Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1000 Death Island

Chapter 1000 Dead Island (Second Change)
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a sneer, he turned around, and knocked down the group of people like lightning.

Even if each of them is an immortal emperor, they are not scumbags.


The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he was a little dumbfounded, where is the living grass?Searching aimlessly?What a cheap hand, why kill them all at once.

His consciousness covered the island of death and he didn't see where the life grass was. Did Rex remember it wrong?

Ling Yun did not give up, and went to the most dense forest on the island to search for three hours.

He is angry!
Unexpectedly, they couldn't find it, and a wave of terror destroyed the forest.

This big movement immediately attracted many people to fly over, and there was no sign of Ling Yun at all here.

Ling Yun came to a restaurant on an island in the center of Death Island.

Everything in this island of death is similar to the construction outside, there are restaurants, inns, and markets.

The aura in the island of death is abundant, even if it is an existence with poor talent, it can easily reach the strength of an immortal emperor with a few thousand years of simple practice.

In this island of death, without an immortal emperor, the strength is basically equivalent to that of ordinary people, and they are often oppressed by overbearing casual cultivators and sect forces at will.

Ling Yun randomly found a place to sit down, and then spoke directly.

"Little Erhuo, bring some pots of good wine and some good food!"

The waiter in the shop didn't care, and still gave Ling Yun tea with a smile.

"Okay, my lord, please wait a moment."

Ling Yun nodded, it turned out that the waiter in this store knew Taishenjun.

And there are a large number of immortal cultivators gathered in this restaurant, and the business is not bad.

The people at the next tables looked at Ling Yun up and down, the latter was a little irritable, he was a monkey, what are you looking at!

The waiters here are all Immortal Emperors, they are really awesome, even better than Ghost Island.

"Who? God what?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

"God is stupid."

Many people talked about Ling Yun and laughed loudly.

Ling Yun was already in a bad mood, and now he was very irritable when he heard it.

Immediately, Ling Yun swiped directly into the void, and a sword light flashed, and the bloody arrow shot out from the casual cultivator's throat.

The whole person fell to the ground, his eyes were wide open, and he didn't react at all, and all of this was just because he said something bad about Ling Yun, so he died.

Kill chickens and monkeys! !
Seeing this scene, the faces of everyone in the restaurant changed, with lingering fear on their faces, especially those who had talked about Ling Yun just now stepped back and looked at him with fear in their eyes.

The waiter hurried over and said in a low voice, "Don't be angry, Lord Dijun, they are all rubbish, not worth your hands."

Ling Yun liked to hear these words, nodded, and didn't care about them, he sipped the wine and tea sent by the waiter in his shop, shook his head, it was too different from the one in his hand.

"It's so fragrant... so fragrant, is this wine? Damn, the old man smells it again, it's incredible!"

An old man walked in from the door, and with his eyes closed, he came to Ling Yun with the smell of wine.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes could no longer move away from the fine wine on Ling Yun's table.

"Old man, you sniffed so much just now, didn't you mean it?" Ling Yun said with a smile.

Embarrassed, the old man took out a top-grade spirit stone from the storage ring, put it on the table and replied, "It should be, it should be."

Ling Yun continued to take a sip of the immortal wine. At this moment, the divine beast, the Flaming Tiger, jumped out and looked eagerly.


Ling Yun poured a glass for Xiao Huzi, who was wagging his tail like a puppy, probably because he couldn't change his role.

The monks around swallowed their saliva, because of Ling Yun's strength, they didn't dare to ask for it arrogantly.

The old man licked his mouth, then swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, he was dumbfounded, this beast was treated better than him, he was so mad.

"Brother, give me some!" The old man imitated the eagerness of the beast Lie Yan just now, and his pupils showed a pitiful look.

Who is Ling Yun, an old monster who has lived for countless years, and the old man's eyes just want to beg for immortal wine?Nonexistent and unfamiliar.

"Go, go, who is your buddy, you old man, you are very bad."

Ling Yun gulped down, the old man drooling.

"A little bit..."

"Damn it, pay attention to your image!" Ling Yun was speechless.

A casual cultivator at a nearby table recognized the old man: "The Jiuxian is really shameless."

"Let's see, it's really him. I haven't seen this dead old man in 1 years."

"Yeah, after the last Dead Island meeting, I thought he was old and dead."

Several monks began to tease that Jiuxian was coming.

Ling Yun asked curiously: "Your name is Jiuxian? Why?"

"One question, one cup!" The Jiuxian was willing to wipe away his saliva this time.

Ling Yun looked him up and down, then poured him a glass, this behavior made Xiao Huzi very dissatisfied, he barked!
Jiu Xian laughed loudly, teased him, and said with a smile: "Your voice is really special!"

The little tiger got angry and stared at Jiu Xian...

Ling Yun was speechless, knocked his tiger's head a few times, and then said to the wine fairy: "Whispering old man, hurry up, I've drunk all the wine."

Jiuxian just finished it in one gulp, but now he has endless aftertaste. He cried, really cried, and tears flowed from his eyes.

I thought to myself, what did he drink before?Is it fake wine? It's in vain for him to be called the wine fairy!

"Hey, good wine..."

"Hey, haven't answered my question yet!" Ling Yun knocked on the table a few times, knocking loudly.

Everyone wanted to take a sip, but they could only watch helplessly.

"Brother, let's have another glass, just a little." Jiuxian even licked the glass clean, which really left Ling Yun speechless.

"Say!" Ling Yun stared!
"Stingy, this old man has tried all the strongest wines in the world, but none of them can make me drunk, so there is a wine master."

"Hehe..." Ling Yun smiled: "Why don't you call yourself not drunk, but a wine fairy? You must be drinking fake wine."

"Bah... boy, besides your wine, the old man also drank a kind of wine, rain and dew wine, have you heard?"

Before Ling Yun could reply, the Jiuxian said again: "You must have heard it for the first time, that wine is the second best, but..."

He actually wanted to say that in front of the wine Ling Yun gave him just now, it was all rubbish, and he wanted to save face so he didn't say it.

Ling Yun: "..."


"Who is your buddy, go aside."

"I want a little bit, pity me, an old man who is not loved by anyone."

After the little tiger finished licking the bowl, he couldn't help but said, "Old man, why are you so shameless and shameless?"

"You don't understand, you silly dog!"

"Woof, woof, woof... I'm a flame tiger, not a little milk dog." The little tiger bared his teeth, and started to stare at Jiu Xian again.

"Old man, since you are a wine master, why don't you know how to make wine?"

"Hey, the talent is too poor, there's nothing I can do about it. It hurts to think that he, a generation of wine masters, can't make wine."

While talking, he poured himself wine, thinking that Ling Yun wouldn't notice.


With Ling Yun's finger pointing, Jiuxian's hand was imprisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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