Martial arts giant

Chapter 709 Oppression

Chapter 709 Oppression
When Yan Kai stepped into Mr. Luo's study room, he was almost crushed by the strong pressure on his face.

But fortunately, he has a strong body and a violent temper. After being caught off guard, he actually stood up against the pressure.

I just heard two clicks, and it turned out to be a bone-cracking sound.

The pressure was too strong, and Yan Kai decided to do the opposite. Although his body was strong, he couldn't bear it. Immediately, the bones of his whole body were overwhelmed by the pressure, and they might be crushed to pieces at any time.

But even so, there was no trace of panic in Yan Kai's eyes. Instead, he straightened his back even more, completely ignoring the damage to the bones caused by the pressure.

"Not bad, it's a hard bone!"

With the sound of Mr. Luo's words, Yan Kai's suffocating pressure was suddenly released, and then disappeared invisible.

A stagger, no pressure, Yan Kai's body rushed forward, the backlash caused by the wrong force made him feel extremely uncomfortable, and he wished to squirt a mouthful of blood directly to relieve it.

But this step also allowed him to truly enter the study.

There are three people inside.

Gu Mochen, Li Mo and Mr. Luo, the owner of the Luo family here.

The eyes of the three were all on him, and Mr. Luo was nodding to him.

Yan Kai didn't know, but Gu Mochen understood that the pressure just now was not from Mr. Luo, but from Li Mo.

It was Mr. Luo's request that Li Mo made a secret move to suppress Yan Kai with the coercion of a star warrior.

The reason why he did this was that Mr. Luo wanted to test the so-called beast warrior that Gu Mochen said. On the other hand, he also had the idea of ​​giving the other party a blow, so that he could gain an upper hand in the subsequent negotiations.

Mo Chen didn't care about his careful thinking, even though he had already guessed what Mr. Luo was thinking, he was still indifferent, allowing Yan Kai to endure the pressure, which made him sweat profusely at this time.

Li Mo was even more indifferent, since Mr. Luo asked him to make a move, he would do it without reservation.

Of course he was not afraid of offending Yan Kai, but in fact, if he really offended Yan Kai, turning around and leaving after making the other party angry, it would have followed his wish even more.

If the Luo family and the beast warriors can't join forces, his plan can continue to be implemented, which is naturally more beneficial to him than the uncertain future that Gu Mochen said.

But Yan Kai stubbornly resisted and said nothing, his face was still extremely calm, the sweat beads the size of soybeans were flowing wantonly, and he didn't have the slightest thought of wiping it off.

Asking Yan Kai to come over was naturally Gu Mochen's request to Mr. Luo.

Although Yan Kai's cultivation base is not high, but at present, he represents the mysterious beast warrior behind him.

Gu Mochen wanted to facilitate the cooperation between the Luo and Li families and the beast warriors, so it was naturally better to call Yan Kai to explain it to Mr. Luo face to face.

And Gu Mochen also believed that Yan Kai definitely wanted to deal with the Chen family, so calling him here was not afraid to add another obstacle to himself, but only to help.

"Hehe, the way the Luo family treats guests is really special!"

Yan Kai, who was calm on the surface, was actually calming the churning blood in his body with his own internal strength. After Mr. Luo said a word, he was stunned for a full minute before he teased Mr. Luo. Said.

"Don't blame this brother, the matter is really important, so some necessary temptations are still necessary."

Mr. Luo said lightly, he was not angry because of Yan Kai's teasing, but took it for granted.

When Li Mo was released by the star warrior's breath, although Mr. Luo didn't add pressure, he didn't just watch.

His consciousness had already been locked on Li Mo's body when he was oppressing Yan Kai.

The level of cultivation between the two is really quite different, and Yan Kai was fighting against Li Mo's aura at that time, so he didn't notice the divine sense secretly thrown by Mr. Luo.

But Mr. Luo could see it clearly.

Under Li Mo's pressure, Yan Kai couldn't hide at all, and even at the moment when he was about to be crushed to death, his body's protection was at its worst.

So Mr. Luo's spiritual sense unhinderedly noticed all the situation around Yan Kai.

When he saw the bones that were almost crushed under Li Mo's pressure, there was a sudden change at the very moment.

The bones that were originally crushed and fragile began to become thicker, harder, and stronger in the subsequent time.

Mr. Luo also saw that Yan Kai's bones had been cracked under pressure, but after the bones changed, even these tiny cracks were repaired.

With this alone, Mr. Luo has already confirmed the other party's identity incomparably.

The abnormality of the bones is presumably the effect of Yan Kai's simulacra.

As a human being, his strength was even worse than that of Li Mo. If he wanted to protect himself, he could only use all his strength.

As for the beast warrior, the strongest power is naturally when he performs the beast-like transformation and transforms into a strange beast.

Li Mo naturally knew that Master Luo had discovered his consciousness secretly, so he didn't do anything to investigate Yan Kai.

It was just right, after forcing out Yan Kai's beast-like transformation, when the opponent's body would not change, he took back his powerful aura.

In this way, Yan Kai did not become a strange beast, and Mr. Luo also achieved his goal. More importantly, the two of them really felt that Yan Kai's mutation also automatically stopped when Li Mo stopped. .

That is to say, the other party does have a way to reverse the beast pill. After transforming into a strange beast, he can indeed change back to a human appearance as he pleases.

This point alone is something that the Chen family members want so much, but have no way of getting it.

For a moment, Mr. Luo even wanted to take Yan Kai down and hand it over to the Chen family, in exchange for a breathing space for the Luo family.

But after all, he is the head of the Luo family, so it is impossible for him to do such a greedy and fearful thing on the surface. What's more, if Yan Kai makes a mistake, there will be trouble between him and Gu Mochen.

Not to mention whether exchanging Yan Kai for the kindness of the Chen family is feasible or not, the fact that the Luo family will lose a dragon warrior again makes Mr. Luo unable to bear it no matter what.

"Is it?"

Faced with Mr. Luo's understated tone, Yan Kai shrugged his shoulders, and grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Okay, you have the final say if you have a high cultivation base."

"So you're done with the investigation now? Can you get to the point?"

When Gu Mochen notified Yan Kai to come with his incarnation outside his body, he had already told Yan Kai about his conversation with Mr. Luo, so Yan Kai naturally understood the purpose of coming to him.

(End of this chapter)

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