Chapter 67
Until then, the figure pierced by Gu Mochen slowly faded until it disappeared. It turned out to be just an afterimage.

The three figures came back together, including the one who was blown away and the one who was shaken to the sky.

In addition to the one who flashed behind Gu Mochen in an instant, the three of them revealed their true faces under the moonlight.

It was his three roommates.

Zhang Anhai hung his hands upside down, and said with a bitter face: "Next time, can you be lighter, I feel like my hand is broken."

He was the first person who was blown away when he used Fu Mo Bengshan Palm.

"Cheat you!"

Wu Jiewu stared at the incredulous eyes, and said angrily: "I just kicked that dragon's head, how can I return the eight anti-shock forces?"

"Everyone should have some secrets, right?" Gu Mochen smiled, blinked at him, and dismissed the point lightly.

Then he looked at the last person who didn't like to talk, and changed the subject: "The youngest is fine, the lightness kung fu just performed is just right!"

The last one, who dodged Gu Mochen's sharp blow with Xing Luo, was the youngest and most calm Zhang Lin in the dormitory.

Hearing that he just smiled, his figure flickered, and two afterimages suddenly appeared, and they closed together again in an instant, which could be regarded as responding to Gu Mochen with actions.

"What a big deal!"

Wu Jie said sourly: "It's just that I can escape quickly. In terms of actual combat ability, my boundless legs are stronger!"

"Is it?"

Zhang Anhai thumped his chest, laughed and said, "Why don't you kick me?"

"Go ahead and kick, if you can break my defense, I will lose!"

Wu Jie snorted, and said indignantly: "Who wants to kick stones for fun?"

Gu Mochen watched the two bickering, and felt amused for a while, but after laughing, he was helpless.

Once upon a time, how could bickering be without him?

But when he went farther and farther on the road of martial arts, especially after he helped the three of them break through to extreme martial arts, although the brotherhood between the four of them was still as good as ever, he could also feel that he had gradually become a martial artist. Can no longer dissolve into this small group of four.

It's not that Zhang Anhai and the others deliberately alienated him, but in fact, being able to break through to the realm of extreme warriors was something the three of them only dared to think about before when they were dreaming, so it was too late for them to be grateful to Gu Mochen, so what? Will deliberately alienate him?

However, it is precisely because of this gratitude that the three of them always feel as if they owe Gu Mochen something. Among the four, Zhang Anhai was originally the boss of the dormitory, but now it is him. No matter what Gu Mochen says, they will not object , looking like he's the only one following the lead.

Maybe it's just subconsciously, indistinctly, the four people are divided into classes, and Gu Mochen is of course the top one.

He can clearly feel that Zhang Anhai and the others will deliberately consider their own feelings when they speak and do things, just like just now, if it was before, Wu Jie would definitely stalk him and ask him about the backlash just now. The thing about eightfold strength.

But now?

He only revealed a little that he wanted to keep this secret, but Wu Jie immediately stopped talking about it, and even Zhang Anhai and Zhang Lin were using their own methods to change the topic, skipping things that Gu Mochen didn't want to mention.

Brothers shouldn't be like this...

Gu Mochen sighed, but there was nothing he could do about it, maybe... Only after they gradually adapted to their new identities, the alienation would slowly fade away.

Since the three of them broke through to Extreme Warrior at the same time yesterday, the school has exploded. No matter in the cafeteria, classrooms or dormitories, especially on the campus network, everyone is talking about this topic.

It even attracted the attention of the school. Two waves of people from the school office came to their dormitory to ask about this matter, openly or secretly.

It has been a long time since Dongyuan University had several extreme warriors at the same time. This is a very embarrassing thing for a school with a small vein.

Therefore, in order to avoid the sight of the school and want to keep their ears quiet, Gu Mochen and the others simply rented an apartment next to the school for a short stay these days.

And at night, he sneaked back to practice combat skills in the unfinished new campus on the school side.

Zhang Anhai and the others looked excited when they learned that they would represent a mysterious force to participate in the martial arts competition for the hunter stronghold.

Especially when they knew that the strength of the contestants in this competition would be limited to the realm of extreme warriors, the three of them were not worried. Others were extreme warriors, so were they!

All the worries were expressed one at a time when they stood outside the limit room before. Before the breakthrough and after the breakthrough, the mentality of the three of them has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He even began to look forward to this martial arts tournament coming sooner.

Such an important contest, will there be a webcast, right?Will it be on TV and newspapers?Will it become a hot topic in the news?

By then...the three of them will be well-known in Changtian City, and it's no problem to become a small Internet celebrity!

How cool!
Therefore, when Gu Mochen proposed to hone his actual combat skills in the past few days, the three of them agreed at once, and based on the martial arts sent by Duan Kangde, they frantically honed themselves.

As a super training partner, Gu Mochen, although his real strength is much higher than the three of them, he has gained a lot from this training, and he is more adapted to his current cultivation level, which seems to be starting to develop horizontally.

"Shall we... come again?"

Wu Jie shook his legs, a shadow of his legs popped up, and he shouted excitedly.

He has been beaten a lot in the past two days, but he has also developed a strong interest in actual combat. Not only him, but also Zhang Anhai and Zhang Lin are eager to try.

The four figures slammed into each other fiercely, and fierce sparks burst out!


In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Standing at the door of the apartment, Zhang Anhai asked suspiciously: "Xiao Gu, do we still have to wait for someone?"

Gu Mochen smiled wryly, nodded and said: "I have to wait for one, we will leave when she comes."


Just when everyone was wondering, Wu Jie's eyes lit up, and he whistled, "Look, there are beauties!"

Following his line of sight, Zhang Anhai and Zhang Lin turned their heads to take a look, and their eyes immediately became a little straight.

"Huh, isn't it?"

Zhang Anhai rubbed his dazzled eyes, and when he looked at the beauty again, he felt a little familiar.

"This... this is not..."

He suddenly opened his mouth wide, looking incredible.


Among the four, only Gu Mochen could remain calm, and when he saw the beautiful woman approaching, he nodded at her.

It was Li Xin who came, but she was different from Li Xin who usually wore a white coat. At this time, she was wearing a martial attire, with her soft hair coiled around her head. She looked refreshed and full of vitality .

Where is there any appearance of an iceberg beauty?
(End of this chapter)

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