Martial arts giant

Chapter 8 Restrictions

Chapter 8 Restrictions
Gu Mochen was shocked. Unexpectedly, the Qingyun Tiger not only pounced faster, but also reacted more quickly.

He obviously dodged the attack, but at the moment when the two sides intersected, the Green Cloud Tiger still managed to stretch out its tiger claws, leaving several wounds on his back.

But it wasn't over yet, he felt a sudden chill on his fiery back, and an instinctive sense of crisis came to his heart.

Rolling on the spot, he stomped on the ground with one foot, and the man flew up, and the green smoke streaked under him again, dodging the green tiger's pounce once again in a blink of an eye.


Three pounces were unsuccessful, and the Qingyun Tiger was extremely angry, with its mouth open, and a violent tiger roar shook the trees not far away, and the blue dense air rose against the storm, enveloping its entire tiger body .

Too fast!
Gu Mochen frowned, three emergency dodges didn't mean anything, and it was impossible for him to be in a passive defense all the time.

What to do then?
Do you punch?
After seeing the abnormal speed of Qingyanhu, Gu Mochen didn't have the confidence to hit him with the Leihu Xiaotian Fist that had been charged for a long time.

In his current situation, his martial skill is only one Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist, and he can only throw out six punches if he is fully counted. Of course, he dare not waste it casually.

Seeing that the green jade tiger had already accumulated enough energy, and there was a possibility of pounce again at any time, Gu Mochen gritted his teeth fiercely, and had to try reluctantly for the unformed plan in his mind.

Turning around and running wildly, he left Qingyan Huhu behind and ran into the dense forest with all his strength.

The Green Cloud Tiger's speed is terrifying, as long as he finds a way to limit its speed, he still has a chance to fight. The forest is intertwined and densely packed, and it is an ideal place to trap animals.

It's just that there are other strange beasts in the forest, and Gu Mochen has no time to think about it for a while.

Let's talk about Qingyan Tiger.

Seeing that the fat in his hand seemed to want to run away, the aroused Qingyan Tiger would not give up. Immediately there was another howl, and the green smoke flashed, like a sharp blue arrow shooting straight at Gu Mochen's back.

Regarding this, Gu Mochen had already been prepared for this, and he was not just running away blindly. Almost when the roar of the tiger sounded, he suddenly swooped forward obliquely, supported his hands, and rolled on the spot again, with one foot Stepping again, the ground was blasted with a small hole by his full force.

And Qingyanhu also learned his experience this time, this pounce did not use all his strength, Gu Mochen's figure moved, only to see that Qingyan drew a broken line, still chasing Gu Mochen closely.

There was a strong wind behind him, even if he didn't have to turn his head to look at Mo Chen, he knew that the terrifying bloody mouth was close at hand. He jumped again and turned to the opposite direction obliquely in front again.

However, this time the distance was too close, and a blood-colored flower bloomed on the left shoulder, and was stabbed by the green tiger's extreme speed.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Gu Mochen ignored the pain, his body leaning forward paused, and he stopped abruptly and leaned back. Within a millimeter, a blue smoke flashed in front of his eyes. The speed of the Qingyan Tiger was so terrifying that it was faster than He came first, and rushed directly to the only way he had to go forward.

After this pause, he didn't dare to be negligent, and ran even more vigorously under his feet. At the moment of life and death, he felt that he had returned to the sense of urgency when he broke through the limits of the human body. Stepped into the woods.

With his back against a big tree, before Gu Mochen had time to catch his breath, he suddenly felt a vibration behind him, and rushed forward without thinking.

Crack -!
There was a crackling sound, and the big tree at the back that could be surrounded by three people's arms broke open from it. Under the fury of the Green Cloud Tiger, it turned into a blue arc, splitting the trunk directly from the front, and the tiger's body leaped, directly passing through behind the tree. Passing through, he insisted on killing Gu Mochen to death.

His chest rose and fell violently. Gu Mochen kept shuttling through the woods. Every time he passed a big tree, there was a crackling sound from behind. , is not its one-hit enemy.

Bang, bang, bang——!
There was a loud noise behind him, the Qingyun Tiger was on the rampage, and the towering tree was constantly being broken by it, and it was gradually approaching behind Gu Mochen.

It's now!

Gu Mochen gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes were full of light, his feet stopped suddenly, and he braked suddenly, turning his body around with the momentum, and facing the green tiger.

This place has gone deep into the forest, and the dense forest is even more dense than the edge area. The Qingyun Tiger has no choice but to go on a rampage. Although its speed is fast, its volume is still much larger than that of Gu Mochen. Gu Mochen can drill However, it can't get through the gaps between the trees it entered. Instead of dodging and moving, it would be faster to just hit a path.

And what Gu Mochen was waiting for was the moment when it couldn't move flexibly!
Qingyan was already approaching, he gritted his teeth tightly, his face was stern, and he thrust forward with his left hand——

Blood spattered, and the sharp claws of the Green Margin Tiger directly penetrated his palm, and the tip of the gleaming claw was only a hair away from poking into his eyes.

The Qingyan Tiger came with a rushing momentum. Although Gu Mochen blocked its claws, his figure was involuntarily knocked back, and he didn't stop until his back hit a big tree and there was a huge earthquake.

The stench of the stench hits the face, the green smoke has already solidified into a solid body, and the ferocious tiger head of the Qingyun Tiger is close in front of his eyes, Gu Mochen can even see the flesh and blood stuffed between his teeth, and he doesn't know whether it is human flesh or a beast Meat.


The tiger's mouth was wide open, and the Qingyan tiger tried to bite forward, but its tiger body was firmly held by Gu Mochen's left hand, and the blood from the left palm pierced by the tiger's claws flowed continuously. At this moment, Gu Mochen also The potential exploded, and the internal force was running crazily. In a short period of time, the evil tiger couldn't get even half an inch.

It's now!

Distorted by the pain, his ferocious face became stern. He ran all the way, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice his left hand. What he wanted was the chance to restrain the speed of the Qingyun Tiger at this moment.

Although he didn't get the beast pill in the past few days of training, he has a much deeper understanding of the dragon pendant, and is even trying to use the characteristics of the dragon pendant to develop more powerful martial arts.

He is not a martial artist, and he can't create his own martial arts, but with the magic of the dragon pendant, it is still possible to make some changes to the existing martial arts.

There is only one martial skill he can change - Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist!

As a third-level alien beast, Qingyanhu focuses on speed, but its defense is relatively weak. Even the saber-toothed pig, a second-level alien beast, can take a punch from him without getting hurt. Gu Mochen didn't want to pay such a high price for the higher-level Qingyan Tiger, just punch it without pain or itching.

Therefore, what he has to do is to increase the power of the Thunder Tiger Howling Heaven Fist, and kill him with one punch!

If you want to do this, you have to rely on the dragon pendant. The dragon pendant stores the energy of heaven and earth equivalent to five punches. If it can be stimulated at once, it will combine the power of six punches...

(End of this chapter)

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