Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1066 Nightmare 1

Chapter 1066 Nightmare 1 (Second)

Ling Yun was indifferent, no one knew what he was thinking.

Xi Shenzun hurriedly said, "Emperor Nanwu, this matter must be handled according to the rules!"

When Dong Shenzun was in a dilemma, he also understood the reason why one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Nan Shenzun put on a dark face and said, "Now the God Lord is the Great God Lord, if you want to change it, you can change it, what majesty is there in the God Realm!"

Bei Shenzun is also on Ling Yun's side, he said: "Calm down, don't get angry."

The generals of the God Realm, Tianzun, they were all left behind, and all the others were temporarily expelled from the Shenfeng Peak by Ling Yun, and were not allowed to enter.

Nan Wutian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and then he smiled: "Hahaha, you have forgotten the battle of the gods back then, you are ungrateful, without this emperor, how can your god world be prosperous!"

Bei Shenzun said: "That's not what I said."

"Emperor Nanwu has contributed a lot, but Taishen has also achieved a lot, and the demons will change his face when talking about it." Nan Shenzun said.

Xi Shenzun said: "Emperor Nanwu just came back, let's go and rest first."

These words angered Nan Wutian, he severely injured Xi Shenzun with one punch, the power of the demigod was so terrifying.

Everyone was caught off guard, Ling Yun could block it, but he didn't intend to do so, he didn't know what Nan Wutian was going to do.

"Hmph, let me teach you a lesson first, don't think about what you are, the emperor will come again, I hope you don't make such faces next time."

"Emperor Nanwu, you have passed!!" Dong Shenzun frowned, the former Nan Wutian shouldn't be so crazy, he didn't die in the battle of the gods, it's really incredible, he has the capital of madness.

Nan Wutian dismissively said: "What can you do to me? The emperor is here, how dare you be presumptuous?"

Dong Shenzun stopped Meng Luo Tianzun who was a bit grumpy, and Nan Shenzun stopped Zhennan General Ye Guhong. They all knew that internal fighting was meaningless.

They also know that Nan Wutian is not what he used to be today, he is no longer what he used to be, and his aura alone is enough to deter others.

"Remember, the emperor will come again!"

Nan Wutian left these cruel words and disappeared.

In a moment!
Dong Shenzun frowned, and said to Ling Yun, "Dijun, should we recruit him?"

Bei Shenzun's face is ugly, please ask for safety?No, he refused even faster than Ling Yun.


Zhong Shenzun said: "The old man also disagrees, he is already ambitious."

Zhennan General Ye Guhong said: "If you want to fight, fight, if you want to talk, talk, I will never be a counselor."

Dong Shenzun sighed: "Don't recruit? It always feels wrong."

"You have to be willing to recruit him!" Bai Shenzun muttered.

Fa Cai Shenzun checked Xi Shenzun's injury, clenched his fists angrily, and remained silent.

What you say makes sense, you can only take one step at a time.

Ling Yun opened his mouth and replied: "This emperor will pay attention to it, and you should also be careful. He will not be too exaggerated when he says that he was also a person from the God Realm."


Everyone nodded and agreed with Ling Yun's words.

"Hey, I don't know how he is alive. What happened in the battle of the gods? His strength is still so strong." Wuliang Tianzun murmured.

Although Ling Yun was discussing with the gods, he fell into memory.

The ancient Pluto back then, Ling Yun wished for death with all his heart, and only hoped that there would be someone who could kill him. Emperor Tian paid off, he met hope!

That was Nan Wutian who was born in the God Realm. This person was the proud son of the heavens when he was born, with colorful auspicious clouds appearing, and five divine lights shining on the holy land.

And Nan Wutian possesses the spiritual roots of the five elements, is endowed with extraordinary talents, and has the highest level of martial spirit in his body. The only shortcoming is that he has a somewhat violent personality, which has been taught badly since he was a child.

Ling Yun turned into an old man, and taught Nan Wutian the strongest dragon magic skill when he was six years old, and gave him the greatest help, hoping that Nan Wutian could grow up.

Nan Wutian is an ambitious man, he is cold-blooded and ruthless, maybe it is Ling Yun's voluntary, the incarnation of his master died in the hands of Nan Wutian, the latter poisoned, bullying the master and destroying the ancestors, he is really a hypocrite.

Almost all his achievements were bestowed by Ling Yun.

Ling Yun is also very relieved that such a person is qualified to fight against him, he is ruthless and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

Nan Wutian, who became the God Lord, finally couldn't understand the actions of Hades, and wanted to end the legend of Hades, conquer the twelve domains, and start the battle of the gods.

After Ling Yun recalled it, the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile. If Nan Wutian died again, he wouldn't mind letting him get the box lunch completely, no matter why he didn't die in the first place but fled into the turbulent space.

After Nan Wutian returned to the Holy Land, he was in a very happy mood. His father and relatives were still there, and he burst into tears.

After the Nanwu family found out that it was him who came back, they were shocked and surprised at the same time.


When he heard the name Pluto, his body couldn't stop shaking, his face was shocked and surprised.

In his memory, the ancient Pluto who was beaten into the space-time rift by him didn't die, and even came out earlier than him.

He also told his clansmen, don't mess with Pluto if you mess with anyone.

Nan Wutian made a very correct choice, letting go of the underworld, and he will not touch anything about Hades, even though he is already a demigod.

The whole Nanwu family celebrates together, but Nanwutian has no energy. He hasn't closed his eyes for a long time, and he can't remember the years.

Every day he was crawling in the turbulent flow of space, and his desire to survive made him have to work hard to go on.

He returned to the yard arranged for him by his second uncle Nan Wuwentian, and had a good night's sleep!
In a dream!

He dreamed back to the battle of the gods back then, his whole body was dripping with sweat, what a nightmare!
It was a world of ice and snow outside the underworld, and Ling Yun's ultimate move, Ice Age, ended the entire battlefield!

And Nan Wutian got angry and took out his hole card!

That mysterious Jade Jane!

From the moment the jade slip was opened, the sky was different. It was a summoning technique, the jade slip that could summon the consciousness of the universe.

Nan Wutian believed that the way of heaven in the underworld was unfair, so he allowed Pluto to do evil, and he had planned everything before he came here.

Once the situation is not right, he will use the jade slips to let the consciousness of the universe destroy Pluto.

A terrifying power descended from the heaven and earth, making it difficult for Nan Wutian to breathe, but the corners of Ling Yun's mouth kept smiling, he thought it was something, but it turned out... Ha ha!
The strongest will of the universe is here!

Nan Wutian laughed out loud, with an attitude of winning.


After the will of the universe saw Ling Yun's face, it trembled, not daring to move, and felt an inexplicable intimacy with Ling Yun.

This idiot Nan Wutian is still laughing wildly!

Ling Yun glared at the will of the universe, the latter is a cloud, it is still hiding in other clouds, and occasionally pokes out a little white cloud out of curiosity.

Nan Wutian's laughter stopped abruptly, he couldn't figure it out, but Ling Yun's words made him use all his trump cards, his eyes were full of ferociousness!
Ling Yun shook his head, taking advantage of the will of the universe, he gave Nan Wutian the most powerful power, reaching the temporary strongest true god!

Nan Wutian also laughed at Ling Yun for being a fool, the will of the universe slammed the former a few times, and the latter was even more embarrassing, he is the strongest at the moment!

(End of this chapter)

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