Martial arts giant

Chapter 7 Nemesis

Chapter 7 Nemesis

The thin-faced young man was shocked and said: "The Leihu Xiaotian Fist focuses on emptying the whole body's internal strength with one blow. Xuan-level martial arts have to be performed by extreme fighters to exert the greatest effect. How could he punch four times in a row?"

A kilometer away, although he could see Gu Mochen fighting the saber-toothed pig from a distance, he couldn't tell what kind of martial arts he was using.

"Can I still be wrong?"

The bearded man lowered his face, glared at the startled young man with a thin face, and said: "This kid is weird, even if we come to perform the Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist, it is impossible for us to have the internal strength to punch four times in a row. The combined Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist is so powerful that it has already far surpassed the category of low-grade Xuan-level martial arts, at least it is also a high-grade Xuan-level martial skill!"

"Is he not an extreme warrior, but a super warrior?"

Another martial artist with a telescope in his hand frowned and asked.

"It doesn't look like it either. Why do super warriors need to punch four times against a second-level alien beast?"

The bearded man shook his head, still puzzled.

"What's the matter, there is no one around now, let's rush up and beat him up, don't we understand everything?"

The thin-faced young man rolled up his sleeves, as if he was about to rush forward.

"No, let's observe again!"

The bearded man waved his hand to stop him, and said calmly: "There is nothing here in the danger zone, except for the battle. Let's observe secretly again, and don't end up capsizing in the gutter."


The thin-faced young man said bitterly: "That kid Chen Meng doesn't respect the morals of the world. He asked us to kill and didn't provide all the information about the other party. This deal is done. I have to break his dog legs when I go back!"


Gu Mochen knew nothing about the four people who were secretly watching him.

After training, he took the saber-toothed pig and carefully cut off the two sharp fangs of the saber-toothed pig. He didn't get the beast pill, but these two fangs could be exchanged for some money at the hunter's stronghold.

In addition to the treasure of the animal pill, the bones of the alien beast are also useful. The two fangs of the saber-toothed pig are the best materials for making the animal bone dagger, and there will be people in the stronghold who will need it.

Putting away his fangs, Gu Mochen looked around, and he didn't dare to go any further. If you can meet a saber-toothed pig near here, then you can also meet other second- and third-level beasts.

So he started to swim sideways, looking for other strange beasts along the upstream direction of the creek.

This walk lasted four days, during which Gu Mochen experienced seven battles, and the most dangerous one was surrounded by three first-level beasts. Fortunately, with the help of the Wilderness Art and the Dragon Pendant, he was safe from danger.

The only regret is that he killed six first-level alien beasts and four second-level alien beasts, and did not find the beast pills from the corpses. He did not encounter third-level alien beasts along the way. After all, the chance of producing a beast pill is much smaller.

However, although he didn't get the beast pill, Gu Mochen didn't get nothing. After at least seven battles, his actual combat experience has increased a lot, and he will never feel flustered and short of breath when he meets a strange beast again.

As for the various materials obtained from the strange beasts, it can be regarded as a small profit.

Four days passed, and the food and drinking water he brought out from the city had been exhausted. However, he was extremely unwilling to go back without getting the animal pill.

Standing by the side of the creek, Gu Mochen hesitated for a while, and decided to go a little further to see if he could encounter a third-level alien beast. After beheading another alien beast, he planned to go ahead regardless of whether there was a beast pill or not. Go to the hunter's stronghold to rest.

His current location is not too far from the hunter's stronghold, and his backpack is full of materials obtained from strange beasts. It will be a bit troublesome to sell these things in Changtian City, so it is better to stay in the stronghold sold on the black market.

Thinking of this, he finally passed the safe distance of two kilometers away from the isolation zone that he had always insisted on, and went a step further, stepping deeper into the densely vegetated dangerous zone.

After crossing the creek, he walked deeper for about two hours. There was a forest in front of him. He was about to observe carefully before deciding whether to go in, but suddenly he felt the wind blowing against his face.

There was a blur in front of my eyes, and my eyes were full of blue!
Gu Mochen was startled, and the sharp reaction honed after repeated battles took effect at this moment, and he threw his head up without even thinking about it, and a wisp of green smoke almost rushed past his nose at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, he supported himself with one hand, jumped up before his back touched the ground, and then rushed forward three steps. At the same time, he threw aside the heavy backpack filled with exotic animal materials, striving to maximize the agility of his figure, Only then did he turn his head to look at the green smoke.

The cyan dense air circled and circled, and a looming ferocious tiger-shaped figure was entrenched in it.

The third-level alien beast, the Green Essence Tiger!

Gu Mochen's heart skipped a beat, first with joy and then with hatred.

After walking for four days, I finally came across a third-level alien beast, but unfortunately, this third-level alien beast was the Green Essence Tiger!
From the information he checked on the Internet, there are detailed information about this green tiger.

The volume of the Green Essence Tiger is not enlarged by absorbing the energy of heaven and earth like ordinary beasts. On the contrary, it is a size smaller than ordinary tigers. However, the scariness of this Green Essence Tiger lies in its speed!
It exudes dense energy all over its body, its movements are as fast as lightning, especially its pair of tiger claws are extremely sharp, with the terrifying speed, often the prey can only see a burst of blue smoke flashing by, and when they come back to their senses, they are already decapitated place.

Alien beasts are naturally stronger than human fighters of the same level by virtue of their physical advantages. Judging by the size of the green cloud tiger and the dense aura it exudes, I am afraid that it has reached the peak level of third-level alien beasts. Compared with humans, It is enough to fight with a fourth-level warrior.

And the extremely fast Qingyan Tiger happened to be the nemesis of a fourth-level warrior like Gu Mochen.

Gu Mochen has just broken through to become an extreme warrior, and he lacks martial arts skills. With the power of the Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist and the assistance of the dragon-shaped pendant, he can deal with ordinary beasts below the third level with ease, but Qingyunhu and the like The speed-type beast foot can suddenly magnify his own shortcomings.

Even with the blessing of the dragon pendant, Gu Mochen's current limit is to blast out the six punches of the Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist. With the advantage of speed, whether these six punches can hit the Qingyan Tiger is still a matter of debate, and even if it happens to hit The slight time between one punch and the second punch is enough for him to dodge the subsequent punches.

Gu Mochen's thoughts turned, thinking about how to deal with the Qingyunhu, but Qingyanhu obviously didn't plan to give him more time.


The fierce tiger roared wildly, and the blue dense air seemed to have been shaken away a lot, and then the blue smoke flashed!

Gu Mochen's eyes were fixed, he had already broken through the limit of the human body for the first time, and his reaction and speed were far beyond ordinary people's comparability. Get out, just dodge this pounce.

With a chill on his back, the tiger pounce that he thought he could dodge completely still made him suffer. There was a burning pain on his back, and his skin had already been scratched by the green tiger!
(End of this chapter)

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