Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014 Difficulty (first update)
As soon as the ice comes out!
The audience was suddenly silent!
The news of Ling Yun's extermination of the Sword Realm spread throughout the Twelve Realms yesterday, and almost everyone who wentssip knew about it.

Especially for a big force like Tianmen, they heard about it immediately.

"Holy Master Zhao, I don't intend to cause trouble here, but our Tianmen elder was killed here strangely. It's not difficult to find an explanation, right?"

Tsing Yi taoist robe, the elder with a blue sky character on the back arched his hands.

His title Qingshan Taoist is the most neutral among these four people, Immortal Emperor Seventeen.

Xin Zhao frowned, they still insist?Can't wait until he gets married to ask these questions?
Immediately, he said bluntly: "The skills are not as good as people? Who is to blame?"

"Haha, what a skill is not as good as others, the old man has seen the madness of Holy Master Zhao today, and he has been taught."

Elder Liu in Tianmen raised his head to the sky and laughed wildly, staring at Xin Zhao and Emperor Martial Ancestor.

The other two Elder Xiang and Elder Wang also had the same attitude.

Martial Ancestor Shenhuang retorted: "Everyone, this is not the case. This emperor will definitely give you Tianmen an explanation, but the matter has not come to light. I am afraid that I cannot give you an explanation today."

Ji Wushuang stood up and yelled, "Who wants an explanation? Wait until today to find the Emperor, and I will not give face to my brother's happy event."

Immediately, the aura of the twin emperors immediately flowed out, and after the improvement of the kung fu, they were like cows, and everyone's face suddenly turned pale due to the aura of the emperor.

Taoist Qingshan swallowed his anger.

He couldn't quarrel with Xin Zhao, he was afraid of Pluto, and he was also afraid of Ji Wushuang, the twin emperor, who he couldn't afford to provoke, and Tianmen didn't have an order, so they only wanted to target Lingyun's Taishenjun.

Elder Liu was very eye-catching, and shouted to the sky: "The Great God, dare to do it or not to recognize it? Why do you want to be a god?"

"That's right, something happened, I was suspected, and I didn't even dare to come forward to clarify, ha ha." Laozi Xiang also came to say something.

"It's a guilty conscience, this is the best proof."

"Silence means admitting it. I didn't expect the Lord Taishen to hate us Tianmen people so much, and to do such a thing as assassination in the middle of the night. It really makes us heartbroken."


The four bad old men wanted to force Ling Yun to show up.

But Ling Yun just didn't want to go out, so he just went out like this?Wouldn't that be very embarrassing.

Xin Zhao was angry: "Enough, whoever said more, I don't have eyes for ice."

Elder Liu is not afraid, he thinks very simply, what kind of day is this?Xin Zhao will see blood on the spot?impossible.


He was wrong.

He snorted coldly, "A nest of snakes and rats."

A gigantic saber aura sent chills, and the nine-headed tiger swept across the entire palace.

At the same time, Elder Liu steadied his horse and raised his whole body to resist.

Xin Zhao struck with all his strength in anger, the corner of Elder Liu's mouth bled instantly, Taoist Qingshan and the others shot at the same time to dissipate the saber energy.

The Zhao family shouted: "Tianmen is not giving face to the twin emperors and the holy hall, do you want a fight?"

"You guys shut up."

Martial Ancestor God Emperor frowned and scolded, this is not what they said, why does Tianmen exist?It is white on the surface, but its strength is terrifyingly dark.

If an elder is sent over that day, their church will be in disaster.

"My lord Shenhuang is still sensible." Taoist Qingshan put away his posture, as if his actions just now were insignificant.

Elder Liu glared at Xin Zhao, who also glared.

Yang Erhuang came quietly, his eyes flashed, and then he nodded to a certain guard.

A certain guard immediately ran over and knelt in front of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor and said, "Master God Emperor, I have news from my subordinates."

Martial Ancestor God Emperor asked: "If it's not important, you can step back."

"It's about last night." A certain guard said.

"Last night? What about Tianmen?" Martial Ancestor God Emperor asked with a frown.

Seeing the guard nodding, everyone immediately became concerned.

"Tell me, what happened last night?"

"Did you see something?"

"I still found some clues."

"Speak out, and we will punish the murderer severely."

Everyone was chattering, the scene was very chaotic, it was already noon, and the wedding banquet still hadn't started, the Martial Ancestor Emperor was also very anxious.

The old friends of the Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor did not want to interfere with this matter, they each had their own positions, and they also firmly believed that the Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor would handle this matter well.


Taoist Qingshan immediately stepped forward to protect the guard from being silenced.

Martial Ancestor Emperor nodded: "Speak out, let everyone present listen."

"Last night, my subordinates saw a group of shadows slipping out of the guest room of the elder who had an accident in Tianmen, and didn't pay attention to the situation inside." A certain guard said, wiping off his sweat.

"Continue!" The Martial Ancestor Emperor nodded.

And Taoist Qingshan asked: "Then you saw it slipping there? What did you pay attention to?"


A certain guard hesitated, looking very flustered.

"Don't be afraid, little friend. The old man is here, and he will definitely protect you. Tell me everything you know. The old man will take you to Tianmen and accept you as a disciple. How about it?"

Elder Xiang stepped forward, on the other side of Taoist Qingshan, also protecting the insider.

"Yes... yes..." The guard was dripping with sweat at the moment, and everyone's eyes were on him.

"The shadow was heading west. I chased it for a distance and was attracted by certain sounds."

Taoist Qingshan immediately asked, "What noise!"


Right now!

The guard was pierced by Ling Yun's divine light!

"Ah... help me... it's Qi... Qi... ah..."

In just one breath, a fresh life was taken away by Ling Yun.

"Great God!" Taoist Qingshan was furious, his whole face was very gloomy.

Elder Xiang was displeased, and his anger was also great. He directly took out the communication symbol and reported everything here to Tianmen.

All of this shocked everyone, the Taishen Lord killed the insider in front of so many people in the Twelve Domains.

"Don't look at it, he's dead, there's no doubt about it now, it was done by the Supreme God."

Qingshan Taoist called to stop Elder Wang who came forward to check on the guards, he said angrily, with a murderous look on his brows.

Xin Zhao swallowed, and said to himself, "Why did you kill him?"

He just couldn't figure it out, even if it was really Ling Yun who did it, he could deny it, and Tianmen wouldn't have evidence.

The corner of Ji Wushuang's mouth twitched, and he said to himself: "This is troublesome, did he kill the wrong one?"

The Emperor Martial Ancestor can no longer shield Ling Yun, no matter whether the latter killed the elder of Tianmen last night or not, now that the guard died, everyone would think that the murderer was the Supreme God.

"Come on, drag him down."

It's very unlucky for someone to die on this day. It's a lie that the Martial Ancestor God Emperor said he wasn't angry, and his tone was almost suppressed.

"Wait, people should be brought back by our Tianmen people, this is the evidence." Elder Liu stopped all the guards.

"He belongs to the emperor!" The Martial Ancestor God Emperor shouted.

"The old man will never compromise!"

Taoist Qingshan also went all out, holding a jade slip in his hand, which was a jade slip to inform the disciples of the Hundred Heavenly Sect outside the Wulin City.

(End of this chapter)

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