Martial arts giant

Chapter 9 Snatch

Chapter 9 Snatch

Gu Mochen raised his head to the sky and roared, and at the same time sank into the dragon pendant madly.

As early as the first time he discovered the secret in the dragon pendant, he felt a subtle connection between himself and the dragon pendant, which felt very mysterious, but Gu Mochen firmly believed that it was a real fact.

During the four days when he broke into the danger zone, he used the opportunity of cultivation to communicate with that dragon pendant more than once. question.

And what he has to do now is to stimulate the energy of heaven and earth in the dragon pendant all at once.

There was a lot of white light on the chest, even through the clothes, a dazzling white light still shot through, and for a moment, Gu Mochen's whole body seemed to be wrapped in this strong white light!


The roar of the tiger shook the mountains and forests, and the aura of a huge tiger emerged from above his head. The roar of the huge tiger made the body of the genuine tiger Qingyunhu tremble wildly, and fear flashed across the eyes of the tiger exuding violent murderous intent.

The right fist was pulled back violently, like a strong bow stretched to the extreme. From the strong white light, Gu Mochen's expression looked extremely crazy.

This is his first time, trying to stimulate all the energy of heaven and earth stored in the dragon pendant!
Six punches in one——Thunder Tiger blasts the sky!

The soaring white light suddenly exploded!
The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and the right fist that was stretched to the extreme rushed fiercely. Suddenly, it seemed that what Gu Mochen swung was not a right fist, but a huge meteorite that fell from the sky, wrapped in a weighty force, burning With the blazing tail flames, the Qingyan Tiger's head started to become frightened and rushed straight away!

Bang bang bang bang bang—!
The violent explosion resounded through the woods, and the white light rushed past, like a thick and thick laser, extending forward as if it had no end point, and the towering trees smashed along the way were no less than those smashed by the green tiger before. !
The punch was over, starting from Gu Mochen, a wide and terrifying scar was left in the densely vegetated forest, and the entire forest was split into two halves by Gu Mochen's punch!
The tiger's claws also pierced deeply into Gu Mochen's left hand, piercing through the palm of his hand, and burrowing out from the back of his hand. The blood was bloody, and the blood stained the soil under Gu Mochen's feet.

But the tiger head was gone.

The thunder tiger blasts the sky, and the six fists of the Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist are gathered together. Its power is so great that Gu Mochen is not sure whether it will reach the level of earth-level martial arts. Whole body!
Because the tiger's claws pierced his palm, the body of the Qingyunhu was half-hanging, and there was only a horrible blood hole the size of a millstone on the neck without its head. At this time, the stinky blood was rushing like a fountain, and Gu Mochen was blown away. The big tree behind was dyed red and turned into a blood tree!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Gu Mochen gasped violently, endured the pain and pulled out the tiger's claws from his left hand. As the body of the green tiger fell to the ground, he himself slid and sat on the ground leaning on the blood tree.

Leihu blasted the sky successfully, but the piercing pain in the meridian of the right arm had overshadowed the pain of being pierced by the tiger's claws in the left hand, and at the same time blasted out the internal force required for the six punches of Leihu Xiaotian fist. His meridians are a huge hit.

Sitting under the tree, Gu Mochen felt pain everywhere in his body, especially his right hand. It was extremely strenuous to even move his little finger. It was the first time since he became a martial artist, no, since he was born. suffered such serious injuries.

But there was a look of joy on his face.

Leihu Hongtianpo didn't try it, it was just a rudiment in his mind before he killed Qingyunhu. Fortunately, he didn't miscalculate and finally punched this punch, otherwise he might become a headless corpse at this time It will be him!
It was too late to search for Qingyanhu's body, and no one dared to really relax in the dangerous zone. Gu Mochen first looked inwardly at the condition of the meridians in his right arm, and he was relieved only after he found that the meridians in his right arm were not really broken.

Immediately, he calmed down and forced himself to enter the cultivation state.

The air of heaven and earth roared in, pierced into his body and turned into internal force, repairing the damage to the meridians caused by exceeding the limit. On the other side, the dragon pendant on the chest was also emitting a faint white light, bit by bit Copying the air of heaven and earth absorbed by Gu Mochen.

The beauty of the barbaric tactics once again appeared.

This time Gu Mochen practiced longer than any other time, but when he opened his eyes, apart from the physical damage on his left hand that could not be repaired by the energy of heaven and earth, and was still covered with blood, there was no pain in his right arm anymore. Come.

In addition to these three injuries to his left hand, left shoulder and back, Gu Mochen's body was full of vitality at this time, and even his spirit had recovered a lot, which was no different from before the battle.


He couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration. In his father's eyes, this wild tactic was just a very basic method of entraining and refining qi, but he didn't expect the effect to be outstanding, especially when used in cultivation. Vacuum cleaner, as long as there is the air of heaven and earth around it, it will be sucked clean!

Tore off a strip of cloth from the bottom of his trousers, he casually bandaged the four blood holes on his left hand, and then looked excitedly at the dead body of the Green Margin Tiger.

After going through a bloody battle, it was for the beast pill in the Qingyunhu's body, I hope he won't be disappointed again this time!
Taking out a small saber from his pocket, Gu Mochen squatted beside the Qingyunhu, and was about to open the tiger's stomach in the same way, when suddenly fragmentary footsteps came from the woods, followed by a loud roar:

After the saber paused, Gu Mochen straightened up and looked where the sound came from.

He saw three figures moving quickly through the woods, and when he looked over, the three had already come close.

These are three big men with strong stature, the leader's huge bald head is covered with veins, which looks extraordinarily ferocious, which adds a little bit of toughness to him.

The three big men approached, glanced suspiciously at the endless trace on the ground, and finally landed on the silent Qingyunhu, with a flash of greed in their eyes.

"Hey, what did you do?"

The bald man casually pointed at the ground, not knowing whether he was asking about the trace or the Qingyunhu.

Gu Mochen frowned slightly. The three of them were hunters at first glance, and judging from their aura, although they were weaker than him, they were at least at the beginning level of a fourth-level warrior. He couldn't help but raise his vigilance, and replied:

"You are so brave!"

Hearing that, the bald head glared at Gu Mochen with fierce eyes as big as copper bells, and shouted: "The three of my brothers have been chasing and killing this Qingyun tiger for a long time, and it seems that it is about to be seriously injured. I didn't expect to call you a brat!" Picked up a bargain!"

"What did you say?"

Gu Mochen's eyes were fixed, and he was not afraid to look at him.

When he met Qingyanhu, the latter was obviously fierce and brutal, so where did he show any signs of being seriously injured?

This bald-headed man is clearly talking nonsense with his eyes open, and he wants to snatch Qingyanhu by force!

(End of this chapter)

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