Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1069 Suspected

Chapter 1069 Suspected (Second)
Holy Land!

As soon as Ling Yun appeared, everyone focused on him!
All the families of the Holy Land are gathered here, the Shangguan family, the Murong family, the Qinghe Mo family, the Beishang Zhizun family, and the Gongsun family!

"Surround him!"

Everyone glared at Ling Yun, and said a lot of nagging, the latter frowned, what's the matter?
Dong Shenzun is also at a loss, can the holy spring be seen?

"Calm down, everyone, what are you doing? Who will tell me, where is the stuff in the holy spring? Why are you here?"

Dong Shenzun's face was ugly, he thought that an enemy broke into the holy land, causing the holy spring to change, he was so anxious that he was about to die, even the thunder cloud formation, the most powerful formation in ancient times, was activated.

The Thunder Cloud Formation exists to protect the holy spring. For tens of thousands of years, how many invaders have been resisted have been strangled without exception.

"Boss Dong, things from the holy spring have been stolen." Shangguan Yun's tone was filled with anger.

"It was really stolen? Did you catch anyone?" Dong Shenzun's face was pale, and his heart showed shock.

"Human? Isn't he right in front of you?" The ancestor of the Mo family stared at Ling Yun coldly!

"That's him!" Supreme Jade also had the same expression!

Zhizunyu is the ancestor of the Beishang Zhizun clan. Outsiders may only be in his 20s, but he is an old monster like Ling Yun.

Murong Chong said: "Don't look at me, I don't know anything."

Patriarch Murong is a gray-haired old man, whose real name is Murong Taishan!

He said: "Guard Dong, Emperor Nanwu said that the things of the holy spring have long been taken by the Supreme God. Do you know about this?"

Ling Yun: "..."

Shangguan Patriarch said: "Isn't the Supreme God going to say a few words?"

The Eastern God Lord was shocked!

Ling Yun frowned, staring at the holy spring, Nan Wutian actually said that he took it?But he didn't take it, what exactly is it?
Zhendian beads?Nope...

After much deliberation, Ling Yun had a headache!

The patriarch of the Gongsun clan plucked a few beards, and said, "This matter is too important. Please think twice, please take it back intact!"

Dong Shenzun also stared at Ling Yun, but he knelt down: "Dijun, if you really took it, please return it!"

Ling Yun said in a deep voice: "Old boy, don't you believe in me?"


Dong Shenzun was speechless!

Ling Yun walked to the holy spring, there was only a pool of water inside, and he didn't see anything special about it.

Shangguan Yun said: "Great God, all the families in the Holy Land respect you as the God Lord, but you take yourself too seriously."

"You take it, you take it, you admit it, and we don't plan to pursue it, as long as you return it!" said the ancestor of the Gongsun clan.

Zhi Zunyu frowned and said, "Is it true that this seat has been in seclusion for too long, and an emperor from the God Realm dares to break into the holy land and steal the treasures in the holy spring?"

Murong Taishan said in a deep voice: "At this moment, if the Supreme God doesn't give an explanation, don't leave the Holy Land!"

All his momentum was released, the surrounding woods roared with strong winds, and there was a loud explosion in the sky!

"Taishan is right!" Patriarch Shangguan stared at Ling Yun coldly, and he would stare at Ling Yun's every move.

Dong Shenzun stood up and said in a good voice: "Speak up if you have something to say, we can't just listen to Emperor Nanwu's side."

Murong Chong admired Ling Yun very much, so he also said at this moment: "That's right, calm down!"

"Xiao Chong!! What did you say!" Murong Taishan was displeased.

Murong was shocked, pursed his lips, and muttered to himself!

"Do you believe what Nan Wutian said? The emperor said he didn't take it?" Ling Yun smiled, and a gleam flashed under his eyes.

"People in the God Realm, who can be as powerful as the Supreme God?" Shangguan Yun said!
Ling Yun chuckled and said: "This emperor likes to hear that, but? This doesn't explain anything. I don't even know what kind of ghost this pool of water is."

"As soon as Emperor Nanwu said, our major families immediately took out tokens to open the thunder cloud formation, and the things in the holy spring were indeed gone!!" said the ancestor of the Gongsun clan.

"Do you also have Mu Nanba's token?" Dong Shenzun's eyes widened, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

"His? Here I am!" Nan Wuwentian said only now, shaking the two blue tokens in his hand!
"Why is it in your hands?" Dong Shenzun asked again, this token is the order of the Patriarch of the Holy Land Family!

"You don't need to know the details, it's in my hands anyway!" Nan Wuwentian shook his head and said, this is his and Mu Batian's secret, there is no need to tell Dong Shenzun!

Ling Yun said: "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Thief..." Patriarch Shangguan was furious, Ling Yun still didn't admit it at this time?He has a temper!
"Huh?" Ling Yun looked back suddenly, those eyes were so terrifying that the ancestor Shangguan didn't dare to speak out!

"You want to know, why don't you ask Nan Wutian?" Ling Yun said in a deep voice, thinking he has a good temper?If it weren't for the fact that they are all from the God Realm and being used by Nan Wutian, he would have been wiped out with one hand!

"Do it!" Murong Taishan waved his hand, and Shangguan Yun and Murong Chong were ejected!
Dong Shenzun felt something was wrong, the aura around him?Is this sleepy?

What is the Holy Land doing?
"Seniors!!" Dong Shenzun hurriedly said, but it was too late!

As soon as the golden light of the formation came out, the holy spring was blocked, and the thunder cloud formation was opened again, and there were countless formations outside, all of which were ancient formations!
"Are you courting death?" Ling Yun frowned gradually!

"Emperor, don't do anything!" Dong Shenzun stopped Ling Yun. The latter got angry and hurt both sides. What's the point for the God Realm?
"Shangguan Yun, go to the shrine and find the sacred objects in the holy spring!" said the ancestor of the Gongsun clan.

same time!
Shangguan Yun nodded outside and said, "Yes!"

Murong Taishan also said: "Xiao Chong, bring more people and surround the shrine, the shrine dare to stop it? Kill without pardon!!"

Murong Chong shivered, this is an order, he must obey, but he also has to persuade: "Old Ancestor, is it necessary? Let's wait."

"You are not as good as your elder brother!! Get out, tell your elder brother to do it!" Murong Taishan was furious, the sacred object is too important, they will do whatever it takes!
Ling Yun clenched his fists!


A momentum erupted from his body, and Dong Shenzun spurted blood and flew backwards!

Ling Yun turned his head and walked towards the representatives of the Holy Land step by step, the air under his feet was crushed by him!
Dong Shenzun wiped the blood from his mouth, immediately got up to stop Ling Yun, and shouted: "Emperor, please calm down, the holy things are too important for them to do this!"

Murong Taishan kept his distance from Ling Yun, frowning tightly!
"Let them search, the clearer will clear himself!" Dong Shenzun did not give up, holding Ling Yun's heels firmly!
The patriarch of the Gongsun clan said: "We have no choice but to do this, so please don't get angry!"

Zhizunyu sneered and said, "It means that you are not suspected, so we will let you out!"

Ling Yun widened his eyes!

Deceiving too much! !
(End of this chapter)

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