Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004 Nine Heavens ([-]rd update)

The little guy blinked his eyes, the water that can make the seeds germinate and grow up all at once, really...

She immediately told Ling Yun that she would use this water to water the vegetables every day from now on...

Ling Yun: "..."

"No way." Beibei shook her head.

Ling Yun is very relieved, at least there is still one child who is sensible.

As a result, Beibei stroked the gourd, and continued in a childlike voice, "Water the fruit trees too, so that they can grow up quickly."

Ling Yun almost beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"Put it away, it will be of great use in the future." Ling Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, there was really nothing he could do about them.

Beibei nodded, and put it away immediately. Ling Yun said that it would be different if it was a treasure, maybe it could be sold for a good price.

"Papa, I feel numb!" The little guy rubbed his eyes.

"Now line up and follow me, let's go to Jiuchongtian." Ling Yun looked at the night, it was getting late, and it was estimated that it would be daytime when we went there.

The little guy smiled and climbed onto Ling Yun's neck, and Beibei and little Irene were led by Ling Yun.

A moment later, through the Thunder Gate, Ling Yun and the others came to Jiuchongtian where the Martial Ancestor God Emperor ruled.

This place is no different from Yichongtian, it is a space enchantment jointly created by some ancient great figures.

Jiuchongtian said it was not big, and it was not small. It was about the same as half of the Clear Water Continent back then. In the eyes of the world, it was considered big.

For Ling Yun, a word is small!
Jiuchongtian only has three main cities, and the rest are mountain peaks. Every big mountain peak has a sect, which can be regarded as the top sect in Jiuchongtian. Looking at the twelve domains, most of them can only be the same as the Star Palace.

The biggest force is the Tianmen sub-rudder, which is located on the highest peak, Song Shanfeng. This peak is named after the Tianmen sub-rudder, the rudder master, and he is called Song Shanfeng.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor had to give Tianmen a face, the latter was also regarded as a law-abiding person, he kept his own place in Jiuchongtian, and basically did not cause trouble.

The largest city is the place where the Martial Ancestor God Emperor exists, the central city Wulin City.

Ling Yun stepped on the air, looking around, it is very prosperous, this city is comparable to the shrine.

The three little guys looked around. It was only after nine o'clock in the morning. The sun was not strong, the breeze was floating, and the autumn was cool.

Ling Yun led them, and they arrived at the palace hall of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor in a blink of an eye.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor, who was dealing with things, smiled, he knew Ling Yun was coming, and he didn't stop writing at this moment.

"The old man is still so energetic, it's no problem to be a god for tens of millions of years."

"Haha, the emperor seldom comes to tease the old man, and he can have a few years of happy life, the world has changed."

The Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor plucked his beard, and his whole person has a spirit of immortality and chivalry. After the last farewell, Ling Yun felt that the Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor had changed a lot.

Take a closer look.


The Emperor Martial Ancestor is the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, so the revival of spiritual energy brings so many benefits?Still he had a chance.


Thunder and lightning flashed in the Nine Heavens, Ling Yun frowned, and the Martial Ancestor God Emperor smiled and explained, this is someone crossing the catastrophe, which is basically the case these days, but fortunately they all went to far away places to cross the catastrophe, so it didn't matter much.

"Let's go, the old man is done with his work, you are the Lord God, you can't neglect the honored guest."

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor stood up and took Ling Yun and the others out. No matter how much better it is than here, it is not a place to stay.

"What orders does God Emperor have?" A certain general asked with a slight bow after seeing the Martial Ancestor God Emperor come out.

"Go and inform me that there will be a big banquet at noon, and the Emperor wants to entertain distinguished guests." The Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor said with a serious face, his eyes full of majesty.

Ling Yun joked: "Old man, it's better to order casually, it's the first time this emperor sees you like this, panic."

"Haha, just brag." The Martial Ancestor God Emperor shook his head, knowing that Ling Yun was joking.

When a certain general saw Ling Yun, he was a little panicked. The Lord Taishen came to Jiuchongtian himself, and he was lucky to see it.

Taishenjun is worthy of being a divine lord, who comes and goes without a trace, and the Gate of Thunder is a representative of death just like Pluto.



"do you remember me?"

The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and the little man looked up at the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, his pupils were bright and clear.

"Yo yo, who is this?" Martial Ancestor Emperor pretended to stroke his beard, meditating, his eyes raised, looking at the sky outside!
"Aha, it's me, grandpa, your memory is so bad."

The little guy looked contemptuous, but in fact she couldn't even remember it, because the Martial Ancestor God Emperor was really big, Ling Yun also said it just now.

"I don't know, I don't know." The Martial Ancestor God Emperor shook his head vigorously, with a constant smile on his face, thinking in his heart that this little kid is both funny and cute.

" bad old man."

Beibei pursed her lips, she didn't know them, didn't she see them last time, she had a good memory, and she was familiar with the aura of Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

"Haha, you are really cute, no wonder many people in the God Realm want to have a daughter."

The Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor shook his head and laughed, and then walked around again.

Ling Yun led them and followed the Martial Ancestor God Emperor leisurely.

The little guy paused halfway, not convinced and said: "Papa, Mama is here, isn't it?"

"Yes, we're going to see her now." Ling Yun nodded in response.

Martial Ancestor God Emperor frowned slightly, a little surprised how the little guy would know.

Beibei said in a childlike voice, "Can I go first, it's so far away."

The child didn't want to leave after a few steps, Ling Yun didn't allow her to use her power in front of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, so she had to carry her on her back.

The little guy let Ling Yun lead her, and she didn't want to hug her either, with a smile on his face, bouncing around, just like little Irene.

After a few minutes!

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor brought Ling Yun to a very large pavilion. There were hills, flowing water, flowers and plants, surrounded by fairy spirits. It was a beautiful place in the world.

As soon as the little guy saw An Qing, who was all in white, he immediately recognized her, and ran over with short legs, calling mommy, mommy all the time.

An Qing looked back and smiled. After waiting for eight months, she could finally see her daughter. If she hadn't seen Ling Yun's strength, she would have been worried to death.

If something happens to their father and daughter, she will really die together.

There were quite a lot of people sitting in the pavilion, including An Qing, Qian Ye, Emperor Guapi, Zhao Xin, Ji Wushuang, but Long Yanran was not there.

There is also Yang Dong, the original wife of the Emperor Wuzu, and another concubine, Concubine Zhang, and two sisters, Su Min.

An Qing squatted down and picked up the little guy, a little cautiously said: "Why are you running so close, look at you, your head is sweating."

As she said that, she took out a silk scarf to wipe off the little guy's sweat, and the latter was very clingy.

"Wow, she's so cute."

Sumin's fifth sister stared at the little guy without blinking her eyes.

The sisters squeezed the little guy's pink hands.

(End of this chapter)

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