Martial arts giant

Chapter 708 Take what you need

Chapter 708 Take what you need
"Yes, it's them!"

Gu Mochen looked at Li Mo and replied in a positive tone.

"It's them……"

Mr. Luo stroked his beard, hesitating.

One sentence was about them, but there was disappointment that could not be concealed in his tone.

I have to admit that when Gu Mochen uttered the word Beast Warrior, Mr. Luo's heart was shocked, and he had some thoughts.

But when Li Mo asked that the beast fighters that Gu Mochen said were actually those in the hunter's stronghold outside Changtian City, a glimmer of hope had just risen, but it disappeared in an instant.

Naturally, he also has information about Changtian City, and also knows what happened to Gu Mochen in the hunter's stronghold.

At the same time, he was able to call out the names of those people in one breath.

"Duan Kant and Wei Ningsi?"

Mr. Luo shook his head helplessly, and asked.

These two people are real beast warriors, but unfortunately, their strength is too low.

Both of them are in the realm of shadow warriors, and even after the pseudo-beast transformation, their strength is at the stage of discussing warriors at best.

In fact, Mr. Luo also knew that when Yan Fenglei of the Fenglei Sect was still alive, Duan Kangde and the two had a lot of concerns about him.

That is to say, these two people think that even after the pseudo-beast transformation, they will still not be Yan Fenglei's opponents.

But what is Yan Fenglei to Mr. Luo?
As long as he thinks, even the Luo family can send out two or three elite disciples to take over everything in Changtian City, including the Fenglei Sect when Yan Fenglei was still alive.

But it doesn't make any sense.

What is there to grab for the interests of a remote town like Changtian City?
It was just because that boy Chen Yu had no status in the Chen family that he wanted to go to Changtian City to become a local emperor.

But Duan Kande and Wei Ningsi spent a lot of time trying to occupy such a remote town that the Luo family didn't care about.

This shows what?
It shows that the two are not at the same height at all.

With such an ally, can they defeat the Chen family?
Isn't this a joke about the future of the Luo family!
Mr. Luo glanced at Gu Mochen, and was ready to end today's conversation.

In any case, he would not risk the future of the Luo family.

Although what Gu Mochen said has some truth, but before it really happens, Mr. Luo would rather guard the extravagant hope that the Chen family will not find out than listen to Gu Mochen. I believe that he will join hands with a few shadow fighters Come, you can deal with the Chen family.

It's the same even if those shadow warriors are beast warriors!
"Of course it's not just them!"

Gu Mochen glanced at Li Mo, and with this glance, he seemed to see through Li Mo's thoughts, and made the other party touch his nose embarrassingly, and stopped talking.

"Old Luo, do you think that the beast warriors only have such a little strength left now, and they still want to use this strength to fight back into human society?"

He asked Mr. Luo back.

"what do you mean……"

Mr. Luo frowned.

"Why don't we let the beast warrior himself explain to the two of you?"

Gu Mochen smiled, knowing that Mr. Luo would not take this risk no matter what if he was alone. It seems that he was right to bring Yan Kai here.

Yes, it was Yan Kai.

At first, Gu Mochen didn't want to bring Yan Kai to Zhonglin City. To be honest, with Yan Kai's cultivation base, he couldn't afford it in Zhonglin City, and he couldn't help him much.

But when Yan Kai stated his purpose of coming to Zhonglin City, Gu Mochen changed his mind.

He must save his parents, so as long as it is a little help, he doesn't want to let it go.

This is true for the Luo family and the Li family, and it is even more true for the so-called Birdman Society behind Yan Kai!
Gu Mochen doesn't believe in Yan Kai, or Duan Kangde at all. The forces behind these people are just some shadow warriors. Otherwise, the beast warriors have been forced to retreat from the danger zone for so many years, so why should they reappear today? ?
Since they dare to come out, they must think that they have a certain strength and can compete with normal human warriors.

As for why there are only some shadow fighters in Changtian City, I think I have the same idea as Mr. Luo. For those remote towns, there is no need to use stronger power.

When Yan Kai heard that Duan Kangde and the two were trapped in the enchantment of the Chen family, there was no worry or fear on his face, and some were angry instead, Gu Mochen was even more convinced of this.

The Chen family will not study Mimic Beast Pills for no reason, this matter must have something to do with the Beast Warrior.

So it's not just him, Gu Mochen, who wants to deal with the Chen family, but the Beast Warrior must also have enmity with the Chen family.

So why not cooperate?
At this time, Gu Mochen has two major forces, the Luo family and the Li family, plus the beast warriors, gathering the power of the three parties may not be able to deal with the Chen family.

Another point, Mr. Luo and Li Mo's biggest concern for the Chen family is the other party's imitation beast pill.

If the Chen family is pushed into a hurry, they may release a large number of fake beast warriors at any time to change the situation of the battle.

But if with the help of a real beast warrior...

Gu Mochen did not forget that Duan Kangde taught Zhang Anhai and others the secret art of beast martial arts.

And what he didn't forget was that in Li Xin's hands, there was still a lot of what she called Dan Quen, and on the side of the beast warrior, it was called the essence of beast martial arts.

The reason why the Chen family has never developed a real imitation beast pill is the essence of beast martial arts.

Without the essence of beast martial arts, even if the Chen family studied for a hundred years, it would be impossible to produce a real beast warrior who could switch between human beings and alien beasts at will.

But Gu Mochen's side was different.

As long as they can cooperate with the beast warriors, they can cultivate many powerful real beast warriors in a short period of time.

Although Zhang Anhai and the others also know the secrets of beast martial arts, Gu Mochen believes that it must be a relatively elementary one, otherwise Duan Kangde would not have taught all the secret arts of beast martial arts without the organization's permission .

And what Gu Mochen needs is a high-level beast martial arts secret technique that can turn a warrior, or even a star warrior, into a beast warrior.

Just imagine, if a star warrior like Li Mo, with the help of the beast martial arts secret technique, after being transformed into a beast, how powerful will he be?
And does this affect Li Mo?

As long as you can freely switch between alien beasts and humans, obviously there is no such thing, and it can also allow Li Mo to have more powerful combat power in an instant, why not do it?
Li Mo is like this, and his strength is inferior. Mr. Luo, who has no development at all, can also greatly enhance his strength by relying on the secret art of beast martial arts. Isn't this good news for the Luo family?

That's the real takeaway.

(End of this chapter)

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