Chapter 740
When five or six elders of the Chen family came with a large number of elite disciples of the Chen family, Gu Mochen's mental power had long since dissipated, so that no trace could be found.

Gu Mochen opened his eyes.

Accustomed to the body of spiritual consciousness, after regaining the real entity at this time, he actually felt a heavy feeling.

Fortunately, this was only a momentary feeling. After waiting for a while, he moved his hands and feet and stood up.

"Finished training?"

Li Xin was sitting opposite him, ever since Gu Mochen took the Void Reconstruction Pill, she never left Gu Mochen's side.

Although with her strength, there is really no difference between keeping it and not keeping it, but as far as Li Xin herself is concerned, what Gu Mochen took was the elixir she made by herself, so she naturally has to keep it.

So when Gu Mochen opened his eyes and got up, the first person he saw was Li Xin.

"I... should be considered finished training."

Gu Mochen thought for a while. After leaving the body with his spiritual consciousness, he first went to find Sikong Hao, and then went to the enchantment of the Chen family to meet his parents. Although it was not long, in his feeling, But it seems as long as a century has passed.

At this time, Gu Mochen really understood what telepathy is.

The speed of human thought is said to be comparable to the speed of light. Gu Mochen's spiritual wandering seems to be quite long for his spirit.

So much so that Gu Mochen forgot that the reason why he was able to leave the body with his consciousness was because he took the Void Reconstruction Pill that Li Xin refined for him.

"How's the effect?"

Li Xin asked expectantly.

The elixir was refined by her, and it could increase the spiritual power of the user by up to five times. At this time, she really wanted to know how many times Gu Mochen had improved, and whether it had reached the expected effect she said.

Gu Mochen smiled, "Needless to say, it is naturally increased by five times!"

As he said that, he didn't see any movement. In this room, a second Gu Mochen suddenly appeared, then the third, and the fourth, until...

Fortunately, Mr. Luo was kind to Li Xin, and the room in the independent small courtyard arranged for her was very large, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate the sudden extra one hundred people.

Yes, one hundred.

In addition to wanting to prove to Li Xin, Gu Mochen himself also wanted to try whether he could use this skyrocketing mental power to separate out more external avatars.

The result was as predicted by Xuanlong God. At this time, Gu Mochen was able to upgrade from thirty clones to hundreds of clones at one time without causing too much burden on his mental power.


Even with Li Xin's indifference, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

She knows about the incarnation outside the body, but she has never heard of such crazy things as creating hundreds of clones at once, let alone witnessed it with her own eyes.

"Is it really not a burden on your mental strength?"

Li Xin looked around. The feeling of being stared at by a hundred Gu Mochens at the same time made her a little uncomfortable, but she was more concerned about Gu Mochen's mental strength.

Because he had previously refined a batch of low-level spiritual power pills for the Luo family, Li Xin also knew how many avatars could be separated from the external avatar, which was not determined by the practitioner's own internal power, but by the spiritual power. So there is this question.

One hundred Gu Mochen smiled, maybe he also felt that one hundred of himself was a little weird around Li Xin, so he waved his hand and took all the avatars back. Idlely said: "Do you think I seem to have something to do?"

"That's good."

After being shocked, Li Xin felt that she didn't know how to react for a while. The shock caused by the one hundred clones was really not small.

"That... I have something urgent to attend to."

Gu Mochen said tentatively.

He also knew that after taking the elixir given by Li Xin and having improved greatly, it didn't seem too good to turn around and leave.

"Go ahead, I also have to look at the formula of the elixir."

Unexpectedly, Li Xin was not dissatisfied, and waved his hand as if wishing him to leave quickly.

"Thank you for today's pill!"

Gu Mochen solemnly hugged Li Xin. The Void Reconstruction Pill was the second best thing to improve him, but with this pill, he finally saw his parents again after many years.

This alone is worth his solemn bow to Li Xin.

"You are..."

Li Xin was at a loss, when did Gu Mochen thank her so solemnly after taking her elixir?
"Let's talk about it next time, I'll go first!"

Gu Mochen laughed, but didn't say that he had met his parents.

Today's Li Xin has not completely got rid of her inner demons. Gu Mochen is afraid that if he tells about his parents, it will stimulate Li Xin for a while and make her enter the state of madness again, which will be bad.

Without waiting for Li Xin to ask any more questions, Gu Mochen's figure flickered. Knowing that he had slipped his words, he didn't dare to stay any longer, so he performed lightness kung fu and disappeared into Li Xin's room.

Only Li Xin with a bewildered face was left in place for a moment, but with her temperament, it was just a moment of shock, and then she sat back on the sofa, holding Dan Dao's essay in her hand.

However, Gu Mochen, who seemed to be fleeing, flew all the way through Luo's house, but stopped at Yan Kai's residence.

His father handed him the secret technique of the Beast Warrior, and Gu Mochen also wanted to hand it over to Li Mo to practice.

But before that, he wanted to come to Yan Kai first to ask what kind of response the Beast Warrior would give to Li Mo's request.

In a way, the answer given by the beast warriors also represented their thoughts on Gu Mochen's proposal to jointly attack the Chen family.

Although people like Duan Kangde, Yan Kai and others showed great excitement about attacking the Chen family, they were not at a very high level in the organization of the beast warriors.

The meaning of the high-level beast warriors is what Gu Mochen is most concerned about at this time.

So he didn't tell anyone about the fact that he had obtained the Beast Warrior's secret technique first, but wanted to test the Beast Warrior's attitude towards this matter first.

If the beast warriors really planned to destroy the Chen family who plotted against them hundreds of years ago at all costs, they would not refuse Li Mo's great help.

On the other hand, if the other party only has the idea of ​​coming to have a look and not working hard to avoid too much loss, then this cooperation...don't matter.

Sometimes a weak ally is worse than no ally.

Knocking on the door, Yan Kai stared in astonishment at Gu Mochen who had just left and returned not long ago.

"You are..."

He frowned, "Anything new?"

"Uh... that's it."

Gu Mochen was also speechless, the momentary feeling in his mind hadn't faded away. To Yan Kai, he came back not long after he left, but to Gu Mochen, it has actually been a long time... …

"Go in and talk?"

He looked around and gestured to Yan Kai.

When the two entered the room, it was Gu Mochen who spoke first: "How about it, what did your superior say, will the beast warrior's secret technique be passed on to Patriarch Li?"

"You came here to ask this?"

Yan Kai was a little surprised. To him, Li Mo's request to practice the secret art of beast warriors was not a big deal, and it was not urgent at all. There was no need for Gu Mochen to go back and forth in a short time.

In his opinion, Gu Mochen's urgency made him think more.

"I did not mean."

At this time, Gu Mochen's mental strength was so sharp, Yan Kai's subtle expression immediately let him understand what the other party was thinking.

After thinking about it, he smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that I was too anxious, but for me, it has actually been a long time."

"How do you say that?"

Yan Kai was stunned for a moment, he couldn't understand Gu Mochen's tongue twister.

"That's right, just now I used some means to separate the consciousness from the body, and the separated consciousness entered the barrier of the Chen family, and saw..."

Gu Mochen looked at him, and said word by word: "In the enchantment of the Chen family, I saw my parents, and Brother Duan."

(End of this chapter)

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