Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1054 Killer Arrives

Chapter 1054 Assassin Arrives (Second Change)

What Bei Bei said was also good, Ling Yun was very satisfied with the battle on the third floor, the only thing that was not good was that the little guy still didn't understand it very well.

Empress Linglong has watched it for a long time, when did the death tower change its mode?
So she planned to go in in person, but it turned out to be very sad, Ling Yun forgot to remove his arrangement, so the first floor of Empress Linglong was the boos that the little guy and Beibei broke into before.

She couldn't even break through the first floor, she was so pissed off!
If you can't break it, you will be trapped in the death tower forever, and now she panicked.


Ling Yun and the others have all returned to the Shrine, and no one knows everything here.

Qin Xianglian in the shrine was even more distressed, she was crying every day, and the earth was not working.

That native!

She couldn't communicate, so she walked for a day, her feet hurt like hell, and she didn't know where the exit was, she was hungry!

Ling Yun's divine sense was swept away, and he was immediately amused, he despises cultivating immortals!
"Beibei, go and get your mother back."

"Well, she's so stupid, she doesn't look like Beibei at all."

An Qing had a funny meal!
"Aha, is that so, so is my Mama!"

"Speak ill of me? Hit you!" An Qing squatted down and patted the little guy's forehead, and the latter kept rubbing it in pain.

In a moment!
Qin Xianglian came here with Beibei in her arms, and kept praising Beibei for being so good!

Beibei's eyes were round and round, and she found that there was something wrong, just under the shrine.

"An Qing, I'm hungry, where is your kitchen? It's too big." Qin Xianglian asked.

"Dinner can be served right away. It's alright here, but it's bigger at Shenfeng." An Qing shook her head and laughed, it's very inconvenient for ordinary people here.

"You can make arrangements tonight," Ling Yun said.

"You don't cook?" An Qing asked back, feeling a sense of loss in her heart.

"Just wait if you have to wait, I have something to do." Ling Yun also found out that some ants are looking for death again.

"My cooking skills are good, I won't wait, I'm hungry, sister Qing, take me to the kitchen quickly, I want to show off my cooking skills."

"Okay, the shrine is too big, I'll take you there." An Qing shook her head and laughed, and immediately led the way.

"Aren't you going to wait for dinner?"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, the three little guys all looked at him, and if they didn't follow An Qing, he was really speechless!
"Handsome!" Beibei pointed to the ground!

Little guy wink!
Little Irene shook her head, and said in a childish voice, "Brother, shall we go and have a look?"

"Can I not take you there?"


The three little guys shook their heads in unison and replied.

Below the shrine!

Shenwei is fighting with a group of unknown forces.

The two sides were equally divided, and the scene was very shocking, but no one from Shenfeng came, maybe it was because they were considered unnecessary.

"Don't be cowardly, go!"

A certain man in black yelled, a set of martial arts emerged one after another, this man must be the leader of their pedestrians, he is really crazy.


"court death!"

The divine guard is also very strong, relying on the formation, it really blocked waves of offensives, leaving the man in black helpless for the time being!
At this moment, the leader of the man in black suddenly threw the stone tablet, and the latter made a sudden movement and trembled violently.

Everyone clearly saw that the stele was taken out and immediately stood on the ground. Suddenly, the stele shone with light, and bright light burst out from the stele.

Boom! !
Then an evil spirit erupted from the stone tablet, sweeping towards all directions.

After the evil energy erupted from the stone tablet, thousands of Gu people infected with corpse poison ran out of it.

Afterwards, as if they were conscious, they immediately fought towards Shenwei, who swallowed his saliva, what the hell?

"Hurry up and get out of here, quickly!"

The captain of the Divine Guard spit out his luck and shouted loudly.

Immediately, all the guards reacted and ran away one by one, while the captain of the guard stayed behind.

He knew that this damned Gu person had a history, if he was bitten, he would be infected and assimilated immediately, and when the time came he would lose his mind and would only be a disaster for the common people.

"Damn you, wasting a lot of our time, court death!"

There was a sudden stern voice, and it was the leader of the man in black who spoke. He tore off his face covering, and stared coldly at the captain of the guard.

The little guy pinched his nose, and said in a childish voice, "It's a bad old man again!"

She hates that evil breath!
"Well, they are the worst in the world, they have sores on their heads, they are the worst!" Beibei pouted.

"Brother, is that square stone a space fairy?"

"No, let's not talk, let's see." Ling Yun replied softly.

"This group of crazy guys, what do you have to do with the Demon Gu Sect!"

The captain of the Divine Guard spit out coldly, with a terrifying murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

If these Gu corpses hurt other people, it would be a disaster in the God Realm.

The corner of the man in black's mouth twitched: "You have no right to know."

"go to hell!"

The captain of the divine guard rushed out, blasting out with four lightning-like fists.

Four dull thunderous voices sounded, and the captain of the divine guard threw four punches in a row, killing more than a dozen top-notch Gu corpses on the spot.

The divine guards also fled and returned, facing these Gu corpses all the time.

At this moment, a golden light erupted in the distance, followed by a terrifying aura, followed by a roar.

Beibei couldn't stand it anymore, and killed all the remaining Gu corpses with one sword.


She used Thunder Half Moon Slash, is there still thunder and lightning left in the sky?


The man in black frowned, and said to himself, "Great God!"

"How to do?"

a man in black asked.

"What are you talking about, it's over!" The other men in black shouted, their momentum not lost at all.

The stele rang again, and a black figure flew out from it, attacking Ling Yun immediately!

That is!

The guards stared wide-eyed!
The black figure is full of bloodthirsty light, the whole body is black, like a black man, with long fangs in his mouth.

A destructive aura emanated from his body, it was the refined puppet voodoo corpse, and this terrifying god guards recognized it!
He is the maple leaf Tianzun who was killed by Dugu in the battle with the demons!

"Damn you, you actually despise the pioneers of the God Realm!!"

The divine guards were very angry and glared at the group of men in black opposite them.

"Surprised? Surprised?" The man in black laughed.

The little guy, Beibei, and little Irene stared at the figure approaching quickly, and immediately hid behind Ling Yun.

The Gu corpse Maple Leaf Tianzun's punch came quickly, he collided with Ling Yun's power, the sky boomed, and after being bright, the sky slowly darkened.

"It's fun!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth smiled, and there was a hint of anger in his evil eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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