Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053 Taking advantage of loopholes again (first update)
Little Aileen doesn't need to go in, she's watching the situation inside with Ling Yun outside!

the third floor!
It was still the spirit monkey that Beibei and the little guy couldn't defeat before. The latter was holding an iron rod, so fierce!
This layer took Beibei's best efforts, basically she was working hard, the little guy was lazy, cheering for Beibei while running!

Ling Yun was speechless, is he demanding too much?

Little Irene said in a childish voice: "Brother, sisters can't beat it, Brother Hou is not the Brother Monkey he used to be."

What she said is very reasonable. The spirit monkey was fabricated by Ling Yun. It is very powerful. Even if Emperor Guapi came, he could only look helpless. Being abused is certain!

Ling Yun shook his head, the spirit monkey is powerful, but only for certain people, such as Emperor Guapi, while Beibei is different from the little guy.

Little Irene watched for a while, she rolled her eyes at Ling Yun, and said in a childish voice: "Brother cheated, brother Monkey can't be immortal!"

Ling Yun smiled awkwardly, he wasn't cheating, he just endowed the spirit monkey with some energy, and in the tower of death, everything had to follow Ling Yun's arrangement.

If it wasn't like this, if Beibei killed the transformed spirit monkey with one punch, it would be a waste of experience!
"Aha, sister, come on, after defeating Brother Monkey, there will be gifts falling, I will give you half!" The little guy stopped and clapped his hands all the time, and the spirit monkey chased Beibei, regardless of her.

Beibei: "..."

"Huhu, I don't want it anymore, please help me." Beibei was anxious and tired, panting all the time, using all kinds of sword skills, this monkey brother is too fake, is there nothing wrong?
An Qing and Empress Linglong walked over without a sound, but they were dumbfounded!

They are so cruel at such a young age! !

An Qing's eyes could almost kill!
"Ling Yun!! What are you doing!!"

"You're here? Sit down and listen to the emperor explain slowly." Ling Yun smiled!

"You'd better explain it carefully!" An Qing was very angry, how could she throw Beibei and Sissy into the death tower, it was so dangerous, what if something happened!
"it is good!"

While watching the situation on the third floor, Ling Yun slowly explained to the angry An Qing.

The little guy still doesn't know how to use the huge power in his body, and he will mess up when he has nightmares, and he will only change after more experience.

And Beibei understands, but sometimes she is unreliable, to prevent her from swelling, Ling Yun put her together in the death tower, there is nothing wrong with it!
After An Qing listened, she was not that angry on the surface, but she looked worried and distressed when she looked at the little guys on the third floor.

"Ling Yun, is this the only way?"

"There are many ways. You can take them to the Star Field Battlefield, the Gemini Star Field has them, and you can also help Xiaoxue."

"Ah, let's forget it, it's even more dangerous there." An Qing shook her head!

the third floor!
Beibei lay still on her stomach, with skin injuries all over her body, An Qing looked worried!

The little guy learned to be smart, she couldn't beat her, so he ran to Beibei and said fiercely, "Hit you, Brother Monkey!"

Beibei: "..."

Can you use something useful, what's the use of fierceness?Still so cute, Beibei is speechless, she is so tired that she doesn't want to talk.

"Aha, look at me, one sword breaks all spells!" the little guy said in a childish voice.


Both Ling Yun and An Qing were looking forward to it, but it turned out to be very embarrassing. The little guy was just talking nonsense, she didn't know sword skills.

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched!
The spirit monkey was scared back a few steps by the little guy's serious look, but when he found out that he had been tricked, he was immediately furious!


"Hmph, you are the only one who will be fierce, ah... come on!"

Layers of shields rose around the little guy's body, and the spirit monkey had nothing to do with her.


boom! !

The spirit monkey kept hitting the shield with its body, glaring at it.

"Hit me? Hmph, I'll throw my sister out later and kill you."

Beibei lay on the ground: "..."

"Tell you, it's her, Old Bei, it's terrible, you're finished."

Beibei: "..."

Ling Yun held back!

The Empress Linglong must maintain a cold image in front of her and not be made fun of.

An Qing covered her mouth and snickered, she really wanted to kill her from laughing.

"Aha!" Little Irene didn't care, anyway, she just laughed when she came to laugh.

"Brother Monkey, how about you beat yourself up? I'll give you Wangzai!" The little guy was digging into his pocket, feeling embarrassed, she has Wangzai there!


When she took out the peaches, it attracted the spirit monkey, but it just made it go crazy even more.

Beat yourself up?
Beibei lay on the ground and rolled her eyes, then said: "Sister, the spirit of all things, the voice of all things, affinity, try it!"

"Huh... can it be done?" The little guy immediately widened his beautiful eyes, and after thinking about it, it seemed that he could do it.

"Brother Monkey, you are a bad person, or a bad old man, do you think you are happy? You are so bad, no one likes you."

As the little guy's voice slowly spread, a little bit of blue light appeared around her body, and the spirit monkey became in a trance.

"Don't you beat yourself? You will be happy if you beat yourself, you will be happy."

Beibei got up, sat on the ground, and began to talk.


The spirit monkey's consciousness began to collapse a bit, and Beibei took advantage of its unpreparedness to attack again and again!
Following the little guy's nonsense, the roaring monkey couldn't hold on, it felt very ashamed, and beat itself to death with a stick!

"Aha, I'm amazing." The little guy laughed and ran around the third floor, looking very excited.

The corners of Ling Yun's and An Qing's mouths twitched when they saw it, it's his uncle's job too!
The prize dropped on the third floor is Wangzai, a total of nine cans!
The two little guys didn't leave, so they sat on the ground and finished drinking Wangzai before talking.

Little Eileen said: "The baby has to go in, too." The aggrieved look made her almost cry.

Ling Yun was so funny that he had no choice but to be seen: "Little Irene doesn't need to go in, you see, you can also drink outside."

"Aha, yes, thank you brother."

Little Irene is very happy!

The little guy looked around, and then said in a baby voice, "Sister, shall we give it to little Irene?"

"Good or bad, you don't want to give it to little Irene? Just like me, hahaha!"

The two little guys immediately looked at each other and smiled, and then consciously kept the last can, which was for little Irene!
Four cans for them, one for Little Irene, problem!

Ling Yun and An Qing saw black lines all over their heads, they drank and drank, why didn't they leave?
"Sister, I'm sleepy!"

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, when you wake up, Shuai Shuai will come to pick us up."

Ling Yun looked at the sky, and then stopped looking at An Qing's face, because he knew that An Qing's face must be ugly.

It seems that they are cheating, this time the death tower experience will be like this.

no way!
An Qing insisted on carrying the little guy out, she said sleeping in it would be bad for her health, and the latter also yawned repeatedly.

"Shuai Shuai, Shuai Shuai, you don't know, just now I was really good, and I fought with Brother Monkey so hard."

Ling Yun: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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