Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1034 Notice

Chapter 1034 Notice (Third Change)

The voice of the old woman is in the air!
"Take out the artifact, or none of them will survive."

The Six Protectors just smiled!

The little guy ran over, and crept down the pit.

"Sister fairy, sister fairy."

"I'm fine, little princess, stay away from me, that dead old woman is very bad."

"I'm not afraid, Nuo... I have a skirt, it's amazing, my daddy gave it to me." The little guy pointed to her skirt, and said with a smile on his face, that cute fool seemed to say, hurry up and praise I! !
"Another artifact?" Empress Linglong's mouth twitched: "That old woman will keep an eye on it."

"Don't be afraid, there is a sister." The little guy knelt down and touched Empress Linglong's head, and the latter was full of energy, but the injury was still there.

Sure enough, the old woman was capable of playing tricks, and a huge palm print landed in midair. Fortunately, the Six Guardians slapped it away. Her uncle, the Six Guardians are not used to it, so they flew up to fight immediately!
Beibei rolled her eyes, she used her affinity, and said to the sky-swallowing fire python: "You are very hot, you want to breathe fire, Laipi snake, so spray it."


The fire-swallowing python raised its head high, and then began to breathe fire towards its body, and the hot flames immediately burned its whole body.

But it was excited, as if under an illusion, without any pain.

"Haha, it worked." Beibei laughed loudly, jumping up and down.

The sky-swallowing fire python not only breathed fire at itself, but also burned the monsters rushing around to death, and its whole body ran wildly in the beast tide.

Empress Linglong came up with the little guy, who laughed loudly: "The scorpion is burned, it's burned."

Everyone withdrew to the defensive formation, and Qi Qi came to Empress Linglong with a look of concern.

"Teacher, what should we do now?"

"Hey, our strength is too low."

"What can I do, let me rest for a while, don't worry, we can all survive." Empress Linglong comforted.

The sky is booming!

The six guardians fought against the old woman. In less than 10 minutes, the ground was full of potholes, and many monsters were buried in the duel between them.

The old woman looked angry, and she didn't understand: "Who the hell are you? Why do you have such great power as a weapon spirit?"

"Hmph, want to know? Let's talk about it after you abolish it?" The Six Protectors didn't give the old woman a chance, and martial arts emerged endlessly.

The old woman is not stupid, she can't beat the six protectors, so she let go of her words and wanted to run away!

How can the Six Protectors let her escape?

Wouldn't that be very embarrassing, so he chased after him, the dead old woman must die, dare to peep at his great ancestor's artifact Jingu sword.

The two chased and fled, and they fought all the way to the depths of the forest, and they disappeared after a while.

Beibei laughed and said, "So many treasures are all ours."

Her beautiful eyes are all animal pills on the ground.

The little ones ran to pick them up, one or two, and put them away happily, they were so cute!
Empress Linglong's mouth twitched, is she going to pick it up at this time?Really desperate.

"Little princess, come back quickly."

"No, no." The little guy shook his head, muttered, and squatted down to pick it up.

Beibei looked around, the situation was wrong, beast hordes surrounded them?Don't dare to attack?what to do!
"Teacher, let's go." A certain student was frightened.

The little teaching assistant also said: "Teacher Linglong, let's take advantage of this time and make a good plan on how to exit safely."

Empress Linglong smiled wryly, pointed at the two little guys in front of her and said, "No way, look at them two."

The little guy and Beibei simply sat down and started counting the animal pills, their eyes were almost smiling, how could they be willing to leave?
The assistant teacher was shocked, she saw that the monster seemed to be making a big move again, and her expression became unnatural.

Empress Linglong also had a shocked expression, the situation of the monsters is a bit like the violent monsters when they were in the God Realm.

"Notify the emperor."

The voice of the six guardians came from a long distance, and it was unknown from which direction.


The little guy rolled his eyes, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Lingyun's number.

"Papa? Papa?"


No way, where did the signal come from!
Beibei smirked and said, "Maybe I didn't notice."

The little guy stopped fighting, cancel it.

Beibei said: "If you are missing, you can call the police."

The little guy's eyes lit up, why didn't she think of it.

Then he pressed three numbers, and said in a milky voice, "Hey... Yaoyao Ling."



"My papa is missing, call him here for me, this is the Monster Dance Center, the show will start soon."

"Ha ha!"

Beibei laughed from ear to ear!

The little guy became angry, looked at Beibei with squinted eyes, and muttered to lie to the children.


Empress Linglong's mouth twitched, it was because they were going to act as clowns, and the monsters came again.

"Huh, go away." Beibei stared at the monster beast that rushed over, and raised her fist.

The monster brakes suddenly!

Face full of fear!
I feel that Beibei's fists are terrifying. With one punch, the beast's life is gone. They have low IQ, not stupid.

The little guy said: "Sister, let's go back and call Papa, okay, there are so many treasures here, there are still more inside."

She pointed to the center, deep inside, she sensed an evil breath.

"I'm thinking of a way." Beibei fumbled into her pockets.

It's been half a day!
There is nothing to inform Ling Yun.

Empress Linglong smiled, and said, "Okay, when Lord Dijun comes, you have to say that you are looking for it, or I will be scolded."

"Yeah, yum!" The little guys nodded, their headaches were dying, if there was a way to say it earlier, they almost wanted to use the Thunder Gate to go back.

Empress Linglong crushed the jade slips, and then said to the air: "Who is on the Shenfeng Peak? Tell the Supreme God, the little princess is in a hurry!"

Everyone's mood was almost boiling. It was rare to see the Divine Lord, and they had the capital to brag when they went back.

The little guy and Beibei scratched their heads, that's it?Can it work or not, wink each other to be cute.

Just when the little guy was anxious!

The air was filled with the power of thunder, and Ling Yun walked out of a broken door with a smile on his lips.


The little guy cried out excitedly.

"Handsome, Beibei is here." Beibei smiled and squinted, beckoning to Ling Yun, jumping and jumping with short legs.

"I've seen Lord Dijun." Empress Linglong breathed a sigh of relief, half kneeling on the ground.

Fifteen students also knelt down and shouted in unison: "See the Supreme God."

"Get up, what's going on? So many monsters? Are you dancing?"

Ling Yun walked up to the little guy and stroked her head amusedly.

"Aha, it's dancing."

"Oh...why did Qianxi want me?" Ling Yun asked, he was checking the previous records of Fandi when he heard Empress Linglong's voice.

"Papa, they dance, don't you want to watch?" Sissy's eyes turned gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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