Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042 Strong to numb (second more)

The power of Pluto is a real god in itself, plus martial arts?It was a disaster.

At this moment, Ling Yun is in the form of a demon, the peak of the true god, whoever is killed in seconds will die!

"All right!!"

Under the coquettishness of the two little guys, Ling Yun promised to show them what power is!
Ling Yun's whole body was filled with black air, and several shields were raised to protect the surroundings, and Empress Linglong was beside them.

The shield stretches for tens of thousands of miles!
Not far away, in a certain thatched hut, a few old men were trembling. He was with the old woman, and the rampage of the monsters was their plan.


A certain old man suddenly saw the shield in front of him. He watched it suddenly appear, and looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.


"Sure, otherwise why are your legs shaking?"

"Who the hell is it? Did the bombing sound just now be caused by the eldest sister?"

"The old man feels that something has happened. Could it be that the elder sister died?"

"Bah, bah, bah... what are you talking about!"

A few old men were worried, with unnatural expressions on their faces. They all stared at Ling Yun's shield and thought about it, but they felt that something was wrong.

In the cave palace!
Changhaihuayu doesn't intend to be afraid of Lingyun anymore, how will he know who wins and who loses if he hasn't fought?


The ancient characters drilled out of the body of Cang Hai Hua Yu are like the sand of the Ganges River, vast and endless, fine and vicissitudes.

Among the thousands of ancient texts, a majestic and tyrannical aura fluctuated from the surrounding area, turning into nine invisible giant fists, carrying the power of wind and fire, and the power of evil spirit, which is shocking.

Nine-nine Zhenwen Quan, condensing the true energy of heaven and earth, fighting against heaven and earth, fighting against heaven and earth, breaking mountains and rivers with fists, destroying Jiuxiao with fists, fighting!fight!fight!

Ling Yun was speechless, this rubbish boxing, he will be good!

The aura around him, all the energy contained in it, was absorbed by the sea and turned into rain to strengthen him.

Ling Yun snapped his fingers lightly, what Jiujiuzhenwenquan?All were annihilated, and he took a few steps back after being frightened.

"This... this?? What's going on?"

It was not the right way at the beginning, he was confused, his face began to be full of fear, the more he was afraid, the faster his heart beat, and he was about to lose his mind.

"What a powerful force!!!"

As Ling Yun snapped his fingers again, he trembled, and he felt a boundless force approaching here.

He did it to save his life!
To mobilize the power in the body again, there must be no room for it. He is very clear that the power is too powerful to be estimated. You must know that he is a real god at this moment, and his induction is very strong.

On the golden wall of the main hall, there are nine golden dragon shadows coiled around, a huge five-clawed golden dragon shadow, roaring to the heavens, and the dragon's chants are terrifying.


There was only a loud roar, and the space in the hall exploded with a bang.

Scary streaks of purple light densely filled the space like thunder.

Those purple light streaks merged into Cang Hai Huayu's body, making him stronger.


Cang Hai Hua Yu muttered to himself, his back was completely soaked, his strength had been forcibly increased by three or four times, but he still felt powerless.

Above the nine heavens, thunderclouds were densely covered, the strong wind breathed, thick thunderbolts intertwined and fell, and the thunderlights illuminated the surroundings, and at the same time brought an extremely depressing atmosphere, and those clouds were all transpiring with black air.

This is the reason that makes Canghaihuayu feel scared, Lingyun is here.

The entire palace was filled with a sea of ​​flames, suddenly forming a fiery universe, in which the stars were floating, the sun and the moon moved side by side, and invisible scorching waves rose from the vast galaxy, which was extremely powerful.

"That's right, that's how it should be!"

Ling Yun smiled!
The scene at this moment has been changed by the power of turning the sea into rain. It is like an illusion. You have to struggle before you die, so Ling Yun finds it funny.

"Puff...cough cough..."

The corner of Cang Hai Hua Yu's mouth kept bleeding, and he muttered, "Here we come, we come, what the hell? You're so strong."

Just the force of pressing down hurt him, it was terrifying.

In an instant!
A straight black giant sword broke into the underground palace from the sky.

Standing up and down in front of Canghai Huayu, his domineering and incomparable power made the space tremble, and followed him with an angry shout.


Can't last a second!
Cang Hai Hua Yu's entire strength was completely destroyed, and he was directly wiped out in ashes.

Maybe he didn't expect such a result before he died.

True God's strength?Hehe... It's too fake, he should laugh at himself, and he should also laugh at himself.


That is to say, he, there is such a terrifying power in the world, he has experienced it, and it is ridiculous to think that he can take revenge when he cultivates to the true god.

The frightening power fluctuations immediately made the space formations emerge, and they were torn apart. The black sword energy continued to destroy the surroundings, and the terrifying power swept everything.

Ling Yun was inside the transparent interior of the black giant sword, and they could see all the power clearly with their stunned eyes.

The moment the black giant sword fell, everything around him was wiped out, as if it was being swallowed up, ah.

At that moment, the sky collapsed, the gods and demons howled, the heavy rain poured down, and the dense light and mist transpired. It could be said that people were devastated. If it weren't for Ling Yun's shield, it is unknown how many monsters died.

not far away!
The three old men trembled wildly, they couldn't believe everything in front of them, everything inside that shield was full of power, it destroyed everything.

Half of the thatched hut disappeared quietly, and the power in the shield can be imagined.

They were also worried that the shield would not be able to withstand it, and they would be hurt, so they ran for a certain distance and looked down at the deepest part of the forest in mid-air.

After a few minutes!

They rubbed their eyes, everything in front of them was almost unacceptable to them, the entire planet was pierced by a black giant sword that seemed to be nothing.

Terrifying tyrannical forces are surging in all directions unscrupulously.




This sword technique shocked Beibei and the little guy so much that they never closed their mouths.

"Okay, let's go back, the harvest here is an accident."



Ling Yun lifted his demon form, shook his head and smiled, waved his big hand, countless sword qi flew, and a few more words appeared on the cave wall.

A generation of great people, the tomb of Li Huozong's vicissitudes of life...!
Ling Yun erected a tombstone for him again!
The little guy and Beibei were lying in mid-air, their eyes were fixed on the bottom, and the bottom was the other side of this planet.

At the Thunder Gate under Ling Yun's feet, they returned to the Shrine in an instant. Empress Linglong was seriously injured by the power of turning the sea into rain and invading her internal organs.

While there are no outsiders!
A ray of holy light from Ling Yun woke her up. The latter froze for a few seconds, then shook her head: "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, continue to rest."

Ling Yun: "..."

The little guy said, "Sister Fairy, get up."

"Haha, we're back, it's fun."

came back?
Empress Linglong's beautiful eyes widened instantly, this place is really a shrine.


What happened when she passed out?Where did her injury go? She couldn't get answers to a bunch of questions.

(End of this chapter)

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