Martial arts giant

Chapter 741 Unable to calm down

Chapter 741 Unable to calm down
"You... entered the enchantment of the Chen family?"

Yan Kai was startled by this sentence, and he couldn't help but look at Gu Mochen suspiciously.

Duan Kangde and the two were trapped in the enchantment of the Chen family, this is what Gu Mochen told him.

The Chen family's enchantment is very tight, and it is impossible to go in and save people easily. This is what Gu Mochen told him.

The reason why Gu Mochen is the main fighter on the Chen family issue is that he wants to rescue his parents in the barrier.

But when he turned his head, Gu Mochen said lightly that he had entered the barrier of the Chen family.

Since it's so easy to get in, it's over if you rescue people, so why bother to go head-to-head with the Chen family when you're not fully prepared?
"I only went in with my consciousness!"

Gu Mochen saw Yan Kai's hesitation, and even added: "Because of some unplanned circumstances, my spiritual power has increased a lot, so I tried it, and luckily I was able to penetrate it with my spiritual sense. Formation barrier, I saw my parents, and Brother Duan and the others."

"God consciousness?"

Yan Kai is silent, as a beast warrior, mental power has always been their weakness. Regarding the divine sense, all Yan Kai's cognition can be used to look inside the internal force of the body.

What kind of spiritual consciousness is out of the body, and it is too mysterious for Yan Kai to perceive the enemy's trace thousands of miles away.

But he understood what Gu Mochen was saying.

"How are they doing?"

Yan Kai asked.

"For now, it's pretty good."

Gu Mochen frowned and said: "The Chen family wants to obtain the secret technique of beast warriors from them, so for the time being, they don't have to worry about their lives."

"The secret technique of the beast warrior?"

Yan Kai was stunned for a moment, always feeling something strange.

"No, the Chen family wants to obtain the secret art of the beast warrior, why arrest your parents?"

He thought for a while, and understood where his doubts were.

The reason why the Chen family arrested Duan Kangde and the others was to ask about the secret techniques of the beast warriors. This is not difficult to explain, after all, the fake beast warriors of the Chen family have already shown their hideous faces.

But Gu Mochen's parents have been missing for more than eight years, and have been trapped by the Chen family for eight years. However, eight years ago, not to mention the Chen family, even their beast warriors have not yet decided to return to human society.

Then why did Gu Mochen's parents...

Yan Kai couldn't figure it out, but it was precisely for this that Gu Mochen came to him.

"Brother Yan, there is something I have to explain to you in advance, so as not to cause misunderstanding between us after the people from your organization come."

Gu Mochen said solemnly.

My parents also have the secret art of beast warriors, and they didn't get it from the beast warriors, so I must make this matter clear to Yan Kai.

Otherwise, if the Beast Warrior decides not to pass on the secret technique of the Beast Warrior to Li Mo, but later discovers that Li Mo still practiced the secret technique, it will inevitably cause misunderstandings between the two sides.

Gu Mochen didn't want this misunderstanding, because it would plant a hidden danger for his side when dealing with the Chen family in the future.

"What's so serious?"

Yan Kai looked at Gu Mochen suspiciously.

"Actually, back then, I was talking about hundreds of years ago, when the war between beast warriors and human warriors broke out, the top ten aristocratic families at that time were actually conducting research on beast warriors."

Gu Mochen said in a deep voice.

"This... I know."

Yan Kai wondered: "Our organization has records about the great war that year, and we have been investigating the cause of that incident for so many years."

"It is precisely because of this that we suspect that it was the Chen family who started the fight between the two parties!"

Gu Mochen nodded, then shook his head again, and said: "That's right, but what you don't know is that in fact, besides you beast warriors, there was another person who also developed the secret technique of beast warriors!"

"Anyone else?"

Yan Kai's complexion changed slightly. The secret art of beast warriors is the foundation of their organization, and they are unwilling to reveal it easily. But at this time, they heard from Gu Mochen that their secret art of beast warriors was developed hundreds of years ago. Not the only one?
But... After so many years, no real beast fighters have appeared on the human side?

"It was an elder of the Li family who researched the secret technique of the Beast Warrior. After he successfully passed the pass, the Beast Warrior had already been defeated and decided to retreat to the danger zone. When he learned about this, he chased after him all the way. , I want to recover the beast warriors back then, take them back, and explain to the human side that the beast warriors are actually controllable."

These are all the situations that Gu Weiran explained to Gu Mochen before, and it is also the reason why Li's elders went after the beast warrior.

"It's a pity that he was chased by the Chen family on the way. After a hard fight, he was seriously injured and exhausted. He had no choice but to seal himself in a deserted ancient ruins, waiting for the descendants to come."

Gu Mochen explained to Yan Kai, unreservedly telling what his father said to him before.

Then, he even described in detail how the Chen family sent people to find his parents and coaxed them to go to the elder Li's family together.

After listening, Yan Kai's complexion became more serious, and he couldn't help saying: "So that means, your parents actually obtained the secret art of beast warrior eight years ago?"


Gu Mochen nodded and said: "But brother Yan, you have to understand that the secret arts of the beast warriors my parents obtained have nothing to do with the secret arts of your beast warrior organization, so even..."

"Even if we don't agree to pass on the secret art of the beast warrior to the former head of the Li family, you will definitely pass it on?"

Yan Kai followed Gu Mochen's words and asked.


Gu Mochen sighed, and said: "Brother Yan, I hope you understand that saving my parents is my only wish for so many years. In order to achieve this goal, I can't think too carefully. If it is beneficial, I will definitely do it!"

"The reason why I explained in advance is that I just want Brother Yan to report back to the senior management of your organization. It is already certain that the Chen family did what happened back then, so you have to think again, or take advantage of this opportunity, let's join forces It depends on your choice to deal with the Chen family together."

It was nothing at first, but when Gu Mochen really saw that his parents were still alive, his heart could no longer be calm.

No matter what, he wants to save his parents, and he is willing to pay any price for this. At the same time, he doesn't care if anyone else is willing to stand by him, even if he is alone, he will definitely go to the Chen family!
Yan Kai was silent, but his silence didn't last long, because at this moment, his communicator vibrated.

There is no need to look down at all, the person who can contact Yan Kai at this time must be a senior member of his organization.

(End of this chapter)

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