Martial arts giant

Chapter 65 Opportunity for Revenge

Chapter 65 Opportunity for Revenge

Inside the only five-star hotel in Changtian city center.

presidential suite.

Chen Yan was wearing a bathrobe, lying comfortably on the beach chair, sipping a glass of champagne in his hand, squinting slightly, enjoying the warm afternoon sun on the balcony.

Behind him, the driver and bodyguard's big man in a suit gently entered the room, and stood solemnly and silently behind Chen Yan, as if he was just a statue in the presidential suite.

Until Chen Yan stretched his waist.

When he was enjoying his lunch break, everyone and everything had to be put on hold. Even if the big man in the suit had an urgent report, he could only wait patiently.

"Is something wrong?"

Chen Li moved his body, his bones cracked and he nodded his head with a satisfied expression, then he turned his head and glanced at the big man.

Ever since this man was beaten up by Gu Mochen that day, Chen Yan looked at him with vague disgust. To him, a defeated dog really has nothing to value.

The big man had no expression on his face, and said silently with his hands down: "The mysterious forces are well hidden, and they can hardly find any information that they don't want us to know."

"Then what are you doing?"

Chen Yu frowned, with dissatisfaction in his tone.

This time I came to Changtian City, just in time for the hunter stronghold.

For a stronghold in a remote area, Chen Yu is actually not too concerned, but since it just happens to happen, he is really unwilling not to take a bite of the fat that is delivered to his mouth.

Because of this, in the process of participating in the battle for the hunter's stronghold, Chen Yan unexpectedly discovered that he knew nothing about this mysterious force that suddenly appeared!
This is something hard to imagine. One must know the strength of the Yizhonglin Chen family, and the entire Guxia Federation's forces, large and small, are rarely known to the Chen family.

So Chen Yi began to become interested in this mysterious force that wanted to seize the hunter's stronghold as soon as it appeared.

How big is the opponent's power, what kind of purpose is he holding, and whether he can use it for himself.

This is the issue that Chen Yan is most concerned about, so he asked someone to investigate a few days ago.

The reward given to him by the big man in the suit should be the final investigation result, but he didn't find anything?
what to eat!
Seeing the big man in a suit, Chen Yan's eyes turned colder.

The big man in the suit still had his head down, and he didn't seem to care about Chen Yan's increasingly disdainful eyes, but continued: "But we found one thing that is very strange."

"That group of mysterious forces claim to be members of the Golden Dragon Gang, so they still live in the hunter's stronghold. Of course, we have been closely monitoring their residences, and our people found out..."

Having said that, he raised his head with a look of bewilderment on his face.

"What did you find?"

Chen Yan asked in a cold voice.

"Just a few days ago, from the residence of that group of mysterious people, our people captured a signal from a communicator. This signal was sent directly to Changtian City twice, and... it was at Dongyuan University."

The big man in the suit glanced at Chen Yan, and said again: "Then just yesterday, from Dongyuan University, there was also a signal back to the hunter's stronghold, and the receiver was still the location of the mysterious person who was strictly controlled by our people." .”

"Dongyuan University?"

Chen Yan touched his chin, with a flash of resentment in his eyes, and said coldly: "Have you found out who the Dongyuan University is talking to them?"

"not yet."

The big man in the suit shook his head again, and replied: "The hunter stronghold is in a mess now, and many warriors have returned to the city, so there are very few people using communicators in the stronghold, but Dongyuan University is different, there are thousands of them every day. There are tens of thousands of communicator signals, and it will be impossible to find out for a while, but..."

"But what?"

Chen Yan asked immediately.

"However, something happened at Dongyuan University yesterday."

The big man in the suit hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "That's Gu Mochen, he took his three roommates to the limit room in the martial arts club."

"Extreme room? With three people?"

Chen Yan's face darkened, and when Gu Mochen was mentioned, the aura around him suddenly turned cold.

"Yes, and..."

The big man in the suit also had an unbelievable expression on his face, and said: "And, when they came out, those three people broke through!"


"Breakthrough at the same time?"

Chen Yi suddenly jumped up from the reclining chair and shouted, "Impossible!"

"At first, my subordinates also thought it was impossible, but after in-depth investigation, they found that it is actually the case!"

The big man in a suit replied: "Those three people, before Gu Mochen came back from the danger zone, the one with the lowest cultivation was a second-level warrior, but before entering the limit room, all three of them had reached the peak of the third-level warrior, and, After coming out, they all broke through and became extreme warriors!"

"I also found a courier..."

Having said that, he smiled wryly, express delivery?Speaking of it, even he himself felt a little inexplicable.

"What courier?"

Chen Yan asked.

"It's not very clear, but the courier was sent to Gu Mochen, the delivery address is fake, and the source can't be traced. I don't know if it has something to do with it."

"Three people... three extreme warriors."

Chen Yan rubbed the center of his brows, and stood there thinking carefully.

He is just conceited but not arrogant, and he is even extremely smart, otherwise he would not be able to gain a firm foothold given the intrigue within the top ten aristocratic families.

"Who, pretending to be a member of the Golden Dragon Gang, announced their list for the competition?"

Chen Yan paced back and forth in the room, suddenly turned around, stared at the big man in a suit and asked.

"This does not."

The big man in the suit froze for a moment, then shook his head and replied.

There are only less than four days before the martial arts competition for the hunter's stronghold. At this time, many sects have announced their contestants. Only by looking at it, there has been no news about the forces that are bound to win the stronghold.

"very good!"

Chen Yan suddenly grinned grimly, and clenched his fist hard!
"Gongsun Liang, haven't you always wanted revenge, now is your chance!"

The big man in the suit opened his eyes, and a gleam shot out from them, "Master, what do you mean..."

"What do I mean? Oh, by the way, you are not the only one who wants revenge..."

Chen Yan sneered again and again, but ignored the big man in a suit named Gongsun Liang, but turned around and shouted sharply: "Come out!"

The size of this presidential suite is huge. Following Chen Yan's stern shout, someone suddenly slowly... crawled out from a small door next to it that looked like a cloakroom.


The man's body was extremely low, and while he was crawling on his hands and feet, he let out a deep howl that didn't sound like a human voice.

Looking at this person, Chen Yan frowned, and said extremely dissatisfied: "What a waste, it hasn't been digested yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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