Martial arts giant

Chapter 66 Beast

Chapter 66 Beast

Both Chen Yan and Gongsun Liang looked at the man who slowly crawled out expressionlessly.

This man came out of the side door in a crawling posture like a beast. Looking at the clothes on his body, although he had torn them torn, he could still see some shadows of Chen Meng.

This person with distorted face and swollen body is none other than Chen Meng!


Hearing Chen Yan's call, Chen Meng landed on all fours, slowly crawled on the ground step by step, and crawled to Chen Yan's side, growling continuously and drooling from the corners of his mouth.

His whole body is no longer human-like. If his whole body grows more hair, he will be like a small strange beast!

"What beast pill did you give him last time?"

Chen Yan frowned, and took a step back with disgust, so as not to get Chen Meng's saliva on his feet.

"The last time it was the beast pill of the hell three-headed dog, but it was only a juvenile hell three-headed dog, and the level of the beast pill is level four."

Gongsun Liang replied quickly.

"Only level four?"

Chen Yan frowned even deeper, and gave Chen Meng a look of disdain. There was no trace of family affection as a cousin in his eyes, and he said in an extremely disdainful tone:

"What a waste!"


Gongsun Liang nodded, and also did not express sympathy for Chen Meng's current situation, and said expressionlessly: "With his aptitude, he can probably withstand the fourth-level animal pill, and when the medicine is more effective, he can restore his human body." mental capacity."

"Why restore?"

Chen Yan's eyes flashed, and he asked Gongsunliang back.


Gongsun Liang was startled for a moment, but couldn't continue.

"There are still four days left, give him a fifth-level beast pill, since there is no need for recovery, then completely destroy it!"

Chen Yan waved his hand, with a cold and decisive expression on his face.


Gongsun Liang said nothing, and nodded slightly.

"And you!"

Chen Yan said again: "You also step up for me, if you really can't swallow two more beast pills, look at what you look like now, you can't even get up because of being beaten by an extreme warrior!"

As soon as these words came out, Gongsun Liang's calm face suddenly fluctuated violently, and his tall and strong body suddenly swelled at this time, only a few hissing sounds, even the tight suit on his body It was also bursting.

All of a sudden, it seemed that there was some terrible beast lurking in the room, and the air suddenly became thick as a mountain!

"Roar, Roar!"

Chen Meng screamed wildly suddenly, the strong pressure oppressed his body, and he almost threw himself into the temple and was crushed to the ground, but even if he didn't, he only had the last bit of strength left to barely support his body.

The ferocity on the face belonged to the alien beast, and at this time, the fear on the face seemed to be the innate fear of the unknown and the powerful instinct of the alien beast!
"whispering sound……"

However, Chen Meng's fear was actually Chen Yan's disdain.

He curled his lips and said contemptuously: "What's the use of being fierce now, why didn't you resist when you were beaten like a pig's head?"

In a word, it pierced the thick and dignified air, like a steel needle piercing a balloon, with a bang, the loud noise shook everyone's heart.


Chen Meng lay on the ground directly, like a dead dog.

On the other hand, Gongsun Liang's aura has been restrained, and his swollen body has also returned to its original state in an instant. He looks extremely lonely. He let out a breath, and he said lightly:

"Yes, I will try my best!"

After finishing his sentence, he said nothing more, turned around and walked out the door.


The door of the presidential suite was gently closed, leaving only two cousins, Chen Yan and Chen Meng, in the room.


Chen Yan's face was extremely gloomy, and he said indifferently: "If it weren't for your performance in the resistance of the beast pill, it would still be of some use..."


While he was talking to himself, Chen Meng tried hard to get himself up again.

"go away!"

Chen Yan kicked him impatiently, "Don't come out without my order!"


Night falls.

Brush brush brush brush!

Under the moonlight, four afterimages were leaping about on the construction site full of building materials, and it was vaguely visible that three of them belonged to the same party, and were using various tricks to force the other figure surrounded by them.

"Be careful!"

Surrounded in the middle, Gu Mochen's figure stopped abruptly, revealing his real body, while sitting on the horse with his waist down, his body stretched back abruptly in a very explosive posture.

"Dragon Demon Flash!"

With a violent shout in his mouth, under the night, a Tyrannosaurus rex covered with metallic luster suddenly roared, swung its dragon head, and quickly bit the three people surrounding him with the power to cut through the air.

"it is good!"

The first to bear the brunt of the dragon head was a burly, tall and majestic figure. Seeing the dragon biting him, he was not surprised but delighted.

"Crashing Mountain Palm!"

With the same loud shout, an evil-looking Arhat actually emerged from that tall figure. The giant Arhat was twice as tall as his body. Lead away.

The loud noise was deafening, and the moves of the two collided head-on. The faucet formed by the Dragon Demon Flash just paused, and it swept away like a broken bamboo.

On the other hand, the rock-like figure with the evil-looking arhat on his head was swept away by the dragon's head, and the whole person flew out, knocking down a pile of building materials with a crackling sound.

"How stupid!"

The second person laughed at him, and he didn't dare to neglect the dragon's head, so he raised his breath lightly, and the whole person flew into the air, and he paused in the air...

"Boundless legs!"

In an instant, the fluctuations in the air were extremely violent, his legs changed immeasurably, whistling continuously, and his legs were everywhere in all directions.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
The dragon collided with the legs brazenly, with the speed of the immeasurable legs, there were only eight muffled sounds. After the eight sounds, the figure that had already jumped into the air was shaken and flew even higher.

Only one scream remained: "Cheat, you!"

There is a third person!
Gu Mochen's eyes flickered slightly, and with a flick of his wrist, all the remaining power of Dragon Demon Flash was concentrated in the dragon's head, but he saw the dragon's body suddenly rolled up, and the entire imposing dragon turned into a sweep, and the dragon's mouth opened wide, directly One bite is like the last man pounced away!


The terrifying scene appeared at this moment!
I saw the dragon's head slamming sharply, and it actually forcibly penetrated through the chest of the last slightly thin figure, and the blow directly pierced through that person's body!

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Mochen was not surprised but delighted, turned his wrist again, took the eighteen-section whip back into his hand, turned his head, and smiled behind him:

"Xing Luo Shunshen, this lightness skill is not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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