Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1067 Nightmare 2

Chapter 1067 Nightmare 2 (Third)

It was all arranged by Ling Yun!

Nan Wutian like this is enough to see!

This battle turned the world into a mess, and Nan Wutian used the Dragon God Art to transform into a giant dragon in the sky and shuttle through the star sea near the underworld.

The terrifying destructive power is several times stronger than that of the ancient evil dragon!
Ling Yun laughed loudly and decided to fight for life and death, hoping that Nan Wutian would not let him down, but he is a real dragon.

Nan Wutian was in a hurry, saying it was impossible, how could Pluto be a dragon, and the body that Ling Yun appeared was indeed a real dragon, with a real dragon body, he was the same as the ancient evil dragon, and he was considered a dragon clan! !

If there is a dragon at this moment, he will definitely bow his head and surrender, see Dragon God!

The double dragon battle, the blood stained the star sea, and the red makeup of thousands of miles, unfortunately, it was all the blood of Nan Wutian. After Ling Yun's huge dragon body tortured Nan Wutian, the power of the latter's true god was destroyed!
When Ling Yun turned into a human body, Ye Lingyun reappeared, and Nan Wutian was stunned for a moment, suspecting that he was hallucinating.

Was he beaten out of his mind?Or is the Pluto in front of him delirious?Nan Wutian's eyes were stunned!

There was a brief confrontation between Ling Yun and Ye Lingyun. Ling Yun, stimulated by the latter's words, dominated the body, and the tyrannical and inhuman power instantly disintegrated the star sea. During the confrontation, Nan Wutian was smashed into the void by his palm!
And Nan Wutian also saw Ling Yun falling, and in the space-time rift, he felt a sense of excitement that even though death is a glory.

However, the time Ye Lingyun desperately bought tampered with Ling Yun's memory. The latter's memory was that he beat Nan Wutian to pieces with his own hands.

The will of the universe witnessed the whole process, and finally slipped away trembling!

Ling Yun dragged his tired body back through the black hole, and he returned to the Abyss of Nine Nethers to sleep until he was disturbed by the gods.

Holy Land!
Nan Wutian woke up from the nightmare, his face full of fear.

He went crazy and shouted: "This emperor hates...death!"

The power erupting from his body instantly razed the courtyard to the ground, and the Holy Land was in turmoil!

The entire Holy Land is filled with his terrifying voice, Jie Jie Jie Jie...

Under Ling Yun's spiritual consciousness, he knew what Nan Wutian was doing. The latter appeared unexpectedly, and his plan had to be arranged. The identity of Pluto would eventually surface, and the God Realm would not belong to him, and he couldn't stay any longer!
So he doesn't plan to do the restoration work of the shrine, it doesn't make any sense.

Ling Yun doesn't want to go to either the God Realm or the Underworld. In a short period of time, his plan is to open up a small space enchantment with his family. It's just ordinary.

When Ling Yun returned to the shrine, the little ones also came back, and they were very happy, laughing and laughing all the time.

"Papa, I have a shop."

"Great!" Ling Yun smiled, the kind who was absent-minded!


"What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked curiously.

"Give me Wangzai."

"This is what children drink, don't sell it, it's so expensive."

Ling Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead, and was speechless. This is the product of the phoenix working hard in the space, how can it be sold?
The little guy pursed his lips, ignored Ling Yun, a little angry, and rode a crane around the shrine by himself.

Beibei is looking for Qin Xianglian, only Long Yanran and little Ailin are practicing alchemy.

After much deliberation, Ling Yun decided to inform Xin Zhao. When he went to Aquamarine, Xin Zhao was still practicing in seclusion. He only told Long Jiani.

"Jiani, after your brother leaves the customs, you must make him be careful of Nan Wutian. You are no match for this man. Avoid him as much as you can."

"Nan Wutian? Isn't it the last generation of God Lord? Wasn't he killed by you in the battle of the gods?" Long Jiani was full of doubts, and her beautiful eyes blinked.

"I don't know the specifics. Anyway, he came back alive, so I don't know what he will do." Ling Yun was just worried about them. Nan Wutian is a demigod, so it's best not to mess with him!

According to Ling Yun's guess, Nan Wutian should not mess around, his status as the king of the underworld cannot be offended, and Xin Zhao is a friend of the king of the underworld in the twelve domains!
Nan Wutian wouldn't be so brainless, choose to die again, the battle of the gods has failed, what hole card does he use to fight Pluto?
"I see. Recently, I will make the people in the church less go out to do errands." Long Jiani nodded, she trusted Ling Yun the most.

"Ji Wushuang and Zhen Wudao are at war, you all belong to the same star field, don't leave Bi Shui Xing!"

"Who will win?"

"I really don't know." Ling Yun shook his head: "Crush this communication talisman if something happens, and I will sense it as soon as possible."

Long Jiani did not refuse, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Yeah!"

Ling Yun suddenly slipped back to the underworld in fright!

The little guy rode the crane around several times, muttering: "Papa still don't call me?"


"Xianhe, tell me, does Papa love me?"

Crane shook his head...


The little guy immediately punched the crane's head out of a big bag!
Immediately Xianhe nodded, and the little guy just laughed.

"Sissy, what are you doing?"

Ling Yun didn't wait until An Qing and Empress Hanyue came back.


The little guy smiled happily!
"Why did you run out alone? It's so dangerous." An Qing asked strangely, "Where's your father?"

"Papa? I don't know!" The little guy sensed and found that Ling Yun was not in the shrine!
"Let's go back quickly."

"No, no, Papa will call me."

"He may have something to do and he won't be back until late."

"Hmph..." The little guy pursed his mouth angrily, and gave An Qing a white look.

An Qing has nothing to do with her, so she can only go back to find Beibei by herself, and see what the latter can do.

"Babe! Babe! Babe!!"

"I'm here!"

"Hurry up and lure your sister back, I'll make milk powder for you later!"

"Wow, good."

Beibei's eyes were round and round, and she wondered in her heart why her Aunt An has changed a bit?Is there such a good thing?
who knows!
When she went to find the little guy, she realized that she couldn't be fooled, and she even played with him, just graffiti on the places restored by the shrine!

An Qing waited and waited but couldn't wait for the little guy, and Ling Yun didn't know where she went, so she was anxious!

"Hanyue, the shrine is not safe, the emperor is not here, I have two relatives here, I am not at ease."

Empress Hanyue said: "The empress can arrange for them to go to Shenfeng. Shenfeng is much safer than here."

"Shenfeng? Are there other places besides Shenfeng?" An Qing shook her head, she didn't like Shenfeng very much.

"Why don't you consider going to the lower realm, it's safe not to cause trouble." Empress Hanyue said.


An Qing frowned slightly, the safety of Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian was very important, so she pondered for a long time before making a decision!
She asked Long Xingtian and his wife to temporarily live in Yuexia Cultivation Academy, and let Empress Linglong and the others protect her, while she was going to Yaozu!

Not surprisingly!

There has been no news from Qianye for a long time, something must have happened, Ling Yun can ignore Qianye's life or death, but she can't, multiple people work together.

Besides, everything she has is given by Ling Yun. In the future, she has to work hard on her own cultivation, not to hold Ling Yun back, and strive to be a true, kind and beautiful empress, and not to grow up under Ling Yun's umbrella.

(End of this chapter)

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