Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1036 Qing Yan

Chapter 1036 Qing Yan (Second Change)

Ling Yun took a deep breath, then walked in slowly, because it was too dark.

He took out a lighting stone and suspended it in the air! !

"Wow, so many roads."

"This way."

The two little guys pointed to the one in the middle, and there were a few words written on it, so old that Ling Yun didn't even want to read it.

After five or six turns!
The eyes gradually become clear, and the cave gradually widens.

Is there really no one here? ! !
After thinking about it, Ling Yun knew that this cave was in the deepest part of the forest, surrounded by monsters with the strength of the Immortal Emperor, who would dare to come?

Beibei is so happy, come down and lead the way!
She slammed into a transparent glass wall, causing her to touch her forehead in pain.

Ling Yun pressed his big hand, and the weird glass wall disappeared, and Bei Bei punched and kicked the original glass wall, which made people laugh.

This cave!

Like an ancient stone palace, the center is actually supported by hundreds of stone pillars, which is very empty.

Inside the cave, there is a gray stone seat, like an ancient throne, lying across the cave.

Empress Linglong was dumbfounded!

There is a treasure box on the stone seat, I don't know what it is!
The little guy suddenly laughed, pointed at the box and said, "Papa, we have come to the cave where Grandpa Gourd used to be. Look, there is Gourd Boy inside!"

Ling Yun: "..."

Bei Bei asked if it was true, but the little guy nodded seriously, as if it was the truth.

"Isn't this a relic?" Empress Linglong asked.

Ling Yun shook his head, he still can't see through it!


He stepped forward, came to the box, and gently opened it!

As soon as he touched the box, there was a loud roar, and then nothing happened, Empress Linglong was startled, Ling Yun shrugged!

When Ling Yun opened the box, a long sword broke out from the box!
It pierced straight into Ling Yun's heart, and the corner of the latter's mouth twitched. Is this a mechanism?


"Papa!" The little guy looked nervous, if Empress Linglong hadn't hugged her tremblingly, she would have run up.


Just one word for Beibei, back then she couldn't kill Ling Yun even with the combination of human and sword, but now this broken sword?hehe…

"My lord?"

"Don't come here, I'm fine."

Ling Yun smiled lightly, and the sword on his body was turned into dust by him.

"Papa, is it a gourd inside? We need green grass."

"It's a treasure, six-legged fire green ganoderma." Ling Yun gently took out the contents on the box!
It was the size of a fist, it was blue-gray, and it was bursting with flames, and the fiery flames sprayed out, burning the air up.

The puffs of hot air make people smell into their stomachs, and there is a terrible feeling that the flesh is being torn apart.

After Ling Yun took out his hands, he glanced at them, then divided them into three portions, added some seasonings for them to eat!
at the beginning!
The little guy refused, and she said childishly, this is Gourd Boy's cousin, Ganoderma Lucidum, and he can't eat it.

Beibei licked his mouth, started to eat happily, and muttered in his mouth: "It's delicious, delicious, what are these, handsome, I want more."

"No more." Ling Yun shrugged, there was only one branch in the box.

Bei Bei began to look at Sissy again!
"Don't give it, don't give it, mine, mine!" The little guy hurriedly covered it, and insisted that it was Ganoderma lucidum that he couldn't eat!

"It's not tasty, give it to me." Beibei said eagerly.

Empress Linglong hesitated for a long time before she spoke. Once she couldn't eat it, she felt like she was going to be addicted. What's all this?Delicious on earth!

While eating, she muttered, "It's delicious!"

The little guy blinked, it was so delicious, she looked at it, and then imitated Empress Linglong's way of eating, immediately put all of it in her mouth, and covered it, feeling a bit stealthy.

Ling Yun smiled, why is this child so cute.

"The belly is warm." Beibei touched her red belly.

Ling Yun said: "It's warm, it's caring."

"This... this... my power? And fire? My God!" Empress Linglong had an unbelievable look on her face.

Her strength reached a breakthrough point, and a fire was born inside her body!

"Release the flame!" Ling Yun reminded!

Empress Linglong did as she wanted!

A group of cyan flames slowly emerged from her palm, startling the little guy and Beibei!


The little guy quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, she is only small, but she understands.

Beibei rubbed her stomach, and imitated Empress Linglong!


A blue flame emerged from her palm again.

Beibei laughed out loud, and the laughter echoed in the cave for a long time.

The little guy couldn't bear it anymore, she also wanted a strange fire!Start pouting.

Not surprisingly, all three got cyan flames.

The little guy's mouth was dry from laughing, and eating the ganoderma lucidum can grow the fire, she remembered.

"Handsome Shushu, doesn't it have a name?" Beibei played with the blue flame in his palm, grabbing and letting go, just like Ling Yun back then.


"Wow, what's it called?"

"Awesome or not?"


"Ah, it's called awesome? It's such an ugly name." The little guy frowned slightly, his face full of disgust.

Ling Yun: "..."

Beibei: "..."

Empress Linglong was amused: "Little princess, Lord Dijun hasn't finished yet."


The little guy scratched his head, his face full of embarrassment, he wanted to kill others.

"The blue color is the representative of weirdness. This kind of fire has been recorded, but it is the evil flame of the green soul!"

Green Soul Evil Flame!

A kind of flame that is no less than white flame, once touched, the soul will be hurt, and the evil energy emitted is also frightening, pretending to be a sharp weapon.

Beibei said in a milky voice: "It doesn't sound good, from now on you will be called Qing Yan, be brothers with Bai Yan, and Hong Yan."

The red flame was given to her by Ling Yun, it was planted in the ball that germinated in her palm.

Ling Yun was speechless for a while!

"Aha, Qingyan? Well, Xiaoqing, you and Xiaohong will be buddies from now on." The little guy blew on the green soul evil flame in his palm and said.

Xiaohong is the ball that Ling Yun gave her, and she tricked her into eating more vegetables to grow them, so she changed her name.

Ling Yun really has nothing to do with them.

Beibei pursed her mouth and said, "Ahhh, little Irene has no chance, so let her not come and play games!"

"Aha, it's delicious, papa, do you still have Ganoderma lucidum?"

Still want to have?
Ling Yun is about to vomit blood, how many people dream of not getting one, they are actually greedy.

It is estimated that the people in the past have been tricked by this mechanism, and they have committed crimes!

Ling Yun put an end to this evil, to an end to this conspiracy.

"There is a palace in front, let's go there and have a look, maybe there are Ganoderma lucidum." Beibei began to lick her mouth again.

The little guy laughed and kept looking at the palace.

Ling Yun leads the way!

At the end of the cave.

An ancient black temple stands impressively. This ancient temple stands on top of a thousand-zhang majestic peak.

At the height of the palace, there are tens of millions of huge stone carvings of fierce beasts flying all over the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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