Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 999 Done

Chapter 999 Done (first update)
A generation of Dao Zun is quite angry!
He tried his best to get rid of the undead, but there was nothing he could do. It was a delusion to step into Ling Yun's side.

Ling Yun gave help to the undead, that is, all the death energy of Dao Zun, and the latter immediately absorbed it, and his strength far surpassed that of Dao Zun.

In less than three rounds, the first generation Dao Zun suffered a disastrous defeat. His arms were torn off in the battle with the undead.

The undead floated in front of Ling Yun with the dead dog first-generation sword master, cheering all around, shouting that the underworld is back!

"My king... people brought it!" the undead said hoarsely.

The little guy rubbed his eyes, he was very sleepy, but Beibei was fine, sitting next to Ling Yun and yawning.

"Pluto...haha, I'm ignorant, I can't beat just one subordinate."

The first-generation Dao Zun laughed at himself, it was already painful to tear off his arm, and he still had to look like it didn't hurt.

"Yeah, you're really ignorant, don't think you're invincible with a small achievement, crazy? Rely on the old stuff in your body? He can't do it!" Ling Yun squinted, dismissively.

Dao Zun's heart trembled fiercely, secretly thinking that this had also been discovered, this was his hole card, Pluto was really scary.

"Don't let me have a chance, otherwise? Pluto... hum... die!"

The generation of Dao Zun's eyes exuded killing intent, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.


Ling Yun kicked his dantian, and the latter screamed and rolled around on the ground.

There is only an old grandfather in the body, what are you proud of?Really ignorant.

Ling Yun grabbed it with his bare hands, and pulled out the old man from the body of the first-generation Dao Zun. The latter is a spirit body and knows a lot.

As soon as he came out and saw Ling Yun, he immediately surrendered, what a pity!
No matter what he said, Ling Yun just smiled, and then the spirit body was crushed by Ling Yun.

It's impossible not to kill him, Ling Yun already knew that it was his attention that occupied half of the Nether Realm, this dead old man is very bad.

The first-generation Dao Zun turned even paler. He glared at Ling Yun, who snorted coldly. He was just a waste, but he still looked at him with such eyes.

Ling Yun was very upset, the other hand was cut off, and the generation of Dao Zun screamed again and again.

"Old boy Huo, come here!"

"Master Pluto, what are your orders?"

Huo Lao responded immediately, he was right next to him, he was so happy to watch, all the grievances before were swept away.

"Where is the mad god Huang'er in a daze?"

"He's in the Endless Tower."

"An accident happened in the underworld, why didn't he come out? Isn't he from the underworld?" Ling Yun was very angry, all of them were like trash.

"Master Pluto doesn't know something, he has been resisting the inner demon, and he can't come out." Huo Lao's heart was pounding, as if Ling Yun was about to get angry.

"Demon?" Ling Yun frowned, then smiled.


"Drag him down the street and don't let him die within three years, do you understand?"

Ling Yun kicked the first-generation Dao Zun out of Huo Lao's side, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.


"Also, don't spread the word about them."


"The spiritual energy has recovered, and I don't know what it will develop into in the future." Ling Yun looked at the sky and said to himself.

Huo Lao and the others lowered their heads, not daring to speak indiscriminately.

Lan Jiajun knelt down and said gratefully: "Thank you, Lord Pluto, thank you very much."

"Get up, whoever has trouble with the Nether Realm is the one who has trouble with this king, so there is no need to thank." Ling Yun shook his head, he knew that Lan Jiajun was talking about revenge for Lan Wuyue.

"Thank you..." Lan Jiajun was still kneeling, unable to get up, and Ling Yun let him.

"Boy Huo, please inform me. People in the underworld should go to practice if they have nothing to do. You are too weak. Remember to fight in groups if you can't beat it. There is nothing shameful."

"Remember the teachings of Lord Pluto."

Everyone agreed in unison.

After arranging all this, Ling Yun returned to the shrine through the black hole.

Both the little guy and Beibei were sleeping soundly in his arms. Beibei used too much strength for the trip to the death spot, and he should be tired.

Qianqian should be tired from playing, Ling Yun put them all gently in the bedroom.

Out of the bedroom!

Ling Yun then called Rex!
"What is the order of the emperor?"

"Did you know that there is life grass there?"


Rex thought for about 2 minutes, then replied: "The island of death in the endless sea."

There are many ways for Ling Yun to help Rex's arm grow longer, but he thought of a elixir, after taking it, the rebirth of the broken arm will also skyrocket his cultivation.

It's just the prescription in his mind, he doesn't know if it's true, and he's using Rex as an experiment at this moment, and the medicinal materials needed are spiritual herbs.

Dead Island is an unworldly island in the Endless Sea, where it is isolated from the rest of the world.

Legend has it that it was created by a martial artist from the God Realm. Later, a large number of experts from the twelve domains joined the island of death.

They have been living in it all the time, and then gradually developed and grown into numerous forces. Like the Ice Palace, they can be regarded as having nothing to contend with.

Because the spiritual energy in Tiandao is very abundant, it is dozens of times that outside, and it is similar to the God Realm.

Now only a very small number of people can enter it, and the people inside have been forbidden to leave the island of death at will.

Endless Hainan Domain!
Ling Yun stepped on the sea, and in front of him was the island of death with a barrier.

Ling Yun quietly looked at the sea area in front of him, and frowned. He discovered that there was a powerful formation, and the island of death was looming, like a ghost, more terrifying than ghost island.

Ling Yun waved a few rays of light with his right hand indifferently, and suddenly broke towards the island of death.

Immediately, the calm sea in front of him stirred up waves, and then a huge vortex appeared above the void, exuding a powerful energy aura.

Ling Yun walked into the vortex, and soon the vortex disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

With a flash of light in front of his eyes, Ling Yun landed on an island, and the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into his nose.

Xiao Yifeng glanced away, looking at the picture in front of him, with a look of shock in his eyes.

It wasn't like this when he came last time. It seems that everything has changed over the years.

Death Island was originally just an island, but now it seems that this Death Island has become formed by more than a dozen huge islands, the area of ​​which is several times that of before.

Moreover, the aura of heaven and earth here is obviously more than ten times stronger than that outside, so practicing here is definitely ten times faster than practicing outside.

And it is three times that of the God Realm. No wonder so many people go to the island of death and are unwilling to come out.

Ling Yun looked up, and he could tell at a glance that there was a super-large spirit gathering array on the island of death, which made the aura here so strong.

This formation is definitely not something that ordinary people can arrange, at least three imperial formation masters can arrange it.

"who are you?"

At this time, a stern shout sounded from behind Ling Yun, and a group of people with weapons came over behind him, and all of these people had the word "island" on them.

(End of this chapter)

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