Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1035 The Mysterious Cave

Chapter 1035 The Mysterious Cave (Part [-])
Empress Linglong was speechless!

Well said, I have something to look for!

Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, there are so many treasures here, shall we share them together?"

Ling Yun smiled wryly.

Can have his share?It's not bad if you don't cheat him.

The little guy shook his head and said coquettishly: "Papa, this is all ours, you are an adult, you must know how to find treasures by yourself."

Ling Yun: "..."

Empress Linglong covered her mouth and snickered... The others all turned their heads and smiled.


There was a roar of beasts!
The monster beasts' rage ended, and after sensing Ling Yun's powerful aura, they all chose to run away.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, Qianye was messing around again?Or is someone doing it on purpose here?

Lingyun condensed his sword in the void, and all the monsters who were too late to escape were killed, and a bunch of beast pills exploded, making the little ones happy again.

The little guy curled his mouth and said, "Papa, inside, inside, it's so annoying."

The little finger pointed to the deepest part of the forest, his brows were slightly furrowed like a little old man.

Ling Yun smiled playfully, pinched the little guy's face and asked, "There's an evil smell in it, do you hate it that much?"

"It's so annoying."

"I don't feel it." Beibei blinked.

How could Ling Yun explain this?
It's like little Irene likes to eat soul crystals, but Beibei is allergic to it when she smells it. It's a personal problem.

"Papa, there must be a big guy inside, let's get rid of him, he must be a bad old man." The little guy waved his fists, looking fearless, and stupefied everyone.

"Handsome Shushu, I'll be waiting for you." Beibei blinked and said.

"Then let's go in and have a look." Ling Yun was also interested in finding out.

"Okay, papa is the best." The little guy showed his white teeth, and his eyes almost closed when he smiled, his excited appearance made everyone laugh.

"End your experience, this place is not suitable for you." Ling Yun said to Empress Linglong and the others.

Empress Linglong looked at the deepest part of the forest, then shook her head and said to the teaching assistants, "Go back first, I will follow Taishenjun."

"Ah... just us?" The little assistant was a little speechless.

Ling Yun shook his head and refused, "No! It's very dangerous inside."

"Talk to the empress, when she came out, she said, I will take them back with me when I go back, there must be one of them." Empress Linglong said forcefully.


Ling Yun: "..."

The little guy smiled happily: "Okay, Sister Fairy can join us."

"You're injured, and this emperor doesn't need you here." Ling Yun's head was full of black lines.

"I can do it, I promised the empress." Empress Linglong's tone was very persistent, and she didn't care about her injuries to show that she was fine.

"Okay." Ling Yun compromised!

"This! This!" The assistant teacher was dumbfounded for a while, and they just went back like this?Very unsafe, okay?

Ling Yun smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the Gate of Thunder is convenient!

Everyone was dumbfounded again, the legendary Gate of Thunder, I can finally enter today, and I have the capital to brag.

"Goodbye." The little guy climbed onto Ling Yun's shoulder, and waved goodbye to the big and small assistants.

Beibei just waved her hand and dismissed it casually.

"Goodbye, little princess." The assistant teacher blinked.

A burst of golden light disappeared, and the Thunder Gate closed.

It was quiet all around, and no one spoke.

It wasn't until there was an explosion in the distance that Ling Yun took them away.

As soon as she came here, the old woman was really killed by the six guardians who were all injured. Looking around, one can imagine how fierce the battle was just now.

Only now did the little guy see that this old woman was very thin and very ugly, no wonder she dared not see people.

Beibei looked at it with a disgusted expression on her face, and then she didn't look at it.

Empress Linglong respects the Six Protectors very much. If he hadn't appeared, Empress Linglong really didn't know what to do.

"Thank you!"

"Cough cough..."

The Six Protectors coughed up a little blood and said with a smile, "It's all right."

At the same time, he knelt down and said to Ling Yun, "Hello, my lord!"

"Well, not bad, let's go in and have a rest. When the Emperor is free, I'll give you something good." Ling Yun is more and more appreciative of the Six Protectors.

"Thank you sir!"

The six protectors slipped into the little guy's pocket in a burst of smoke. The gourd and the pocket are connected, which is very convenient.

The Empress Linglong looked shocked, she didn't even know that the Six Protectors were a magical form.

What shocked her was why the little princess's artifact skirt had an artifact shape?
"Grandpa Six is ​​amazing." The little guy said.

"It's okay, follow me." Ling Yun hugged the two little guys in an instant, and walked quickly to the depths.

And Empress Linglong couldn't catch up with Ling Yun even if she was flying with all her strength behind her.

"Master Dijun, wait for me." Empress Linglong was injured before, but now she can't catch up with Ling Yun.

"Aha... come and catch me."

"Hahaha, Sister Fairy, you are so slow."

Bei Bei lay in Ling Yun's arms, put her head on the latter's shoulder, and looked at the Linglong Empress who was chasing after her in the distance.

The little ones are learning too!


Empress Linglong's voice became quieter, and the distance became farther and farther away.


Not seeing Empress Linglong, the little guy muttered, feeling like he had nothing to play with.

"Woman? It's trouble!" Ling Yun stopped in his tracks, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Bad papa!"

The little guy frowned slightly, as if angry.

"Handsome, Beibei and her younger sister are also women!" Beibei stared at Ling Yun!


The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, little boy!
After waiting for about a minute, Empress Linglong arrived late, sweaty and pale.

"Are you really okay?" Ling Yun asked knowingly, without turning his head, the angry little guy beat his heart, Beibei stared straight.

"Haha, well, Dad knows it's wrong."

Beating Lingyun is invalid!

So the little one scratches his armpit!
"Aha, you know how powerful I am." The little guy had a deep smile on his face, as if to say that she is the strongest.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are the best, just like Beibei, there is no third place in the world, okay?"

This child insisted on letting Ling Yun praise her, she was so happy that she almost couldn't keep her eyes open, and the laughter spread all over the forest.

Empress Linglong is in pain, she can't laugh!

Ling Yun succumbed to the little guy's tickle, and gave him a pill!
"Thank you!"


"Thank you little princess."


"Let's go." Beibei pointed ahead, and there was a faint hole not far away, surrounded by many trees.

"Okay, I'll listen to Master Beibei." Ling Yun blinked and smiled handsomely.

"Haha, let's go." Beibei said in a childish voice, covering her face.

Empress Linglong is right behind, remind the surroundings, follow Ling Yun all the way!

Ling Yun looked at the entrance of the cave, his brows were tightly frowned, the beast tide just now had nothing to do with the inside?Why is the hole covered with spider webs?
"It's so annoying."

The little guy pinched his nose, and the evil aura emanated from it! !
(End of this chapter)

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