under great pressure for the hunter's stronghold.

"Use... your life."

Gu Mochen paused, and spoke to the communicator in a low and solemn voice.

"Use your life?"

Duan Kangde seemed to be taken aback, and remained silent for a while.

"Yes, use your life. I assure you that you will win the first place in this martial arts tournament even if you try your best. All you can see are two results..."

Gu Mochen's eyes gradually burst into a steadfast light, and he said word by word: "One, I won this martial arts competition for you, and the other is that I died on the ring!"

As soon as the words fell, his chest was full of pride for a moment.

Yes, Zhang Anhai and the others are rookies?So what if Li Xin has no cultivation base?So what if he went [-]v[-] on the field?
The road to martial arts was inherently dangerous, and Li Xin's unreasonable request just happened to block what he subconsciously thought was the last way out.

Without the help of strong teammates, he can only rely on himself for everything, so let's rely on himself.

Isn't that what it should be?
If he doesn't do these things by himself, if he doesn't rely on himself, who else can he pin his hopes on?

Suddenly, Gu Mochen's mentality changed fundamentally.

Originally, he agreed to participate in this conference because he wanted to return Duan Kant's favor for saving his life. As for the competition itself, he was actually not too competitive.

But now, he really wanted to win this tournament, not for Duan Kangde, nor for the forces behind him, but for himself.

People, only when they are pushed to a desperate situation can they burst out with stronger potential.

Invincible at the same level?

Maybe it was or maybe it wasn't, now that martial arts are flourishing, Changtian City has dozens of sects, large and small, and he himself is considered an outlier among extreme warriors, but who can guarantee that there are no other outliers?

Therefore, after there was no retreat, Gu Mochen's own pressure also increased sharply, but this was also a kind of tempering, for his own cultivation, and for his martial arts heart.

If you can't even pass this level, how can you talk about the future?
"As you like."

Feeling the firmness in Gu Mochen's tone, Duan Kangde said sullenly: "In short, if you fail this time, I don't know if you will die in the ring, but I will definitely die."

This can be regarded as agreeing to Gu Mochen's request, but he also lost the interest in talking again. He was about to hang up the communicator when he heard Gu Mochen shout:
"Wait a moment!"

"Anything else?"

Duan Kant said.

"I want to ask..." Gu Mochen pursed his lips and said in a deep voice, "Is there anyone from the Chen family participating in this competition?"

"Zhonglin Chen's family?"

Duan Kangde's voice suddenly rose an octave, and he said angrily: "Damn it, you also know Zhonglin Chen's family? If it weren't for them, where did this crap about the martial arts tournament come about!"

His tone seemed resentful, and it sounded like he hated the Linchen family very much.

"What, you have enmity with them?"

He cursed, and then asked Gu Mochen.

"No, I'm curious, just asking casually."

Gu Mochen shook his head, and didn't say anything more on this issue.

Immediately, in Duan Kangde's extremely worried mood, the two hung up the communicator.

Gu Mochen let out a long breath of foul air, but the light in his eyes still remained.


He clenched his fists tightly. It seems that the people who want to step up their cultivation are not only Zhang Anhai and the three of them, but also himself!
(End of this chapter)

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