Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1013 Suspected

Chapter 1013 Suspected (third)
Ling Yun even despises Ji Wushuang, and he doesn't even like it personally, but now it's better, and the relationship is broken.

The two chatted for a while!

Xin Zhao came here in a trance, and he could see that he was preoccupied.

"Brother Yun, morning!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, is it too early?It's past ten o'clock.

"It's getting late, have you eaten yet? Do you want some?"

"No, I'm not hungry, I have no appetite." Xin Zhao smiled lightly, that kind of smile was very forced.

"Yeah, I was full last night." Ji Wushuang shook his head and laughed.

Zhao Dao said, "Brother Yun, what should I do?"


He told Ling Yun and Ji Wushuang what happened last night.


Xin Zhao went back to his room last night and slept until night fell, and then he planned to go to Su Min to clarify, and then he planned to tell Martial Emperor Shenhuang to divorce.

who knows!
His memory of what happened afterwards was gone, and he didn't realize until he woke up in the morning that the deal was done and the rice was cooked.

So-min wept in a low voice, and she said it straight, she didn't know what happened.

Xin Zhao sighed, as if it was God's guidance, and didn't think much about it.


Ling Yun frowned after hearing this, this matter is not simple, how can there be such a coincidence, do not remember the specifics?
Xin Zhao has a little memory, but he just did it in a daze, he admits to this matter, so he was struggling again, and he planned to divorce the engagement, but there was another wave.

We can't hide this!

In the morning, when Xin Zhao came out of Su Min's room, he was seen by the guards, and the Emperor Martial Ancestor had already known about it.

This is not!

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor is coming soon, very angry.

"Brother Yun, it's up to you." Xin Zhao swallowed, he didn't know if the Martial Ancestor God Emperor would get mad.

"Xin Zhao!!"

Hearing this tone, the Martial Ancestor Emperor was really angry.

"Don't be angry, old man." Ling Yun said.

As soon as he stopped the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, Zhao Xin stayed where he was, and Ji Wushuang took a few steps back, shivering again and again.

"Great Lord, don't meddle, the old man must beat him up today." Martial Ancestor God Emperor said.

"Things are like this. Besides, they are one day away from being husband and wife. What a big deal."

Ling Yun dragged the Martial Ancestor God Emperor to the stone table beside him, and explained a lot of truths to the latter.

It’s not settled here, Yang Dongshi also came to question Xin Zhao angrily, and the latter would not fight back, nor would he retaliate when he scolded.

Ling Yun's head grew big for a while, and the little guys laughed, because Mrs. Yang Dong twisted Xin Zhao's ears.

An Qing basically heard it all, and she didn't know who to help.

Ling Yun finally said that it was all an accident, let Zhao Xin admit his mistake first, and then he will be in charge of arranging everything for tonight and tomorrow.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor and his wife had no objection, this time they came here because they were angry but their daughter who didn't get through the door was bullied.

All the current affairs are Xin Zhao's marriage, Ling Yun doesn't think about anything else.

Zhao Zhong's wedding party arrived at noon, a large and four small arks moored outside Jiuchongtian.

Long Jiani saw the little guy again, the latter was very clingy to people whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

The ancestor of the Zhao family personally took the lead, which shows that the Zhao family attaches great importance to this marriage.

For most of the afternoon, the three little guys were arguing to play, Ling Yun expressed that he didn't want to go, and they went to act like a baby to An Qing.

An Qing is soft-hearted, staying in the palace of Wulin City is really boring, so she went out with Long Jiani and Qianye.

Martial Ancestor God Emperor arranged a big scene for them, the luxurious carriage pick-up and drop-off, which is the highest status symbol in Jiuchongtian.

Several beautiful figures appeared on the street, causing a commotion immediately.

Ling Yun had nothing to do, everyone had their own busy schedules. Since the Martial Ancestor God Emperor of Jiuchongtian married his daughter and invited a lot of people, they were all busy.

Even Ji Wushuang was called by the Martial Ancestor God Emperor to become a temporary boss. It is still face-saving for a dignified domain master to help the town.

Outside Wulin City, when the dust rolled, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The Heavenly Gate is here to inquire about crimes!

The person who received the five leading elders in their group was the second prince arranged by the Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

The five elders were very angry, they are from Tianmen, why didn't the Emperor Martial Ancestor come out to greet them?All the way with a black face, as if someone owed him money.

This time, the five of them, after receiving orders from above, took more than 100 disciples to Jiuchongtian to ask for an explanation.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was in the palace and received him warmly. He just thought that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and he tried to reconcile as much as possible.


The five elders didn't care much about the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, and the latter didn't let others bully him. With a cold snort, they didn't dare to be so rampant immediately.

Ling Yun just didn't show up, and the five elders were very angry. They came this time mainly to embarrass the Supreme God.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor also had a lot of friends to receive, and the five of them were handed over to the Second Prince afterward.

Ling Yun thought that the Martial Ancestor God Emperor would just send him away, but it seems that the position is important, he is fine, everyone has his scruples.


It was a dinner party for all the friends who were invited by the Martial Emperor to come earlier.

Ling Yun didn't go, it wasn't because he was aloof, and she insisted that Ling Yun cook the vegetables that the little guy planted before.

He could only push it away, which made the five elders of Tianmen even more arrogant, and they all agreed that Ling Yun was intimidated.

The whole dinner was full of the five of them saying all kinds of things about Taishenjun, and Wuzu Shenhuang was annoyed.

If it weren't for the host, the Martial Ancestor God Emperor really wanted to slap the five of them to death with a slap.

Lingyun's spiritual consciousness was always here, he just listened quietly, and didn't intend to do anything to them, he was not the master, so he wanted to give some face to the Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

The little guy and Beibei had a great time playing in Wulin City today, so they were exhausted and went to bed before nine o'clock.

The rest of the time naturally belonged to Ling Yun and An Qing.

Emperor Guapi, Long Jiani, and the patriarch of the Zhao family were called back to Bishuixing by Ling Yun. We don't need so many people here, but Bishuixing needs them.

Silent all night!
In the early morning of the next day, the palace began to be decorated with lights and festoons. It was very lively, and there were happy sounds of hip-hop everywhere.

Last night, the Martial Ancestor Emperor of the palace ordered to strengthen precautions. Even so, someone was killed, and the insiders all turned pale for a while.

What happened was one of the five elders in Tianmen, who immediately alerted Martial Ancestor God Emperor and the others.

Looking at the good days, but something like this happened, the Martial Ancestor God Emperor was full of anger.

The fourth prince must have thought at the first time that it was the emperor who did it, after all, they had a festival before.

Ling Yun knew that something had happened, but he just didn't want to explain it. He cleared himself, and no one even saw his face.

Martial Ancestor God Emperor also believes that Ling Yun did not do it, today is Xin Zhao's happy day.

The remaining four Tianmen elders all insisted that it was Taishenjun who did it.

Xin Zhao promised them to give them an answer afterwards, but the four elders refused and insisted on causing trouble.

Xin Zhao couldn't bear it anymore and was very angry, what day is it today.

look down on him?

Do you have to make trouble?
So he pulled out the ice, quite a bit like a life-and-death battle.

(End of this chapter)

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