Martial arts giant

Chapter 91 Waiver

Chapter 91 Waiver
Blood for blood!

Gu Mochen said this sentence forcefully. After everyone's hearing had just recovered from the huge earthquake, his voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears just right.

This is a warning and a threat.

Gu Mochen didn't know if it would work, but he had to issue such a warning!
For his brother!

Although martial arts practice is up to everyone, as long as they can help, Gu Mochen still wants to help, and provide as much convenience as possible without affecting Zhang Anhai's martial arts cultivation as much as possible.

What happened to Wu Jie just now is an example.

A martial artist may not come across the last opportunity of epiphany in his life, so he wasted it in vain. If he had known this, Gu Mochen might as well have come to the stage earlier, kicked Li Yuncai away, and became Wu Jie's training partner by himself.

It should be like this...

Gu Mochen's face was sharp, but he was sighing secretly in his heart, this's a pity.

Therefore, he did not allow such a thing to happen again.

Again, in this competition, he must strive for the final victory, so on the way to the championship, if he can provide more help to his brothers, he will provide some.

Just like against the Flying Wolves now, he could have won the game in a less conspicuous way and a much less expensive way.

But on the one hand, he wants to avenge Wu Jie, and on the other hand, he also wants to establish his prestige, so that the opponents he meets later will leave the shadow of blood for blood in his heart, and he dare not deal too hard with Zhang Anhai and the others.

That's why he hit hard.

Both are.

With the Leihu Xiaotian Fist combined with the Wild Dragon Pendant, he seems to have only punched and kicked, but in fact there are multiple strengths hidden between the fists and feet, forcibly killing the opponent in seconds regardless of consumption!

This is the Golden Dragon Martial Arts Hall, and it is also a martial arts event where almost all sects in Changtian City participate. In addition to the contestants, all parties have also sent many powerful team leaders.

With them here, Gu Mochen had already told Zhang Anhai and the others that it was best not to use the wild tactics to restore internal strength during the competition.

At the beginning, Hong Yuan caused such a big trouble because he noticed the savage art breath from Gu Mochen, and the trouble is still going on, otherwise there would be no martial arts tournament.

The world is unpredictable, Gu Mochen never thought that he just wanted to practice in the danger zone, and he caused such a mess. Now all parties are coming for the hunter's stronghold, As everyone knows, the culprit who caused the Golden Dragon Gang to finally lose the hunter's stronghold was Gu Mochen, who was standing on the ring right now!

"Good! Well said!"

"Damn, why don't I have such a brother, 55555!"

"Who is this person? I want to worship him as my elder brother!"


Although the camera was broken quite a bit, the backup camera on the emergency top just happened to catch up with Gu Mochen's domineering words of "blood for blood", so in an instant, Gu Mochen had countless fans...

Of course, there are many people who think that he pretends to be X, but we can subjectively block the barrage of malicious rhythm.

Mao Meng's face turned blue and then turned white, glaring at Gu Mochen angrily, and really wanted to jump on the stage to slap this raving kid himself.

But after all, that's all he can do in his heart. Although Mao Meng is a shadow warrior, he is not arrogant enough to think that he is an invincible existence in this Golden Dragon Martial Arts Hall.

He believed that as long as he dared to do something, the mysterious force that now controlled the Golden Dragon Gang would not be indifferent. He was afraid that he would be slapped away by a mysterious master who came out of nowhere before he jumped on the stage.

After all, he saw with his own eyes yesterday that Duan Kant, who is now in charge of the Golden Dragon Gang, is very close to this group of people, and he should be the contestant representing the other party.

"We abstain!"

After enduring and enduring, Mao Meng suppressed his anger and stared at Gu Mochen fiercely with eyes that wanted to eat him up, but he said something else in his mouth.

"Flying Wolves, are you sure you want to give up the next game?"

This is very reversed, even the members of the Flying Wolves didn't react for a while, but the referee who was focused on Gu Mochen and the others reacted very quickly, almost at the same time Mao Meng said the word waiver, He has already rushed to the edge of the ring and confirmed loudly.

In the match between the two sides, one side wants to abstain. As the referee, he is responsible for confirming with the other side's representative, but he doesn't need to be so loud. At this time, when the focus of sight is still on the side of the No. 2 ring, he deliberately shouted loudly. Know.

He wanted to confirm the abstention and not give Mao Meng a chance to talk back. With so many people watching here, it would be even more contemptible if Mao Meng backtracked.

"I am sure!"

Mao Meng's gaze was about to burst into flames. With a livid face, he endured the shocked and disbelieving gazes from around him, and popped out these three words from between his teeth.

With a buzz, the audience was in an uproar.

The Flying Wolf Palace is at least one of the top ten sects in Changtian City, and only two of them have been recruited, while the opponent has already been ranked as the fourth deputy general. The comparison of advantages is quite obvious, because of Gu Mochen's strong blow just now, Destroy the morale of the Flying Wolves?

This is...too grumpy, isn't it?
No matter how you say it, you have to struggle, at least three more people will fight!
Most of those who hold this kind of thinking are the participating teams who saw Gu Mochen conduct a cultivation test yesterday. All the teams are struggling with Gu Mochen's monstrosity. Who doesn't want someone to go up and touch Gu Mochen and them first? At the bottom, by the way, it consumes more of the opponent's combat power. After all, today is more than one game. As long as you win, you have to continue to fight.

But now Mao Meng announced that the Flying Wolves surrendered!
Then the role of cannon fodder may fall on his own head?
For a moment, all parties looked at Mao Meng with contempt, and they were almost indisputable.

On the contrary, Mao Meng's anger calmed down, and he even stared back at him with disdainful eyes.

He thought very clearly, anyway, he would not be able to win this match anyway, and the five disciples he brought were all in the same level of cultivation, and even Li Yuncai was the strongest among them because of his lightness kung fu.

Gu Mochen punched him off the stage even after opening the secret method, so what else is there to fight?

In the near future, Mao Meng deeply understands that there is still a tough battle to be fought, and preserving strength is more important.

But the key factor that made him make a painful decision still came from the No. 8 ring.

Chen Yan gave him a signal with his eyes.

The Flying Wolves came to the competition to help the Zhonglin Chen family. Since everyone in the Zhonglin Chen family nodded and agreed that he could give up the competition, why did he insist?
(End of this chapter)

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