Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1041

Chapter 1041
Empress Linglong was shocked.

What did she hear?Did the Taishenjun know each other?Or is it that the latter recognizes the wrong person.

"You look ugly with a mask on." Cang Haihuayu walked to the throne and sat down.

Ling Yun: "..."

"This young master likes to play games, especially now that your life and death are in my control. Are you surprised? Haha."

Ling Yun: "..."

The little guy pouted: "..."

Beibei looked contemptuous: "..."

After listening to Canghai Huayu's words for a long time, Ling Yun understood a little.

In ancient times, Canghaihuayu offended Ling Yun, who threatened Lihuozong to deal with Canghaihuayu, otherwise Lihuozong would not need to exist.

At that time, the master of Canghai Huayu sighed, and directly asked the suzerain of Lihuo Sect, that is, Canghai Huayu's father, to abolish Canghai Huayu and give Ling Yun an explanation.


The Lihuo sect master refused, and the sect was in chaos. In order to appease Ling Yun's anger, the elders of the sect decided to openly petrify the sea into rain.


Now it seems that Ling Yun was swayed by the head of the Lihuo Sect at that time.

Although this palace is just a bureau, it has indeed been sealed for so long.

"So?" Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, and he wondered in his heart whether this guy has been petrified for a long time, and his head is not working well?

"Hahaha, do you think you are invincible? Dare to threaten us? This young master has waited too long for this day, so you can go with peace of mind." Cang Hai Hua Yu's eyes were filled with strong killing intent.

Ling Yun: "..."

Another one to show off?Or revenge?It's really funny, how much hatred, it's been so long, remember?
"Old man, did you recognize the wrong person? This is my daddy." The little guy said in a childish voice, she felt that her father didn't know him, why did he keep yelling.

Beibei immediately began to ignore the seas turning into rain!
Empress Linglong was terrified, she shook her head again and again and said, "Master, you must have admitted a mistake, this is my Lord Dijun."

"Hmph! Admit your mistake? I will recognize him even if he turns into gray."

Cang Hai Hua Yu jumped up, his whole body exudes terrifying power, it seems that he is really going to make a move.


A golden light burst out from his body.

These heavy golden lights are like an infinite hood, covering the entire hall, unbreakable, like a golden glow, shining with divine light, full of the supreme aura.

Changhai Huayu changed into a golden robe, his whole body glowed with dazzling golden brilliance, he stood proudly, his eyes swept across Ling Yun contemptuously, like a supreme god, with his arrogant eyes, he looked down upon the world in all directions.

His eyebrows are like ancient swords, his pupils are like blazing fire, his face is steep and straight like a mountain peak, and he is extremely cold and arrogant. The qi fluctuating around him is like rounds of scorching sun surrounding him. Don't get close, even his face can't be seen clearly.

It felt like anyone, even the same expert, could only submit to him.

Ling Yun clapped his hands, this is the plan to fight him with the strongest true god power from the beginning.

The power of the true God!

Almost all of them were exposed in front of Ling Yun and the others, but Empress Linglong couldn't bear it. Although there was Ling Yun and the others in front of them, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, her face suddenly turned pale, and she fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, what can you do? Are you desperate? Not enough, I want you to experience this pain slowly." Canghaihuayu laughed arrogantly, which was very annoying.

"Have you finished?" Ling Yun asked.

The little guy said in a childish voice: "Have you finished?"

"After finishing speaking, I walked away. I hated it to death. It blocked us from taking the treasure. I want to go back."

Beibei stared and said contemptuously, what kind of bullshit is the other party?Can't handle it with one punch?Then two punches!

"Well, I'll wait for me."


The laughter of Canghaihuayu stopped abruptly, it was a bit unexpected at this time, why Ling Yun didn't react much, he is a real god!

"You can continue to laugh." Ling Yun said.

Laughing at your sister?What's Ling Yun's attitude at this moment?Look down on the true god?

"You succeeded in provoking me."


Ling Yun said: "How does Beibei want to play?"

Beibei curled her lips and said, "How else can I play?"

The little guy yawned and said, "Sister Fairy is asleep, and I'm tired too."

Ling Yun said: "Okay, then I won't play."

He squatted down, picked up the two little guys in an instant, and then said to the dumbfounded Cang Hai Hua Yu, "Since the Li Huo Sect doesn't exist anymore, you should follow it."

What do you mean?
Canghaihuayu hasn't reacted to these words yet. Although the Lihuo Sect was not very powerful in ancient times, it still had backing.

When he raised his angry eyes to look at Ling Yun, he was so frightened that his hands and feet trembled.

"True...true god?"

"How can you be stronger than me?"

cough cough...

Just from the black air exuding from Ling Yun's body, Chang Hai Hua Yu's face began to turn pale.

"I don't believe it, it's all fake. It is impossible for Li Huozong to disappear in the long river of history. You lied to me, and this young master will kill you immediately."

Canghaihuayu's long hair fluttered up, and his eyes were full of ferociousness, which was very annoying.

Beibei waved a divine fist in Ling Yun's arms, the golden light blackened the eyes of Chang Hai Hua Yu, and the latter gasped.

"Papa, he seems like a piece of trash, and he doesn't look like a weak chicken?"

The little guy scratched her head, but she just couldn't figure out why something like melon skin was considered strong, but the sea turning into rain in front of her was really strong, and she was afraid of being punched by her sister.

Ling Yun thought about it a few times before explaining to the little guy: "The quality of the Twelve Domains is a bit poor. This is an ancient seal, and the quality is strong. The same punch can break a certain stone in the Twelve Domains, but here only Can crack."

"Changhaihuayu is a true god? That is also a piece of trash. Remember, this kind of person is a clown."

"Yeah, yum!"

The little guy and Beibei nodded their heads half understanding.

Canghaihuayu was angry again, and he punched the nine heavens with one move, smashing Lingyun's side, and the whistling wind of the fist seemed to destroy the world.

Beibei's eyes rolled round and round, and then she and the little guy looked at each other, and the two kids swung their magic fists at the same time, breaking the fist that turned the sea into rain with one punch.


His figure was blown away for a distance.

" is it possible? I was dreaming? Isn't this young master a real god? What's going on, I was beaten by two kids?"

Cang Hai Hua Yu stood up, shook his head and muttered to himself, his face was flustered and messy, and he was in a hurry.

He hates it in his heart!
Ling Yun was not even close to him, so he was in a mess, and the former hadn't made a move yet.

"Shuai Shuai, can you kill him with one sword?"

"Papa, can you?"

Both of them wanted to see what a shocking situation it would be if they used swordsmanship in Ling Yun's state.

Ling Yun smiled wryly, and with one move of his swordsmanship, this planet should no longer exist.

(End of this chapter)

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