Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1003 Ling Yun Dumbfounded

Chapter 1003 Ling Yun Dumbfounded (Second Change)

She found that the combination of human and sword is also a bit good, and it is very cool when playing singles.

Ling Yun also found out what Beibei was thinking, and was immediately amused. He first let Beibei comprehend the sword intent, and then broke through to the unity of human and sword.

Beibei watched Lingyun use Liufeng Thirteen Sword Styles again, it was different!

This continuous, pervasive sword intent like spring rain, entangled sword intent like wicker.

The most powerful thing about this kind of sword intent is that it cuts continuously and makes chaos, seemingly seemingly non-existent.

Seemingly benign, seemingly nonthreatening, but it's just a form of disorientation.

People are lost in his sword intent, no one knows when the fatal blow will appear.

Beibei was indeed immersed in this sword intent, with her eyes slightly closed, slowly digesting.

The moment Beibei opened her eyes, she used Liufeng Thirteen Sword Styles again, and the first move full of sword intent confronted Ling Yun until the ground of the shrine split open.

After a few tricks, Ling Yun opened his mouth!
"That's right, is Beibei able to unite people and swords?"

"Ha ha!"

Beibei smiled, and then sword lights appeared around her, and she disappeared, achieving the unity of human and sword that Ling Yun taught her.

She merged into those sword lights, she was the sword light, and the sword light was her, a perfect fusion of human and sword.

Countless sword lights changed continuously to form a lightsaber, and the previous changes were played by Beibei.

But Ling Yun suppressed the undead body, neither dodged nor dodged, and was broken by Bei Bei's sword!
Beibei recovered from behind, looked back, and cried in fright!
Ling Yun's body was bleeding, beep beep, the ground was bleeding a lot.

"Wow... handsome Shushu..."

"do not come!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth was smiling, Beibei's sword was fast and ruthless just now, plus the strength, martial skill, and sword intent he gave!
Finally let him sting, the long-lost pain!
In just ten seconds, Ling Yun's injuries were all healed, Beibei's beautiful eyes widened, and there were still tears, scratching her head in place, she was so cute.

Little Irene has been here for a while, but now she ran over and said, "Brother, let the water go, let the water go!"

"Bebe is amazing!"

"Handsome sorghum..."

Beibei is hugging Ling Yun's feet and acting like a spoiled child.

"Little Irene is late, dinner is over."

"Hmph, the baby wants Wangzai."

"No, I promised to give it to you, one can per child."

Ling Yun was very straightforward. It was the first time he taught sword intent to others. Although he was not his own daughter, he was really happy that Bei Bei was his half-daughter.

"Where's Sissi?"

"Sister is over there!" Little Irene pointed in a circle.

Beibei: "..."

There was a loud impact sound, Ling Yun and the others immediately ran towards the source of the sound after hearing it.

Seeing Empress Hanyue stunned on the spot in Jingu Square, the little guy burst out laughing, while the monkey rode Beibei's balance bike and knocked down under a tree.

This dead monkey, when practicing Beibei's balance car, the Empress Hanyue floated over from the portal, it didn't even blink its eyes, the result must have been sad.

The funny guy Xianhe also relearned the experience of the spirit monkey, which made the little guy laugh again.

The little guy drools from laughing!

"Sister, here it is!" Beibei ran over and handed Wangzai to her very carefully.

"Aha, I'm thirsty." The little guy was still laughing.

Hanyue came back to her senses and saw Ling Yun. After asking for peace, she said directly: "Master Dijun, the Empress invites you to visit Jiuchongtian."

"Did she say anything?"

"No, it's just about brother Xinchu."

Han Yue smiled, this flower name has spread to fame, Xin Zhao is helpless.

"What did Xiaoxinzi go to his father-in-law's place? Bi Shuixing doesn't care?"

"I heard that the day after tomorrow will be Brother Xinchu's wedding banquet."

"Huh? Master Xiaoxin chased her down. It's not bad, it really happened twice."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth.

Han Yue had something to do and wanted to go back to Shenfeng, Ling Yun happened to have something to ask the god, so the two left together.

Before leaving, he told the little guy and Beibei to let them stay in the shrine, and he would come back as soon as he went.

This time Ling Yun could escape, the little guy nodded unexpectedly.

I went to Shenfeng, but I couldn't see any of the gods. I heard that I went to the star field. From time to time, there will be a lot of spiritual energy flowing out of the broken void. It is the best time to practice.

Ling Yun returned without success, the shrine was so quiet, he wondered what the little ones were doing!

"Aha, Papa, come quickly." The little guy's voice resounded through the shrine.

Ling Yun smiled, and suddenly appeared in front of them.

I saw the little guy and Beibei each holding some green vegetables in their hands.

"Where did it come from?" Ling Yun questioned, his shrine shouldn't have vegetables, there are so many, and his space has not been touched by them.

"We planted it." Beibei replied, smiling, as if she wanted Ling Yun to praise her.

"Planted it? It grows so fast, where is it located in that precious land?" Ling Yun was curious.

The little guy pulled the curious Ling Yun, walked three steps, and then pointed to a piece of dirt by the wall.

"That's it?" Ling Yun blinked and asked, can this soil grow vegetables?Is he stupid?Or is his daughter stupid?
"It's here!"

The three little guys nodded their heads in unison, neatly and differently, they were so cute.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched. He had an impression of this land. Usually, the grass didn't grow, so how could it grow green vegetables.

"You plant it again!"

Ling Yun couldn't believe it!


The little guy threw away the vegetables in his hand, that's right, he threw them away, Beibei hurriedly picked them up, pouting.

Then a handful of seeds appeared in her palm, and she sprinkled them into the ground. Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he saw it. After asking, he found out that the seeds belonged to the Six Guardians, and this kind of goods would be like a supermarket in a gourd.

Just when Ling Yun asked why it didn't sprout, Beibei took out the gourd and watered the ground, then Ling Yun's eyes widened and his heart collapsed.

Prodigal girl!

What Beibei had in her hand was the ancient spirit spring water brought out from the dead spot, and she used it to raise vegetables. If the immortal emperor who was with her back then knew it, she would be so angry, especially Liu Taizong, who could vomit blood and die.

Ling Yun's eyesight is astonishing, he can see it at a glance, and he shouts in his heart, waste, waste...

"Handsome Shushu,'s so green!" Beibei said in a childish voice, with a smile on her face!
Still green...

Ling Yun couldn't help laughing, he didn't need it himself, but the subordinates at Shenfeng needed it, what a rare treasure.

"Aha, we can grow the fire again tonight." The little guy began to count, hooking his fingers, how many strange fires can there be with so many vegetables?
Ling Yun jumped into the pit, she shouldn't have fooled her at the beginning, but now that she is fine, she takes it seriously, and she is happy and excited in her heart.

"Haha." Beibei covered her eyes, and couldn't bear to look directly at Ling Yun's dark face.

"Bebe, this is spiritual water, it's a treasure, don't let it go to waste in the future, understand?"

"I can't see it, and it's not sweet." Beibei shook her head. She had tried everything, and it was almost like mineral water.

(End of this chapter)

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