Martial arts giant

Chapter 92 The third round of draw

Chapter 92 The Second Round of Lottery

"The Invincible God of War team won the No. 2 ring!"

Ignoring the reaction of everyone in the audience, the referee went straight to Gu Mochen, raised his right hand high, and announced loudly to the audience.


Gu Mochen lost his momentum, and without looking at Mao Meng again, he slowly turned around and walked off the ring, back to Zhang Anhai and the others.


On the other side of the monitoring room, Duan Kangde danced with joy, waved his fist fiercely into the air, and smiled like a chrysanthemum.

The staff next to him silently stayed away from him, not because they were afraid of being hit by his fist, but because they were afraid of his spouting saliva...

Duan Kangde looked left and right, wanting to share his joy with the woman in black, no, it was pride, but found that the other party was no longer here, and he was very depressed for a while.

This side of the arena.

Together with Zhang Anhai and the others, Gu Mochen moved Wu Jie carefully, and walked slowly step by step to his player's rest area over the auditorium.

Li Xin was at the end, turning his head to look at the ring 8 from time to time, with indescribable disgust in his cold eyes.

The No. 2 arena was vacated. After the staff cleaned up the blood, two other teams took over. The 98 teams had to decide the winner before proceeding to the next round of lottery.

This also gave Gu Mochen and the others a time to adjust and rest.

Apart from Wu Jie, although Zhang Anhai and Zhang Hua were defeated, they were not without gains. At this time, they just took advantage of this time difference to sort out their respective experience in the battle.

With the help of Li Xin's elixir, Wu Jie also woke up after a while. Although there was still some pain in the chest hit by Li Yuncai, it was no longer a serious problem.

There was still a trace of confusion in his eyes. Lying on the simple folding bed sent by the staff, Wu Jie stared blankly at the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking, which was very unimaginable to his usual escape character.

Zhang Anhai and Zhang Hua looked at each other, with a look of worry on their faces, thinking that they couldn't be fooled, right?
Gu Mochen sighed, only he knew where Wu Jie's confusion came from.

"Can you still remember some? Try to recall as much as possible, it will be of great benefit to you."

He squatted in front of Wu Jie and spoke to him softly.

Knowing that epiphany is not easy, he still doesn't want Wu Jie to give up. Naturally, he can't go back to the previous state, but before the memory in his mind dissipates, it will be of great benefit to Wu Jie himself to recall more about his state of mind at that time. So he couldn't help but remind him.


Wu Jie's gaze was still a little dull, and he didn't look at Gu Mochen. After a while, he sighed softly: "It's such a mysterious feeling!"

Gu Mochen smiled wryly, and said, "Yes, it's a pity."

"No pity."

Wu Jie finally turned his head slowly, the daze in his eyes disappeared, his expression gradually became firm, and he said: "I'm lucky to have it, but my life is lost, but to be able to touch this mysterious level is already a big deal for me. Good fortune!"

"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Anhai said he didn't understand, Xuanao?
Isn't Wu Jie always under his nose?When did he become mysterious, why didn't he know?
"You don't understand!"

Wu Jie laughed cheerfully, and tried to stand up. The pain in his chest improved a lot, but he frowned slightly, and he was able to sit up by himself.

"Let me be the first to go!"

He stretched his muscles and bones, and asked Gu Mochen for advice.

"Can you do it, you!"

Zhang Anhai was stunned for a moment, then made a fuss and said, "Just now you were beaten until you vomited blood and passed out, be careful and your bones will be broken if you go up again!"

Although he was hurting Wu Jie, the concern in his words was obvious. Gu Mochen regarded the three of them as brothers, and Zhang Anhai also regarded each of them as his brothers.

Don't think that he always loves to fight with Wu Jie, but when it comes to critical moments, he still thinks of each other wholeheartedly.

"Let me go!"

He compared his fists and said, "This time it won't be like just now!"

He also learned a lot from the battle with Li Yuncai, it was the time when the fighting spirit was high.

"Brother Hai, let Wu Jie go first."

Gu Mochen shook his head and stopped Zhang Anhai's dissuasion.

Although Wu Jie's injury has not healed, but now is the time when he has the best chance to improve himself. If Wu Jie fights again now, the understanding he will gain will far exceed Zhang Anhai's own understanding.

If the opportunity is missed once, at least a little bit of the tail must be firmly grasped.

"Attention all participating teams, all participating teams please pay attention!"

Everyone was discussing the formation for the next match, when suddenly Duan Kande's voice came from the tweeters all over the martial arts hall.

"The 98 teams have all finished the competition. Let us congratulate the 49 winning teams. Then don't waste time. Let's start the second round of lottery!"

Duan Kangde was not at the scene, he was still in the monitoring room, using the radio to remotely host the martial arts competition.

The host is really free and easy for his sake.

The 98 teams have been cut in half. The rules of this competition are simple and brutal, but also very cold-blooded and ruthless. If you fail once, you will lose all qualifications.

The faces of the remaining teams were cold and stern, and the losers were dejected, but most of them didn't leave. They stayed in the player's seat, oh, it was considered a real spectator seat for them, and they stayed there to watch other players' games. To improve myself, on the other hand, I also want to see if it is possible to dig out one or two capable warriors.

After all, those who can come here are the peak warriors. For the fiercely competitive sects, it will be a good boost to be able to dig one.

After Duan Kant finished speaking, there were electronic number balls rolling wildly on the big screen in the middle, but the number of number balls was obviously much less.

"Haha, now is the exciting time!"

Duan Kande's voice suddenly sounded as the number ball rolled, he seemed very satisfied with his arrangement, and said proudly: "Now let's see who will be the first lucky one today, the one who gets a bye Number!"

However, in the monitoring room, after Duan Kangde said this, he turned his head and pouted at the staff next to him.

The staff understood, and pressed a button on the console expressionlessly.

At the same time, the numbered balls on the big screen suddenly began to shatter in large numbers. Judging from the posture, it was like a duel. Which numbered ball was not smashed in the collision with each other, and the last ball left was the numbered ball of the bye team!

It seemed fair, but the glance Duan Kant gave just now already explained everything.

If the hardness of the other number balls is 5, the staff has adjusted the hardness of the 48 ball to 50, smashed?

(End of this chapter)

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